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Newcastle City Council Minutes ...........................................................................................................................
NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL Plumber licenses as read. MOTION CARRIED. Session in January of each year prior to the fiscal
CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MASTER PLUMBER LICENSE (ONLY) Ed year budget process. A meeting was scheduled
MINUTES Porter; Linda Hunt moved and Roger Hespe sec- for January 11, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2015 onded to approve the Master Plumber License City Attorney Jim Peck - 1. Attorney Peck
(only) license as read. MOTION ORDINANCE NO. 13, SERIES 2015 AN
Mayor James called the regular meeting of ELECTRICAL• LICENSE: Homestead ORDINANCE AMENDING THE DISTRICT
Monday, December 7, 2015 to order at 7:00 p.m. Works Electrical, Howard D. Bogue, Master ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NEWCASTLE,
In attendance were: Don Steveson, Linda Hunt, Electrician; ProElectric, Inc., Curtis E, Juby, WESTON COUNTY, WYOMING; AND
Greg James, Steve Ladwig, Roger Hespe, and Master Electrician, Kade Schuenberner, Brad PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Linda
Todd Quigley. Absent: Kara Sweet• Also present Dow, Charlie Smith, Journeyman Electricians, Hunt moved and Don Steveson seconded to
Department Heads: City Clerk/Treasurer Brunner, Treavor O'Dowd, Dalton Shanks, Apprentice approve ORDINANCE NO. 13, SERIES 2015
Police Chief Owens, Engineer Hartley and City Electricians; John's Electric, John Keller, Master as presented on second reading. MOTION
Attorney Peck. Electrician, Ricky Ray Phillips, Journeyman CARRIED.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Linda Hunt Electrician, Ryan Youronich, Bradley Boylan, City Engineer Robert Hartley- 1. Related that
moved and Don Steveson seconded to approve Apprentice Electricians; Arrow Electric, Inc., Tina Sundstrom, Building, Inspector, has worked
the Agenda for Monday, December 7, 2015• Richard Andrews, Master Electrician, Zachory for the City for one year effective December 1,
MOTION CARRIED. Heidelbauer, Journeyman Electrician; Mining 2015. He recommended changing her status
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Linda Hunt Electrical Services., LLC, Ronald E. Jacobson, to permanent with a $.50/hour raise. MOTION
moved and Steve Ladwig seconded to approve Master Electrician, Brian Ehrhard, Christopher CARRIED. 2. He stated that the work on the
the Minutes for the November 16, 2015 Regular Schupick, Journeyman Electricians, Chad Siroky, culvert on Morrissey County Rd has been corn-
Meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Matthew Sington, Matthew Corson, Matthew pleted; the sidewalk on Wolcott is finished and
NOMINATIONS FOR RECOGNITION: None• Cudmore, Apprentice Electricians; H&H Electric, that project is complete; 3. Wednesday of this
CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION: Mayor David J. Hill, Christopher David Hill, Curtis J. week he will be in Cheyenne with the Wyoming
James gave a Certificate of Recognition to the Maxwell, Master Electricians, Ryan Marshall, Business Council meeting on the bike path grant.
Weston County Concert Association for their Robert Parrish, Jason Gray, Broady Read, He will then stay in Cheyenne until Thursday
many years of providing concerts to the Weston Apprentice Electricians; 21 Electric, Joshua to attend the State Land and Investment Board
County community. Liggett, Master Electrician, John Zimmerschied, meeting regarding that grant.
CITIIZEN'S BUSINESS - IN WRITING: 1• Brandon Bertsch, Journeyman Electricians, STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT: the
Mayor James read the Plumbing and Electrical Dalton McVay, Rod Long, Apprentice Electricians; Buildings and Grounds Committee (Land
Licenses for approval for the calendar year Tucker Electric, Inc., Loren Tucker, Shawn Tucker, Committee) discussed the sale price for the lots
2016 as follows: (all fees have been paid and Master Electricians, Jesse Bryant, Adam Law, in the Washington Park Addition. They recom-
proof of insurance and bond have been pro- Journeyman Electricians, Robert Bullock, Dyllon mended setting a price of $40,000 per lot with
vided), PLUMBING CONTRACTOR LICENSES Wilson, Apprentice Electricians. Steve Ladwig a deed restriction that only residential homes
- Powder River Heating and Air Conditioning, moved and Don Steveson seconded to approve can be built on those tots. Linda Hunt moved
Jaye Drake, Master Plumber; Anderson Plumbing the Electrical Licenses as read. MOTIONand Steve Ladwig seconded to approve set-
& Contracting, Clay Anderson, Master Plumber, CARRIED. ting that sale price on the lots the City owns.
