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10 -- November 5, 2015
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from page 9 ....................................................................................................
with a relatively comfortable lead but lost the
serve to Douglas, it" was only a matter of a side
out for Newcastle to both advance to the state
tournament and defeat the Lady Cats in one fell
But as Douglas made one point after another
and as Newcastle struggled on their side of
the net, I started to see uncertainty in our girls.
Unfortunately, the set ended with Douglas
claiming the come-from-behind win to push the
match into a fourth set and I got a terrible feeling
in the pit of my stomach.
• It was almost like looking at a deflated balloon
when I watched our girls take the court. They had
been one point, one side out, away from victory,
but fear and uncertainty got the best of them.
Long story short, Douglas won the next two
sets to win the match and end the season for the
Lady Dogies.
Having experienced close losses myself as a
player, a coach and a parent of players, I know
how those games replay in your mind over and
over again. You feel like you will never forget and
never stop feeling the sting of the disappointment
from the loss.
I would posit, however, that it will not be the
case. Time will dull the pain, and from the experi-
ence, all of those on the team can learn a valuable
lesson about life.
You will run into situations that are much
more challenging than winning a game against
your rival, and the lessons you learn from your
mistakes can often be used to your advantage in
those future circumstances.
When you examine where you went wrong,
what held you back and why you failed to reach
your goal, you can make the needed changes,
whatever those might be, to bring about a more
positive result.
I know that the thought of using a painful
loss to your advantage later on doesn't do much
to ease the disappointment of missing out on the
State Tournament right now, but eventually the
players will look back and be proud of how hard
they fought.
They will also be wiser for the lessons learned.
I believe that winners aren't always defined
by the score at the end of the game, but rather by
how they deal with the loss, and the Lady Dogies
are most certainly winners in my book.
That set up an exciting
third mateh, and the two teams
battled throughout. The Lady
Dogies had the advantage of
reaching 24 points with a three
point lead over the Be arcats, but
Douglas was determined not to
see their season end. '
"We played well in game
from page 9 .........................................................................
nothing but amazing memories
with the team, and I hope the
girls feel the same," Jechorek
smiled. "This group of girls
was very committed to summer
workouts and open gym. They
did not complain about morning
practices and always came to
practice with a positive atti-
tude and a will to learn and
three, but Douglas was not, improve."
Jechorek went on to voice
hopes for her team and her
vision of the future of the
"I hope the girls enjoyed the
time they spent together in the
gym and on the bus trips. I hope
as they reflect on this season,
they recognize how important
teamwork and teammates are,
and I believe that the last defeat
that hurts our hearts so bad will
only make the girls want to
achieve their dreams even more
and will motivate them to work
even harder. When you have
courage, when you never give
up, when you believe in your-
self and work harder each time
after you fall, no matter what
the outcome, you are already a
winner," she exclaimed!
Looking to next season,
Jechorek expects that the 3A
Conference will be just as com-
petitive as it has been for the
last four years, as most of the
teams have many of their ath-
letes coming back to play.
Given that scenario, she
noted that it will not be an
easy road for the Lady Dogies
because the squad is graduating
giving up and they served
us and hit at us very aggres-
sively. We, on the other hand,
could not finish on the net
and we ended ~p losing very
closely by a score of 24 to 26,"
Jechorek sighed.
According to the coach,
from that point on it seemed
as though her team got more
and more nervous and things
were not working as smoothly
as they had in the first two
sets. While Douglas was getting
more aggressive on the net,
Newcastle played more timidly
and seemed to worry about
unforced errors and they were
unable to claim the third set
victory they were seeking.
"My heart was so sad for
these girls when we lost in five
after being so close and almost
beating Douglas in three,"
Jechorek sighed.
The loss to the Bearcats
ended the season a week earlier
than players and coaches had
hoped, and ended the career
for five of the starting six on
the court
"Looking back and
reflecting on the season, I have
five amazing athletes in Abby
Gray, Alyssa Dawson, Ashten
Farnsworth, Katara Cade and
Kendra Back. She believes a
goal for next season will be to
fochs on building a completely
new team as there is only one
returning starter.
