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Newcastle, Wyoming
November 5, 2015     News Letter Journal
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November 5, 2015
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Terms Of Use | Privacy Policy | Request Content Removal | About / FAQ | Get Acrobat Reader November 5, 2015 -- 11 news letter journal SP@P $ -i¸ / ii¸¸¸¸¸I "iii ii :::ii:: :!:iiiiiiiiiiiii:¸ iiiii!i .... Breakfast - Biscuit n'Gravy 1 biscuit n'gravy, 2 eggs, hashbrowns & choice of mea Lunch - Cheeseburger Meal - $749 Cheeseburger deluxe, fries & drink Sack Lunches Available too! Dinner - Hamburger Steak Meal - $1049 12 oz. Hamburger Steak w/Grilled onions & mushrooms, choice of potato, soup or salad, dinner roll RII-IO Ac4 w' 2951 W. Main • 746-4055 • 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. 7 days a week ATTENTION DOG & CAT FOOD CUSTOMERS starting January 1, 2016 Sunset Pet Grooming will no longer be selling Solid Gold Food. However we will continue to sell quality treats. Alternative retail locations are: Petco in Rapid City & Gillette or Paws Pet Bakery and All Season Pet Care in Rapid City, on line at www. and If you have any questions regarding food inquire at the grooming shop or call 746-5865. THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL OUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS! From left, Justin Smart of Casper along with Chris Madden, Darrin Bomkamp, and Lee Krumbaeh, all of Wisconsin, pose with antelope taken during a hunting excursion sponsored by Outdoor Adventures. Formed in 2010, the nonprofit provides hunting opportunities to the terminally ill and physically challenged. (Submitted Photo) N -D ofit offers side veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan, and have more kids playing video games and --O/1 r T'-- ---- Vietnam, as well cerebral palsy and mus- fewer out hunting, hunter recruiting and . .v un*;n o--or*un;*;es/J/Jt ttt cular dystrophy patients, retention is a big thing for us," Sandrini "If you get picked, we'll buy your fuel continued. to disabled to get here. You get your room and board Brunner indicated that Outdoor , and all you can eat .. . We buy their licenses Adventurers has served a total of 33 .... " said Brunner, who commended the people over its brief history. Those hunters Todd Bennington state's Game and Fish Department for have taken over 50 animals combined, NLJ Reporter their flexibility and assistance in helping with the organization currently able to ensure Outdoor Adventure's clients are accommodate 10 to 15 hunters a year. No There may be a nu/nber of activities able to get the requisite hunting licenses, hunter has ever gone home without taking that those who are seriously disabled are and for allowing his organization to use an antelope, he said, and this year five unable to pursue,, but thanks to a local a trailer-mounted hunting blind owned by deer, 13 antelope, and two elk had been landowner and a growing number of vol- the state for a portion of the year. taken by participants at the time Brunner unteers, huntingis not one 0~them. "Game and Fish have been big sup--spoke with theNLJ. OutdoorAdVenturers forthe Physically porters of this thing since it started," he ...... Their success is higher than the state Challenge'd, 501(c)3 organizationsaid. average," observed Sandrini, also men- founded in 2010, has for the past few years Joe Sandrini, a Senior Wildlife Biologist tioning that more volunteer guides and offered hunting opportunities to the termi- with Game and Fish who is also closely people willing to allow hunting on their nally ill and seriously disabled at ranches involved with Outdoor Adventurers, told property would be beneficial in expanding near Newcastle and Sundance. the NLJ that state regulations have become the opportunities the organization is able Co-founder Ron Brunner, 72, told progressively more accommodating to the to provide. the NLJ that the impetus for Outdoor disabled in recent years. Although much of the organization's Adventurers began when his youngest "Back in the day, there was nothing founding membership remains Wisconsin- adult son became determined to take a special for any of the disabled hunters," based, a number of local people have come friend, Dave Reynolds of Wisconsin, who he explained. "The only thing that we did to be involved in volunteering their