Donald Swackhammer, Jonathan Hopkins, CITIZEN'S BUSINESS - VERBAL - 1. Bruce Advertisement of the lots for sale will be done for
Bryan Olson and Tim Smith, ApprenticePerkins, of Perkins Tavern, appeared before three weeks in the local newspaper. Any bids
Plumbers; Wolff's Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Council to request extending operating hours for will be opened at the City Council meeting on
Scott Hartman, Master Plumber; Black Hills liquor license holders beginning at midnight on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at the City's regular
Plumbing & Heating, John Patik, Jr., Master December 31, 2015 through midnight on January meeting. MOTION CARRIED.
Plumber, Aaron Napolitano, John Patik, III, 1, 2016. Linda Hunt moved and Roger Hespe At 7:30 p.m. Mayor James moved the meet-
Journeyman Plumbers, Chris Gray, Mikeseconded to approve the request. MOTION~ ing into a public hearing for the abandonment
Buffington, Dwayne Bridges and Henry Study, CARRIED of part of Deanne Avenue. Attorney Peck
Apprentice Plumbers; Miller Mechanical, LLC, DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: read RESOLUTION NO. 15, SERIES 2015 A
Leonard V. Miller, Master Plumber, Bernard Police Chief Jim Owens - 1. Chief Owens RESOLUTION TO ABANDON AND VACATE A
Chado, Jayme Brigham, Brandon Anderson, and reported on the monthly calls for service - PORTION OF DEANNE AVENUE LYING SOUTH
Todd Begoon, Journeyman Plumbers; Nathaniel November 2015 (328 calls); YTD 2015 (4705); OF U.S. HIGHWAY 16 (WASHINGTON BLVD.)
Demas, Apprentice Plumber; S&S Builders, 2. The police department received a check in LOCATED IN THE CITY OF NEWCASTLE,
Corby Shields, Master Plumber; Water Works, the amount of $525.00 for a 1/3 share of a drug WESTON COUNTY, WYOMING. Mayor James
Plumbing, Inc. Jeffrey Daniels, Master Plumber, confiscation arrest made by Corporat Hillhouse reviewed the details of the abandonment. He
Derrick Williamson, Journeyman Plumber, Jon a year ago; 3. From the police department point asked twice for public comment in favor or
Peldo, Apprentice Plumber. Roger Hespe of view the parade of lights went very well; 4. against the abandonment. One gentleman in the
moved and Linda Hunt seconded to approve the The first part of the new E911 system is installed audience asked for clarification of the location of
Plumbing Licenses as read, MOTION CARRIED. and dispatch says that it seems to be working the street in question. Roger Hespe moved and
LIMITED PLUMBER LICENSES: SourceGas, very well regarding pinpointing of location. The Linda Hunt seconded to approve RESOLUTION
LLC, Donny Munger, Limited Plumber (gas pip- accuracy of location is very good. 3• The chief NO. 15, SERIES 2015 as read. MOTION
ing); James Curren, Mark Christiansen, Limited requested a conditional offer of employment to CARRIED.
