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November 5, 2015     News Letter Journal
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November 5, 2015
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12 --November 5, 2015 news letter journal ,0 Court Report ............................................................................................................. CIRCUIT COURT Days Suspended: 83 days unsupervised proba- JUDGE MATTHEW F.G. CASTANO tion: 1 year Welch, Russ J, EXCEED 65 MPH ON Frederick, Jerald Nell, COMPULSORY PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+MPH OVER) HWY, Total AUTO INSUR - 1ST OFFENSE, Total Fines Paid Fines Paid $106.00 $420.00 Wiggins, Craig J, DUI: ALCOHOL 0.08% ORFrederick, Jerald Neil, SEAT BELT: DRIVER, MORE, Total Fines Paid $490.00, Jail: 30 Days Total Fines Paid $25.00 Suspended: 28 Days Unsupervised Probation: 6 Bujarski, Curtis Alan, DRIVE WHILE LIC Months CANCELLED, SUSPENDED, OR REVOKED IF Schaffner, Trevor J, UNLAWFUL CONTACT: NOT SUSPENDED FOR 31-5-229 OR 31-5-233, RUDE, INSOLENT OR ANGRY TOUCHES W/O Total Fines Paid $420.00 BODILY INJURY, Total Fines Paid $490.00, Jail: Templeman, Raymond Charles, MEET 60 Days Suspended: 60 Days UnsupervisedOR PASS STOPPED SCHOOL BUS - 1ST Probation: 6 Months OFFENSE, Total Fines Paid $420.00 Sundstrom, Amy J, USE CONTR SUBST - Engesser, Neal Alan, EXCEED 65 MPH ON SCH I, II OR III, Total Fines Paid $240.00, Jail: PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total 180 Days Suspended: 85 Days Unsupervised Fines Paid $94.00 Probation: 6 Months Rohde, Zachary James, STOP SIGN, Total Carr, Justin M, VALID DRIVER'S LIC, Total Fines Paid $120.00 Fines Paid $120.00 Willadson, Ran Lee, DUI ALCOHOL =TO> Foster, Thomas S, COMPULSORY AUTO .08% W/IN 2 HRS OF DRIVING - 1ST OFF W/IN INSUR - 2ND ÷ OFF, Total Fines Paid $440.00, 10 YRS, Total Fines Paid $490.00, Jail: 30 Days Jail: 30 Days Suspended: 30 Days Unsupervised Suspended: 28 Days Unsupervised Probation: 1 Probation: 6 Months year Foster, Thomas S, VALID DRIVER'S LIC, Cope, Christopher R, DUI ALCOHOL =TO> Total Fines Paid $140.00 .08% - 1ST OFF W/IN 10 YRS, Total Fines Paid Lines, Aaron, EXCEED 65 MPH ON PRMRY/ $740.00, Jail: 30 days suspended: 26 days unsu- SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Fines Paid pervised probation: 1 year $100.00 Fairchild, David G, COMPULSORY AUTO Lines, Aaron, DRIVE WHILE LIC INSUR - 1ST OFFENSE, Total Fines Paid CANCELLED, SUSPENDED, OR REVOKED $290.00 IF NOT SUSPENDED FOR 31-5-229 OR 31-5- Williams, Jesse R, EXCEED 65 MPH ON 223, Total Fines Paid $240.00, Jail: 7 Days PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Suspended: 7 Days Unsupervised Probation: 6 Fines Paid $105.00 Months Liggett, Lawson J, EXCEED 65 MPH ON Yellowtail, Cris, EXCEED 65 MPH ON PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Fines Paid $105.00 Fines Paid $139.00 Bell, Kurtis Patrick CHILD SAFETY Yellowtail, Cris, LIC PLATES FOR RESTRAINT SYSTEM- IST OFFENSE TOTAL NONRESIDENT, Total Fines Paid $60.00 FINES PAID: $50.00 Scott, Cindy A, EXCEED 65 MPH ON Bohnet III, Ronald D, EXCEED 65 MPH ON PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Fines Paid $94.00 Fines Paid $97.00 Scott, Cindy A, SEAT BELT: DRIVER, Total Bates, Joshua A, CHILD SAFETY Fines Paid $30.00 RESTRAINT SYSTEM - 1ST OFFENSE, Total Scott, Cindy A, IMPROPER USE OF CHILD Fines Paid $50.00 RESTRAINT SYSTEM - 1ST OFFENSE, Total Bates, Joshua A, CHILD SAFETY Fines Paid $55.00 RESTRAINT SYSTEM - 1ST OFFENSE, Total Kokesh, Tara P, EXCEED 65 MPH ON Fines Paid $50.00 PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Testerman, Tammy J, SEAT BELT: Fines Paid $93.00 PASSENGER OVER 