"We will definitely have to
work on skill and competitive-
ness given the level on which
this year's JV will have to play
next year is a lot different than
what they are used to. However,
we do have a talented group of
athletes that have the heart for
the game and are very coach-
able, so I am optimistic that
they will adjust quickly to a
different game pace and level
of competition," she concluded.
3A East Regional Volleyball Tournament
@ Douglas 10/30-31115
Loss v. Rawtins: 21-25, 20-25, 25-13, 19-25,
Win v. Wheal]and: 25-14, 24-26, 25-20, 25-18
Loss v. Douglas: 25-23, 25-20, 24-26, 17-25,
Combined individual stats
Alyssa Dawson: 25.26 serves, 29 kills, 5
block assists, 7 stuff blocks, 2 set assists,
69 digs
Katara Cade: 34-38 serves, 3 aces, 24 kills, 3
block assists, 2 stuff blocks, 52 digs
Kendra Back: 33-35 serves, 2 aces, 23 kills,
7 block assists, 5 stuff blocks, 17 digs
Abby Gray: 38-40 serves, 2 aces, 8 kills, 6
block assists, 3 stuff blocks, 81 set assists,
31 digs
Ashten Famsworth: 36-38 serves, 3 aces, 26
kills, 3 block assists, 1 set assist, 71 digs
Jade Roady: 31-33 serves, 3 aces, 5 kills,
3 block assists, 3 stuff blocks, 2 set assists,
25 digs
Taylor Spain: 30 serve receives, 26 digs
Alyssa Umphlett: 3-4 serves, 1 ace, 10 serve
receives, 13 digs
Tania Bau: 1 kill, 1 stuff block, 1 dig
Low-Stress Cattle
Kylan Beyl
Upton FFA Member
Whit Hibbard, a leading expert on Low-Stress
Cattle Handling, came to Upton High School
to give a presentation on October 13, 2015. In
attendance were 65 FFA members from Upton,
Moorcroft, Newcastle, Wright, and Hulett.
Ten other area local producers attended this
event as well, and Hibbard had a phenomenal
presentation on the 12 principles, as well as tech-
niques of being able to change conventional ways
to low-stress techniques. Mr. Hibbard is a fourth
generation Montana cattle and sheep rancher
who said he strongly believes in the importance
in stockmanship and is very committed to its
study and promotion. Hibbard reported that he
participated in a major change on his family's
ranch, from conventional ways to low-stress
cattle handling. He holds a P.H. D in Human
Science, and also has three books and six peer-
reviewed journal articles to his credit.
When asked why somebody would want to
convert to low-stress techniques, Hibbard sug-
gested it helps lessen the amount of stress put
ing Clinic
on the animals, hands, and equipment. Using
conventional livestock handling can affect the "
weight gain, conception rates, immune function,
fertility, carcass quality, and milk yields of the
animals. Conventional ways are very human
based, physically oriented, forced with fear,
less ethical, tense, and cause very high stress on
animals, which has a very big effect on shrink
of the animal. Plainly stated, Hibbard indicated
you don't need fancy sturdy corrals and pens if
your livestock are calm. Shrink is an important
consideration when selecting cattle handling
techniques, and using Hibbard's technique will
help lessen the percent of shink. One percent of
shrink on a typical Wyoming ranch can have up
to $5,200 of negative economic impact.
Using Hibbard's techniques can also help
with the mortality rate and money loss on a
ranch. Hibbard told the group the proper move-
ments and how each movement would change the
path and speed of the herd.
"We don't move the cattle. They move them-
selves to get away from the disruption, which is
the cowboy. The cowboy just opens gates so they
can pass," Hibbard stated.
"1 want my
! care what happens to themi"
Thursday, November
T&A Brewing Co.
11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
This class is free and is worth 4 hours of CPA for
accountants, CLE for attorneys, and CE for financial advisors.
Lunch will be served. RSVP by Nov.ember I I.
David Chick, 746-9154
Shane Sellers, 746-8378