Apprentice Plumber; Black Cat Construction, Lance Tyler Riebel as a police officer with a start- Following the abandonment hearing, Mayor
Jeff Sorch, Limited Plumber (water/sewer line ing date of Jan. 4, 2016 at $18.67/hr. dependent James moved the meeting to open bids for City
within 5 ft. of bldg.).; Wayne Anderson Plumbing, upon physical, psychological and background "surplus" equipment that had been advertised for
Wayne Anderson, Limited Plumber (gas pip- check. MOTION CARRIED. sealed bids. Bids were: 1). Crown Victoria VIN
ing); Andrew C• Wolfe dba Andy's Service Co•, City Clerk/Treasurer- 1. Reported that she 276 Bob Martins $381.01" Crown Vic VIN 277,
Andrew C. Wolfe, Limited Plumber, David A. has received the audit engagement letter from Riley Corfman $52.10; 2005 Ford Crown Vic VIN
Wolfe, Limited Apprentice Plumber (water/sewer Crowell & Sylte CPA for the FY 2014-15 audit ending in 276, $432.11, Riley Corfman; Crown
line within 5 ft. of bldg.).; Culligan Soft Water which is in progress. She also related that she Vic 277, Randy Dixon, $391.21; 2005 Crown Vic
of Hot Springs, Inc., Richard D• Olstad, Limited has scheduled with Mark Sylte to "present" the VIN ending in 277, Hespe Auto, $601.50; Crown
Plumber (soft water service); Linda Hunt FY 2014-15 audit to the City Council at a pre- Vic 277, James Curren, $251.00; Crown Vic 276,
moved and Steve Ladwig seconded to approve meeting presentation on December 21, 2015 at $251.00, James Curren, Crown Vic, 277, Bryan
the Limited Plumber licenses as read. MOTION 6:15 p.m.; 2. She read the LGLP ballot to the Colvard, $300.00; Bryan Colvard, Crown Vic 276,
CARRIED. LIMITED MECHANICAL PLUMBER: Council for their vote on the nominees for the $150.00; Scott Lindstrom, $400 for both 2005
Always There Heating & Cooling, Timothy Almy, LGLP Board beginning January 1, 2016. Roger Ford Crown Vics or $200 for either one; Crown
Limited Mechanical License; Comfort Systems Hespe moved and Don Steveson seconded to Vic 277, Gary Newman, $440.00; Crown Vic 276,
Heating & Cooling, Inc. Carey Wendling, Limited cast the City's vote for two Municipal nominees - Gary Newman, $360.00; 1985 Ford Utility Pickup,
Mechanical Plumber (gas piping); Precision Mayor Greg James, Newcastle and Mayor Kelly $351.00, Donny Munger; 1985 Ford Pickup,
Mechanical, Steve Van Dam, Limited Mechanical Krakow of Albin, as well as Special District nomi- Everett Dean $275.00; 1983 Ford water truck,
Plumber; Roger Hespe moved and Steve Ladwig nee Don Richards of Shosone Municipal Pipeline. $1501.99, Croell Redi-Mix; 1983 water truck,
seconded to approve the Limited Mechanical MOTION CARRIED. Mayor James requested Gary Newman, $683.00; Haybuster grinder, Bob
that Council President Todd Quigley complete Martins, advertisement was pulled so no bid was
the ballot on behalf of the City. 3. She referred accepted. Roger Hespe abstained from vot-
Council members to the December 1, 2015 report ing and discussion since his brother was high
Probate Notice ................. from the Weston County Children's Center which bidder on the 277 Crown Vic. Don Steveson
is one of the City's annually approved "service moved and Todd Quigley seconded to sell each
IN THE DISTRICT COURT providers"• 4• She reminded Council that they of the vehicles to the highest bidder. MOTION
SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT normally schedule an annual Strategic Planning CARRIED.
STATE OF WYOMING, Mayor James commented that the City was
COUNTY OF WESTON unable to give annual pay raises for the FY 2015-
16 in the annual budget due to the depressed
FOUR CORNERS PETROLEUM, LLC, Utility Notice ................... economy. He said that not since 2012 has the
a Delaware Limited Liability Company, City given the employees a "one time" salary
Plaintiff, PUBLIC NOTICE adjustment when an annual raise was not given
first. Mayor James suggested giving all full-time
vs. staff a $250 "one time salary adjustment" and a
$125 "one time salary adjustment to all "perma-
THE ESTATE OF HARRY STEPHENS, nent" part time employees. Roger Hespe moved
DECEASED (AND ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN and Linda Hunt seconded a motion to approve
HEIRS), THE ESTATE OF MARGARET SHAW, the request as presented and to process the pay-
HEIRS), The Estate OF HARRY HITZEL, At 7:55 Mayor James asked for a motion to
DECEASED AND HIS PRESUMPTIVE go into Executive Session regarding a possible
HEIRS HELEN MARSH, ROXANN PAPPAS land sale. Roger Hespe moved and Linda Hunt
AND THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH M. HITZEL, seconded to go into Executive Session. MOTION
DOUGLAS HITZEL, KIMBERLY EARL AND Don Steveson seconded to return to regular ses-
UNKNOWN HEIRS OF EITHER JOSEPH Linda Hunt moved and Don Steveson sec-
HITZEL AND HARRY HITZEL), THE ESTATE onded to pay claims dated December 7, 2015.