12 YRS, Total Fines Paid Podia, Rebecca M, EXCEED 65 MPH ON $10.00 PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Martin, Laurie S, EXCEED 65 MPH ON Fines Paid $73.00 PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+MPH OVER) HWY, Total Taylor, Brandon A, COMPULSORY AUTO Fines Paid $82.00 INSUR - 1ST OFFENSE, Total Fines Paid Patel, Falgun M, DUI ALCOHOL =TO> .08% - $420.00 2ND OFF W/IN 10 YRS Valenzuela, Sergio Dominguez, VALID Garrison, Orville L, DUI: ALCOHOL - DRIVER'S LIC, Total Fines Paid $125.00 INCAPABLE OF SAFELY DRIVING - 1ST OFF Valenzuela, Sergio Dominguez, EXCEED 65W/IN 10 YRS, Total Fines Paid $390.00, Jail: 30 MPH ON PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) days Suspended: 29 days Unsupervised proba- HWY, Total Fines Paid $104.00 tion: 6 months Gesinger, Christen M, EXCEED 65 MPH ON Hyatt, Marcy Dawn, USE CONTR SUBST - PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total SCH I, II OR III, Total Fines Paid $580.00, Jail: Fines Paid $96.00 180 Days Suspended: 165 Days Supervised Podia, Andy K, EXCEED 65 MPH ON Probation: 6 Months PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Hyatt, Marcy Dawn, USE CONTR SUBST - Fines Paid $126.00 SCHI I, II OR Ill, Total Fines Paid $580.00, Jail: Emmert, Marcus A, SEAT BELT: DRIVER, 180 Days Suspended: 165 Days Supervised Total Fines Paid $25.00 Probation: 6 Months Nelson, Derek W, EXHIBIT ACCELERATION, Hyatt, Marcy Dawn, DRIVE WHILE LIC Total Fines Paid $110.00 SUSPENDED - 2ND + OFFENSE, Total Fines Morgan, Jonathan E, LOAD ON VEH, Total Paid $290.00, Jail: 180 Days Suspended: 165 Fines Paid $60.00 Days Supervised Probation: 6 Months Hanson, John E, DUI: ALCOHOL - Ayres, Timothy L, RIGHT OF WAY FOR INCAPABLE OF SAFELY DRIVING - 1ST OFF EMERGENCY VEH, Total Fines Paid $80.00 W/IN 10 YRS, Total Fines Paid $490.00, Jail: 90 Crabtree, Sean R, LIC TO STORE OR DISPOSE OF VEH, Total Fines Paid $140.00 Harrington, Misty, VALID DRIVER'S LIC, Total Fines Paid $125.00 Harrington, Kealear, TKS/VEH (>26K LBS) EXCEED 65 MPH PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH) HWY, Total Fines Paid $379.00 Fowler, Terra L, EXCEED 65 MPH ON PRMRY/SCNDRY (6+ MPH OVER) HWY, Total Fines Paid $97.00 There were 200 out-of-area violations totaling $ 20,852 in fines. MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE R. DOUGLAS DUMBRILL Kelly Ann Farrar, SUPERINTENDENT'S SPEED ZONE, Total Fines Paid $128 Gavin W. Holmes, SUPERINTENDENT'S SPEED ZONE, Total Fines Paid $136 Kara Marie Fladstol, DOG AT LARGE (1ST OFFENSE), Total Fines Paid $45.00 Wendy A. Wolf, SUPERINTENDENT'S SPEED, Total Fines Paid $140.00 Dean Theodore Pridgeon, STOP SIGN, Total Fines Paid $90.00 Jesse W. Penfield, DOG AT LARGE (2ND OFFENSE), Total Fines Paid $70.00 Gall Gray, STOP SIGN, Total Fines Paid $90.00 Hunter D.Liggett, EXHIBITION DRIVING (1ST OFFENSE), Total Fines Paid $120.00 Marsha L. Halliday, SUPERINTENDENT'S SPEED ZONE, Total Fines Paid $92.00 Teresa Diane Schutterle, DOG AT LARGE (1ST OFFENSE), Total Fines Paid $45.00 Jennifer Lee Johnston, BACK SAFELY & W/O INTERFERING W/TRAFFIC, Total Fines Paid $50.00 There were 25 out-of-area violations totaling $ 3,173 in fines. GW0?ntlaO by jaNel M. Famsworth @ ~o~orrow he'll quit barking r.,uz I'm teaching him to howl! Hearing Notice ................ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Newcastle will hold a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. on November 16, 2015 in the Newcastle City Council Chambers on the second floor of the Newcastle City Administration Building located at 10 West Warwick, Newcastle, Wyoming to take public comment regarding changing the zoning of Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 1 and Lots 1 through 6 in Block 2 and Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 3 of the Resubdivision of Blocks 1, 2 and 3 and Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Blocks 5 and 6 of the Washington Park Addition to the City of Newcastle, Weston County, Wyoming to R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential District). Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 1 are currently zoned M-H (Mobile Home District). Lots 1 through 6 in Block 2 and Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 3 are currently zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential District). DATED this 30th day of October, 2015. CITY OF NEWCASTLE: By: Charita Brunner, Clerk/Treasurer (Publish November 5, 2015) Public Notice ................... NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR TAX DEED #2 TO: MCCOY ALICE M PO. BOX 911 NEWCASTLE, WY 82701 To all owners possessors or occupants of the real property described as: Lots 7 & 8 Block 11, Forest Hill Park Addition, Weston County, Wyoming **McCoy Alice M Be advised that: William G Ingalls purchased the above- described property at a tax sale on August 29, 2011 in Newcastle Wyoming from Weston County Treasurers and is in possession of certificate of purchase NO. 4798 The property was taxed or assessed in the name/names of McCoy Alice M. For the year 2011 at this time there are no special assessments for local or public improve- ments on this property and the owner cannot be found in Weston County, Wyo. In accordance with Wyoming law, the prop- erty may be redeemed by the legal owner after the date of sale but before a valid tax deed appli- cation has been filed and accepted by the county treasurer. Take note that William G. Ingalls will apply for a tax deed on or after August 29th 2015. Any persons holding an interest in this property or otherwise interested in application for tax deed may contact the applicant William G. Ingalls 835 W. Hill Street, Spearfish, South Dakota. Or contact the Weston County Treasurer 1 West Main, Newcastle Wyoming 82701. Regarding the petitioners intent to apply for tax deed. Dated this 29th day of October 2015. William G. Ingalls 835 W. Hill Street Apt. 206 Spearfish, So. Dak. 57783 (605) 631-0014 Deadline for Legals • iday is noon on Fr (Publish October 29, November 5 and 12, 2015) Weston County Commission Minutes .................................................................................................................. UNOFFICIAL MINUTES OCTOBER 20, 2015 The Weston County Commissioners con- vened at 9:00 a.m., Chairman Bill Lambert presiding. Present were Commissioners: Marty Ertman, Tracy Hunt, Randy Rossman, Tony Barton, County Clerk Cheryl Kregel, and Assistant Deputy Clerk Melanie Stevens. Good of the Order Commissioner Barton gave the invocation and Commissioner Hunt led the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Agenda Commissioner Barton moved, Commissioner Rossman seconded, to approve the agenda. Carried. Approval of Consent Agenda Commissioner Rossman moved, Commissioner Barton seconded, to approve the consent agenda items including the October 6, 2015 minutes, signatures on petition and affidavit for cancellations of taxes, and tax roll collection. Carried. Road and Bridge Department Report Rick Williams, Road & Bridge Supervisor; reported on the repairs to the bridge on Piney Creek Road, cattle guards on Green Mountain Road, and a request from Linda Hunt to gravel a walking path. County Engineer Report Jerry Hunt, Weston Engineering; reported on Timberline Services submitting their second pay request for the completion of work on Green Mountain Road, that