time was paralyzed from the neck down in a car have was a permit that would allow people and efforts. A non-exhaustive list includes accident, along on a hunting trip at a ranch to shoot from a vehicle. They still had to Larry Napolitano of the Flying V, who south of Newcastle. be off of a public road, but they could processes all animals free of charge; Jesse After witnessing Reynolds bag an ante- shoot from a vehicle. As time went on, Bloom of Rocky Top Taxidermy, who lope at a couple of hundred yards using a the Legislature developed another permit donates his labor in mounting animals; set-up in which Reynolds utilized his chin for disabled hunters which allowed them Game and Fish Commissioner Keith to move his rifle and a straw to control to hunt deer, antelope, and elk starting Culver who has donated an unprecedented the trigger, Brunner and his three fellow five days early. So it gives them a little three commissioner's licenses; Game co-founders figured they might be on advantage out of the gate." Wardens Troy Achterhof and Chris Teter, to something. That was confirmed when Though the state bans what's called as well as Phillip Holmes and Rocky Reynolds took a mule deer the following party hunting, whereby one license is Rhoades. day. utilized by a group, Sandrini further No one has ever been paid for their "The four of us [saw] all this and said, explained, a permit allowing disabled involvement and Outdoor Adventurers 'Wow, disabled people can do things that persons to be accompanied by a guide subsists solely on donations and funding other people can'," recalled Brunner. is also available, which is important from a charitable foundation his family The following year the group took because if a disabled person wounds an runs, Brunner said, mentioning a recent several more wheelchair-bound persons animal, they're typicallyunabletochaseit unsolicited check he'd been pleasantly along hunting with them, and today a down themselves. Sandrini reasoned that surprised to receive from the VFW's waiting list exists, fueled both by word of increased opportunities for hunting and Ladies Auxiliary. mouth and the organization's website, fishing by the disabled is a boon for state "Each one, you have to work with With only a limited number of spots wildlife management, their limitations of what they can do available, Brunner explained Outdoor"For Game and Fish it's a good thing, and can't do and these guys are amazing Adventurers tries to give priority to the too, because recruitment and retention on how they accommodate them," said terminally ill, but otherwise makes few of hunters, that's how we stay in busi- Sandrini of what he's observed of Outdoor stipulations, ness," he said. "We couldn't manage the Adventurers. "... They'll do everything to "We do not care how the person's hurt, wildlife in the state without hunters and help those guys and make it work. I've just how rich they are, how poor they are. fishermen. They pay for it even though the been really impressed." We don't make any judgement," insisted vast majority of wildlife is not hunted or The official site of Outdoor Adventurers Brunner, who indicated that participants fished for. The management is all paid for for the Physically Challenged can be have included those injured in bar fights by them." found at and drunken motorcycle accidents along- "As the culture has shifted and we Home_Page.php. Thank you Veterans, for all of your sacrifices. Your service and dedication to your country doesn't go unnoticed and we're here to help you and your family as you consider your "What's next." For more info, please visit Kiff9 Moats e, omplex Grand Openin9 Come eoe the rp~0delinc.j t0 t~ oommuni~fe e~nf center gz receive ffeebiee aturdag, November 14 at 2:00 p.m. Critical Rare Earth Project 2209 E. Cleveland Ave., P.O. Box 40, Sundance, WY 82729 Sundance: 307"Z83"3500 Upton: 307-Z81"0517 For updates and current information, please go to: LEXUS - PREVOST MOTOR COACH - 2- MERCEDES BENZ SEDANS LARGE ESTATE AUCTION RONALD E. PETTY ESTATE - RAPID CITY, SD THURSDAY NOVEMBER 12, 2015 10:00 AM Inspection at 9:00 am Auction day only Auction held at: Fine Arts Building, Central States Fair Grounds, Rapid City, SD. 2000 Prevost Motor Coach 2000 Prevost 53' motor coach, totally luxurious & comfortable, includes full bath, stacking washer & dryer, side by side refrigerator, queen bed. This