AND ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS), AND THE Linda Hunt moved and Don Steveson second-
Civil No. CV-1634
You are hereby notified that on the 14TH
day of September, 2015, FOUR CORNERS
PETROLEUM, LLC, filed with the above named
Court, its complaint by which it seeks to have the
identified Court grant relief as it deems just and
You are further notified that unless you
answer Plaintiff's Complaint on or before thirty
(30) days after the last day of publication of this
Notice, the allegations of said Complaint will
be taken as true and default judgment will be
rendered against you for the relief demanded in
such Complaint.
DATED, this 3rd day of December, 2015.
Clerk of the District Court
Thomas F. Reese, W.S.B. # 5-1940
Will Reese, W.S.B. # 7-4898
P.O. Box 10700
Casper, Wyoming 82602
(307) 265-0700
The Wyoming Public Service Commission
(Commission) has authorized SourceGas
Distribution LLC (SourceGas) to pass on to
its Pass-On Rate [Regulated Rate] customers
in the Gillette Division a decrease of $0.0776
per therm, effective December 1, 2015. The
proposed decrease is attributed to a projected
wholesale commodity cost decrease of $0.0416
per therm and a decrease of $0.0360 per therm
in the Commodity Balancing Account (CBA)
surcharge. The Company estimates that this
Application will decrease revenues by approxi-
mately $191,104 for the period December 2015
through February 2016. This approval is subject
to notice, protest, investigation, opportunity for
hearing, change, refund and such other orders as
the Commission may deem appropriate.
The average Pass-On Rate [Regulated Rate]
residential customer in the Gillette Division using
an average of 127 therms per month, for the peri-
od of December 2015 through February 2016,
may expect a monthly gas bill decrease, before
taxes, of approximately $9.85, or about 13.05%.
Actual bills will vary with usage.
Sections 249 and 250 of the Commission's
Rules allow a utility to pass on to its customers
known or prospective wholesale commodity cost
increases or decreases, subject to public notice,
opportunity for hearing and refund.
SourceGas' Application is available for
inspection by any interested person during regu-
lar business hours at the Commission's offices in
Cheyenne and in the Company's office in Gillette,
Anyone who wants to file an intervention
petition, request for a hearing, or a statement,
protest, or public comment in this matter must
file in writing with the Commission on or before
January 14, 2016. Please mention Docket
No. 30022-258-GP-15 when you call or write.
Intervention petitions and requests for a hearing
must state the position and interest of the person
so filing.
If you wish to intervene in this matter or
request a public hearing that you will attend, or
want to make a statement, a protest or a public
comment, and you require reasonable accom-
modation for a disability, please contact the
Commission at (307) 777-7427, or write to the
Commission at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300,
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make arrange-
ments. Communications impaired persons may
also contact the Commission by accessing
Wyoming Relay at 711.
Dated: December 14, 2015.