Powder River received the paperwork and will contact Hein & Bond to begin working together concerning the historical archi- tectural study and the Courthouse HVAC system, and the bid packets for the EOC roof and county shop floor projects are completed. County Assessor Report Tina Conklin, County Assessor; presented the Oil and Gas production evaluations that are current thru June 30, 2015, and talked about the progress with updating the employee handbook. Public Hearing for Budget Amendment The hour being 10:00 a.m., Chairman Lambert opened the hearing for the budget amendment. Chairman Lambert called three times for public comment. There being no public comment, the public hearing portion of the budget amendment hearing was closed. Commissioner Hunt moved, Commissioner Ertman seconded, to approve the budget amendment increasing the general fund portion of the 2016 FY budget by $2,597,543.00 for an unanticipated grant amendment to allo- cate the monies to the expenditure account 300.00.40.0256000.0000. Carried. The public hearing for the budget amendment ended at 10:05 a.m. The meeting recessed at 10:06 a.m. and reconvened at 10:15 a.m. County Attorney Report William Curley, County Attorney; reported about the purchase contract for the Pinnacle Bank building, Title 25 application issues, a contract he's drafting with Campbell County Memorial Hospital, and on the Road Identification Project committee. Commissioner Ertman asked that itemized statements be included with Title 25 vouchers. Discussion ensued over a request from Contango Oil & Gas to place a water trans- fer pipeline in the county road right-of-way on Mush Creek Road. Attorney Curley and Rick Williams, Road & Bridge supervisor; are not com- fortable granting this request due to weed work needing done, county liability issues, landown- ers' access, and lack of details in Contango's requests. Old Business Discussion ensued regarding complaints heard regarding advertised repair bids. The Commissioners agree that all future advertised bids need clear details as to what repairs are being bid on so these can be compared equally. New Business Commissioner Rossman moved, Find every public notice published in Wyoming, They can be viewed at ¢ Scotch Tape, Double Sided Tape, Magic Tape, Packing Tape Commissioner Ertman seconded, to approve 1:30 p.m. and returned to open session at 1:55 Kim Conzelman's request for appointment to the p.m. Weston County Library Board for the term that Weston County Extension Office expires in 2018. Carried. Vicki Hayman, Weston County Extension Discussion Items Office; introduced Michelle Pierce as the Cheryl Kregel, County Clerk; discussed the University of Wyoming Community Development letter from the Senior Housing Task Force. Educator and answered questions on extension The Commissioners decided the Mallo pickup office vouchers. will go to the Weston County fairgrounds and The meeting recessed at 2:17 p.m. and recon- the pickup from the fairgrounds will go to the vened at 2:22 p.m. impound yard. Planning and Zoning Subdivision The meeting recessed at 10:54 a.m. and Exemption reconvened at 11:13 a.m. Commissioner Rossman moved, Weston County Public Health Nurse Commissioner Barton seconded, to approve the Contract Dysart-Kummerle request for exemption of subdi- Lori Bickford, Public Health Nurse; came vision rules and regulations. Carried. before the Commissioners for the annual renewal Discussion of the Weston County public health nurse Linda Hunt discussed the walking path and Emergency Preparedness contract with Crook connected grants with this project. Commissioner County. The Commissioners unanimously sup- Barton moved, Commissioner Hunt seconded, to