is the ultimate over-the-road coach, has been stored inside most of its life, clean and A-I. Do your research, and be prepared to buy.., this beautiful custom built coach will take you anywhere you wish to go in style! Selling without reserve ! Lexns & Classic Vehicles 2010 Lexus L460, 4 dr. sedan, only 56285 miles, has some minor body damage; 1954 Packard 2 dr. convertible, 56,344 miles, above average, good running condition. A classic!; 1984 Mercedes Benz 500 SEC, AMG 2 dr., 125038 miles; 1972 Mercedes Benz 2 dr. 450 SLC, 99,240 miles, both good ! ATV, Trailers 2006 Artic Cat ATV, 500 TRV w/snowplow; 1980 Kawasaki LTD440 motorcycle; Tandem axle car type bumper pull trailer; 2002 Vintage 28 ft. enclosed trailer; Tandem axle utility trailer; High Quality Modern Furniture & Household Furnishings Universal furniture Bedroom Set including: dresser with mirror, chest of drawers, armoire; king size ornate bed w/Sleep Number Mattress; 2- marble top night stands; Claw foot Bed end bench; Artificial floral d6cor; Klipsch speakers; Mitsubishi fiat screen TV; Folding table chairs; Frigidaire Refrigerator freezer; Ashley furniture large ornate dining table w/8 chairs, 2 captain chairs & matching lighted china hutch; FB Rodgers silver platter and other sterling silver items; Bissell little green machine; Oriental artwork; Ornate king size post/canopy bed; Bed end bench; Armoire w/2 matching night stands; Arrow lamps; 2-sofas; Ornate coffee table & end tables; Leather recliner; ornate table lamps; Klipsch Speaker system; Yaniaha video equipment; Sony Bravia flat screen TV; Elephant d6cor; Ridgeway ornate Grandfather clock; Weber gas grill; patio furniture; Slate top patio table; Glass top iron table w/4 chairs; Misc. glassware, decanters & bar items; Pots, pans, dishes, kitchen items; West Bend cutlery set; Cuisinart Small appliances; Entertainment center; Sony DVD player; 2-cloth love seats; Leather recliner; Corner glass curio cabinet; 2- Queen beds; 2- ornate claw foot end tables; Fancy dresser w/mirror; Beno digital projector; Ridged shop vac; King size ornate post bed; marble top end tables; Ornate dresser w/mirror; 5- 4 drawer locking file cabinets; Wood writing desk; Canon copier/scanner; large wood office desk; Dell lap top computer; Epson WP-4540 copier scanner; Large office desk w/credenza; Oak office chair; Dell Studio laptop computer; GE Eterna Side by Side refrigerator; Shark vacuum; Schwinn Air dyne Ex. Bike plus much more too numerous to mention. Antique & Collectible Antique ornate inlaid bar w/brass foot rail; R. DuBois Framed artwork 11/200 Car print; R. DuBois Framed artwork 10/200 Lodge print; Ornate Oriental type Table & 4 chairs engraved elephants; Butter churn; Bear carvings; Cedar chest w/bedding; wood Elephant carving; Wrought Iron hall tree; Carved duck decoy; Mantel Clocks; Ornate elephant table; Assorted artwork & wall hangings; Moose antler artwork and more. Tools, Shop Items, Lubricants Rolling shelving; Lawn tools; Trindl welder; Napa battery charger; Stinger 2000 refrigerant recovery system; Log chains; weed trimmers; Toro recycler push mowers; Roll of carpet; 4-22.5 truck tires; Shop floor jack; Metal shelving; Brute shop vac; Floor jack w/case; step & extension ladders; ATV ramps; Battery tester; 29- gallons Mobil Delvac oil 15-40; Antifreeze; Howes diesel treatment; Misc. lubricants; Air compressor; Fleet battery charger; Sanborn Air compressor; Metal detector; RV cords large selection of misc. tools & shop items many more items too numerous to mention. Auctioneer's Note: The Petty's invested in only the best, and this auction is confirmation. Many very unique and interesting items, mostly in "excellent" to "like new" condition. Truly something here for everyone & suitable for the most discriminating buyers! This auction is certainly worth traveling a distance to attend, you will NOT be disappointed! Everything sells without reserve. Plan to spend an enjoyable day with us! Sale order: 10:00 sharp on shop items, Motor coach & vehicles sell at 12:00 noon, followed by quality furniture, antiques and household items. Terms: Cash, Check, Credit Card day of sale, Selling "As-Is" without warranty, ID required to register, Lunch available See complete list, photos & details at Owners: Ronaid E. Petty Estate First Interstate Bank Personal Representative Rapid City, SD Auction Prafessionally Managed By: 60S-673-26~9