ed to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. MOTION
CLAIMS: Alpha Communications, tower rent,
$95.00; American Red Cross, CPR/AED training,
$46.00; Anderson Plumbing, fix toilets/City Hall,
$141.00; AT&T Mobility, cell phones, $835.42;
• Bearlodge Engineering, replat Washington
Park Addn., $1180.00; BH Power, electricity,
$10,238.97; BCBS of WY, employee health insur-
ance premium, $35967.94; CenturyLink, E911
phone line, $996.95; Donkey Creek Construction,
curbs/sidewalks, $12,270.00;; ;Energy Labs,
water tests, $60.00; Farnsworth Services, work
on Morrissey Rd., $9161.00; First State Bank
Insurance, E&O, notary policies, $200.00;
Fisher Sand & Gravel, crushed gabian, 1016.40;
Gavin Holmes, reimbursed court fine, $126.00;
Graphic Designs, embroider coat, $26.50; John
Jump Trucking, grinding, $9200.00; Karen's
Cars, seat repair, $150.00; Minuteman Lube,
oil change, $77.18; Newcastle PD, petty cash,
$66.42; Newsletter Journal, publishing, supplies,
$2197.41; One Call of WY, locate tickets, $28.50;
Powder River Energy, electricity, $964.02; Projex,
computer support, $2074.07; Rapid Delivery,
delivery charges, $80.51; Regional Health, rabies
shots, $297.00; RT Communications, $328.42;
RT Communications, telephone, $2583.73;
Sacrison Paving, paving/leveling, $59,316.70;
SourceGas, natural gas, $707.15; TOP Office, PD
copy charge, $127.59; Truenorth Steel, fabrica-
tions, $2400.00; Valli Info, credit card support,
$150.00; Voelkers, tires/flat repairs, $1968.49;
WCS Telecom, lid tele, $158.26; Wesco Gas,
propane, $585.20; Weston Co. Health, employee
testing, $275.00; Weston Co. Public Health, flu
shots, $81.00; Weston Co. Treasurer, tax han-
dling, LEC share, $1067.01; Weston Co• Clerk,
title, $15.00; Weston Co. Humane, food fee,
$6.00; Weston Co. School District #1, recreation
director share, $2469.38; WY Assn Rural Water,
voting membership, $425.00; WY Dept of Trans,
license plate, $5.00; SUPPLIES: Blue Tarp
Financial, $5415.37; Butler Machinery, $3985.74;
Cambria Supply, $1184.06;City of Newcastle, WA/
SW/GA, $545.05; Collins Communication, replace
surveillance cameras, $2652.00; Croell Redi-Mix,
$7205.50; Dale's Tire, $2079.95; Dana Kepner,
$1275.00; Double D Obsolete Parts, $593.31;
Frontier Ranch, $448.96; Galls, $125.14; Gateway
Auto, $34.89; Grafix Shoppe, $742.95;'Grainger,
$334.93; Hansen Equip., $12.00; Hillyard,
$92.77; Integrated Weed Control, $830.00;
Law Enforcement Inc. $166.00; MasterCard,
2747.75; Motor Power, $1271.01; Neve's, $130.20;
Newcastle Equipment, $2024.51 ;Northwest Pipe,
$5293.29; Oil City Supply, $23.62; Pollardwater,
$189.26; Power Plan, $52.09; $19.26; Respond
First Aid, $109.16; Sacrison Asphalt, limestone,
$933.00; WY Auto, $2293.99; WATER DEPOSIT
REFUNDS: Charles Gerke, $65.00; Chris/Terri
Tomford, $79.74; Daniel Watson, $51.09; David/
Kelly Ruggles, $119.52; Justin Anderson, $20.41;
Melissa Merchen, $97.75; Nathan Streeter,
$54.96; Rocky Terhune, $47.36; Thomas Barrett,
$79.15; Whitney Taylor, $61.55;
Greg James, Mayor
ATTEST: City Clerk/Treasurer, Charita
(Publish December 17, 2015)
Meeting Notice ................
Notice is hereby given that regular meet-
ings of the Eastern Weston County Public
Recreation Board, State of Wyoming, are held
each month following the regular scheduled
school board meetings on the second and last
Wednesday of each month. There are a few
exceptions to that rule: The following months
will have only one monthly meeting: June (fourth
Wednesday), July (third Wednesday), November
(second Wednesday), and December (second
Wednesday). Meetings will be held in the board
room at the Administration Building at 116
Casper Avenue, Newcastle, Wyoming, unless
otherwise notified and such meetings are open to
the public.
Notice is also given that official minutes of
the Eastern Weston County Public Recreation
Board meeting of such board, including a record
of all official acts and of all warrants issued, are
available for inspection by any citizen during
regular office hours, at the office of the clerk of
said district, at 116 Casper Avenue, Newcastle,
Wyoming. Official minutes are also available for
inspection on the Weston County School District .i
# 1 school website at '
(Publish December 17, 2015)
(1307) 746-2777
• 14 W. Main St. • Newcast e, WY 82701
(Publish December 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2015) (Publish December 17 and 24, 2015)