ported her request, authorize Road & Bridge to spread gravel for the Sheriff Report walking path between public health and the fair- Sheriff Colvard came before the grounds at no cost. Carried. Commissioners to request the purchase Commissioner Hunt moved, Commissioner of two pickup trucks. Discussion ensued; Barton seconded, approving reimbursement of Commissioner Rossman moved, Commissioner gratuity on credit cards of 15% or less for employ- Ertman seconded, to approve the purchase ees on county business, any amount above 15% of three 2016 Chevrolet LT 2500 HD pickup being the cost to the employee. Commissioner trucks from Newcastle Motors in the amount Ertman voted Nay. Carried. of $38,553.00 per vehicle, from account Cheryl Kregel, County Clerk; mentioned the for the Sheriff's depart- purchase of a new set of indexing books for ment. Commissioners Rossman, Ertman and recording documents at a cost of $5,980.00 and Barton voted Yea. Commissioners Lambert and the needed updates to the courthouse phone Hunt voted Nay. Carried. system, including conference call capabilities. Visitor Comments Quotes will be presented to the Commissioners. Chairman Lambert opened the floor to the Commissioner Ertman noted the picture hang- morning visitor comments. None were heard at ing in the Commissioners room was hers and will this time. be taken with her at the end of her term. The meeting recessed for lunch at 11:45 a.m. Employee Appreciation Bonus and reconvened at 1:00 p.m. The employee appreciation bonus for all Voucher Discussion county employees will be given after December Commissioner Rossman moved, 1, 2015. Weston Countyfairgrounds and library Commissioner Ertman seconded, to approve managers need to submit a voucher with the voucher #59553 to Century Companies in the December vouchers including net pay, social amount of $1,947,998.25 for pay request 3, security, Medicare, and federal taxes. voucher #59554 to J.W. Services in the amount Rare Element Resources of $48,301.55 for the Mallo Camp water project, Mike Finn, RER, gave an update to the voucher #59555 to Bearlodge Engineering in Commissioners on the progress with continuing the amount of $500.00 for the Mallo Camp water projects, environmental work and shared RER's project, voucher #59558 to Century Companies appreciation of the county's continued support. in the amount of $107,932.86 for pay request 4, Weston County Event Center voucher #59559 to Morrison Maierle, Inc. in the Commissioner Barton moved, Commissioner amount of $42,490.92 for invoice #155622, and Rossman seconded, to authorize the chair- voucher #59556 to Sofia Baeza in the amount man's signature on two Vertex contracts pending of $2,770.00 for Septembers janitorial services, the receipt of payment and approval from Ray Commissioner Barton abstained from voting cit- Hunkins, Hunkins Newton Law Firm. Carried. ing a conflict of interest. Carried. Visitor Comments Administrative Assistant Report Chairman Lambert opened the floor to the Dan Blakeman, Administrative Assistant; dis- afternoon visitor comments. None were heard at cussed the county credit card was used to pur- this time. chase the security door for the County Attorney's There being no further business to come office and the repairs needed in the main floor before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at women's bathroom. Blakeman asked to go into 3:15 p.m. executive session to discuss a personnel issue. Commissioner Hunt moved, Commissioner Bill Lambert, Chairman Rossman seconded to enter executive session Attest: Cheryl Kregel, County Clerk under W.S 16-4-405 (a)(ii). 12,arried. The meeting entered executive session at (Publish November 5, 2015)