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Newcastle, Wyoming
November 5, 2015     News Letter Journal
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November 5, 2015
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6 -- November 5, 2015 I ~Qii~::¸ - ii~: WC Senior Services Greedy 10:30 a.m. Bingo 2:00 p.m. November 5 Movie 6:00 p.m. Trip to Tin Lizzie November 7 Hearing Aid Institute 7th Day Children 10:00 a.m. Chamber Board Mtg. 12:00 p.m.Hangman 11:00 a.m. Mexican Train 1:00 p.m. Movie 2:00 p.m. VFW Ladies Auxiliary 4:00 p.m. November 8 November 6 Name 10 11:00 a.m. Rolls 9:00 a.m. Church 2:00 p.m. Bridge Ladies 1:00 p.m. November 9 November 7 Wii 10:30 a.m. Helping Hands Quilting Day Cooking 3:00 p.m. November 9 Bingo 6:00 p.m. hARP 1:00 p.m.November 10 November 10 Ceramics 10:30 a.m. Mexican Train 1:00 p.m.Keepsake Krafters/Stories November 11 2:00 p.m. Veteran's Day November 11 Mama Kuehne Reps 12:00 p.m.Veteran's Day Manor Here for Lunch Catholic Study 10:00 a.m. Creative Handcrafts After Lunch Crossword 10:30 a.m. November 12 Bingo 2:00 p.m. Hearing Aid Institute November 12 Bridge Ladies Food Fancy 10:30 a.m. Mexican Train 1:00 p.m. Manicures 2:00 p.m. November 13 Men's Club 3:30 p.m. Roils 9:00 a.m. November 13 Beltone Hearing Aid Clin 9:00 a.m. Greedy 10:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Check 9:30 a.m.Bingo 2:00 p.m. Bridge Ladies 1:00 p.m.November 14 Dance 7:00 p.m.Laughter Group 11:00 a.m. November 17 Happy Hour 3:00 p.m. Mexican Train 1:00 p.m.November 15 Helping Hands Foundation Mtg. Trivia 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.Church 2:00 p.m. November 18 November 16 WCSS Board Mtg. 9:00 a.m. Resident Council 10:30 a.m. Toenail Clinic 9:00 a.m. Tony's Tunes 3:00 p.m. Lions 12:00 p.m.November 17 Mondell Heights Here for Lunch Ceramics 10:30 a.m. Creative Handcrafts After Lunch Keepsake Krafters/Stories November 19 2:00 p.m. Trip to The Lodge Stories 4:00 p.m. Mexican Train 1:00 p.m. Concert 5:16 p.m. November 18 Manor Catholic Study 10:00 a.m. Crossword 10:30 a.m. November 5 Bingo 2:00 p.m. Jeopardy 10:30 a.m.Board Game 6:15 p.m. AI and the Gang 2:00 p.m. November 19 Dominoes 6:15 p.m. Bowling 10:30 a.m. November 6 AI and the Gang2:00 p.m. Alaska natives John and Laurie Bumgarner are adjusting to Wyoming life -- but the winters here are quite familiar to the couple. (Donna Gochanour/NLJ) By Donna Gochanour NLJ Senior Correspondent John Bumgarner is a recent addition to the Wyoming scene. He was born and raised inAlaska and is a relative newcomer to the Upton area. He says that he has lived in Wyoming, off and on, for about four years now, having sold the sheet metal business he and his brother Warren owned in Anchorage. He and his wife, Laurie, chose to live in Wyoming so his wife could be nearer to her family. Years ago, he retired from a "paying job" and became a member of Sheet Metal Workers Local 23 out of Anchorage and that turned into working for his parents in the original family business, Noble Mechanical. Eventually he bought the busi- ness from his parents when they reached retirement age and was joined by his brother. They became mechanical contrac- tors, traveling all over Alaska and installing heating systems in schools, malls and other large businesses. Noble Mechanical was named after his grandfather, Noble Bumgarner. Noble was a family business which included John's grandfather, his dad William, his uncle and his brother Warren, a three gen- eration operation. About three years into the business, Laurie joined them as the secretary, expediter, occasional employ- ee's babysitter, payroll clerk- whatever, she says. In about 2009, they started looking for a place in the Lower 48 to build a retirement home and it wasn't long before Bumgamer located a pretty lot m Sundown Trails, with the help of Dan Hart. It was a sub- division off of Dry Creek Road north of Upton. In 2010, he contracted with Morton build- ings to put up a large shop on the property and shortly after, he got together with Hart-- who was builder of most of the roads in the area-- found the perfect spot to build the house on, and had Hart put in the driveway for them. "Couldn't have done it without Dan Hart," Bumgarner stated. In 2011, The Bumgarners contracted Kevin Whisler to build the house and in a year's time, Kevin and his wife Linda had it done. Originally Whisler had a helper but soon the guy disappeared and Linda pitched in on the project. The Whislers did a beautiful job. Meantime, Bumgarner made periodic trips back to Alaska, bringing back trailer loads of belongings from their home in Anchorage. When John's father died in 2014 his household was added to the rest of the confu- sion involved in a big move, disposing of a lifetime accu- mulation of belongings. John and Warren had a pretty big job to do. Meanwhile, back in Wyoming, Bumgarner was busy learning about cows. Neighbor Rob Taft is his teacher-mentor and that first year, Taft made Laurie Bumgarner the gift of three pregnant cows. Next came fencing the pasture, followed by a barn, a corral fence and gates, an equipment shed, and so on. Now Laurie says "I'm a ranch woman!" They have both been busy learning about the 'cow business' as they settle into their new home north of Upton. Both of the Bumgarners are enjoying their life here in Wyoming, although after spending all of his life in Alaska, it's a little hard getting used to the heat in summer, but Bumgarner says that he's no stranger to ice and snow, and Wyoming has got that too. They like the neighborhood and have good neighbors. His wife enjoys being able to visit family, but for both of them this is pretty much a complete change in lifestyle. They plan another trip to Alaska in the spring, to finish emptying the house in Alaska and put it up for sale, but they plan to keep their cabin out in the Bush for now. John owns an airplane yet, a PAl8 Supercub, and is still debating whether to keep it or not. The cost of maintaining it as opposed to hiring an air taxi service to get to their remote cabin may result in selling it. They love their property out there in Sundown Trails and both agree they wouldn't like to live in town. They have two girls back there in Alaska, along with grandchildren and even one new great-granddaughter that they haven't had a chance to spend much time with yet, as well as relatives and friends that they left behind. By Donna Gochanour NLJ Senior Correspondent The 90th birthday of Grace Davis filled the Michael's Room at Weston County Senior Services center to capacity on Sunday, the 25th of October. Grace reported that 140 people signed the guest book and then there were a few who didn't sign it. She was very pleased that her brother Dale came all of the way from Centralia, Wash., to help her celebrate, as well as a few other rela- tives from the Tacoma area, and many traveling from other places in Wyoming. When asked what she felt contributed to her long and healthy life, she said that she walks every day and also gives a great deal of consideration to what she eats. Davis says that though she did not work outside of the home, she volunteered and tried to be helpful wherever she could. Born in Weston County, she and her husband raised two daughters. She is very active in the Methodist church and has been a member for many years, holding a volunteer position as finance secretary for something like 50 years. The last five or so years, she helps with refresh- ments at receptions following funeral services. Grace loves to crochet and knit, and tries to get a lot of things done to sell at the church's bazaar every fall. Sharon Roness, a friend and fellow church member, says that, "Grace is always willing to help out," and this once earned her the nickname "Amazing Grace." Happy Birthday Grace! My brother Larry reminded me a few days ago of life when I first moved to Wyoming, back in 1993. When I first came here to start a life on top of Salt Creek Canyon with I.~onna (;ochar~ot~r my friend Duffy, I R0memberWhen there was no tele- phone, no iPhone, no CB -- absolutely no way to contact the rest of the world. Larry had purchased the land where Duffy used to live, across the road, but in those days he hadn't even started to do much with it. However, Duffy's telephone line was still there! The solution to the phone problem finally worked itself out by moving an old fridge close to the driveway, hooking a phone to the line and putting it in the fridge to keep it out of the weather. Voila! A phone. There still loomed a treacherous drive down "the hill," but you know how women are with phones, gotta have them, gotta use them. So I set a lawn chair out next to the fridge and I could call anyone in comfort. Sort of. Soon everyone in the neighborhood would know about the phone and the prospect of someone making unsolicited long-distance calls was present, so Larry went down to the local hardware store and asked for a padlock. The clerk showed him to a display of padlocks. "No," Larry said, "I need one with a much longer hasp." Huh! "Not many people want one like that, what are you going to use it for?" .... "Oh, I want to lock up the refrigerator," ~was the reply. "Now, why would you want to do a thing like that?" he was asked. And of course the reply was, "So nobody can use the telephone." Poor clerk could not think of aoything else to say, so completely baffled he filled the order and Larry went off to put it on the fridge. Then one day I had to use it to call an agency in Cheyenne arid after a couple of minutes she said, "would you mind if I put you on hold for a little bit?" So I said, "Okay, but not long, I'm calling from the refrigerator." ..... A pause while she processed this and then, "I'11 hurry!" This was the situation for quite a while, and every once in awhile I would suffer an attack of "black cord fever" and go down to my fridge-phone with a list of people to call. All four of my children still lived in Alaska and then there were my many friends to visit with, "What's the latest news?" A cell phone wasn't common back then! The day that we got the word that we would have a real phone right there in our house was like a miracle. It was a very long way to string phone wires, and often Duffy would be walking the entire length of the line looking for a break. Lots of exercise that took! Well, it was certainly a new and inter- esting way of life! I learned that the cowboys had turned into ranchers who wore work boots or tennis shoes and ball caps and rode three-wheelers around instead of horses. I learned that those funny green plastic tanks on the back of all those pickups were for hauling water. Consequently, I learned how not to leave the faucet running! I learned that horses eat all of the flowers that you try to grow and also that they have a knack of opening up trash bags to see what is in them -- and never put it back, the spoiled brats. Lots different than a dog team or my snowma- chine, gotta twist myself around and get used to it! i We are proud to join the City of .... ; Newcastle in recognizing .... ....... Lindsey Steber for the improvments • made to her home and property at 303 Stockade Ave. Wyoming Refining Company Succes,~ is no Accident F,~ ~ I N I NG, I I.'C t