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Newcastle, Wyoming
November 5, 2015     News Letter Journal
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November 5, 2015
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"11 editor@newslj, corn letter journal news November 5, 2015 -- 3 arrest sus Alexis Shultz NLJ Reporter Newcastle resident Tim Dawson was arrested and charged with felony burglary and two misdemeanor drug charges after the Newcastle Police Department investigated a burglary at the Fresh Start store in Newcastle. Police Chief Jim Owens reported that on the morning of October 26, the burglary of Fresh Start was reported to the police department, leading to an investigation that lasted two days before Dawson was arrested. Dawson was previ- ously employed at Fresh Start, but had not worked there for some time when the offense was committed. "On Wednesday, Officer Levi Tacy and Corporal Hillhouse recovered the prop- erty and arrested Dawson," professed Owens. He noted that that the property was recovered during a search of Dawson's home after a search warrant was issued. Along with the stolen prop- erty, misdemeanor amounts of both marijuana and metham- phetamine where found by the officers, leading to the addi- tional charges Dawson is facing. Owens explained that felony burglary requires no specific dollar amount to be stolen, and is simply described as the entry into a building illegally with the intent to commit a crime, specifically theft. If Dawson is convicted of the crime of felony burglary, he faces up to 10 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. He is currently out on bond and awaiting trial. from page 1 .............................................................................................. good faith payment because the identified issues were being tackled. The board was open to the idea, but discussed how much WCHS should send for that payment because they believe there is still a need to have some leverage over Billings Clinic to ensure that remaining problems are addressed. "We would be paying a little over half of what we owe them. I believe they are trying," Cadwell proclaimed in reference to the amount that would be paid if the facility opted to submit payment through the end of the fiscal year that ended on July 1. Cadwell reported that when she looks at the list of tickets, or items, that are causing issues, they are getting substantially better, in her opinion. Despite the improvement, however, there are still issues with specifics of the program that have been present since the beginning. She said WCHS employees have also mentioned that the system works "to a point," and that they believe Billings Clinic has demonstrated an effort to address specific parts of the system in response to their concerns. It was also clarified by Cadwell that the payments that have been withheld are those that were meant specifically to pay for support that WCHS believes it was promised when Billings Clinic sold them on the idea of adopting the Cerner system. She noted that all the programs included in the system have been paid for. She did, however, indicate that there have been some programs that WCHS felt they were supposed to get as part of that package, but that Billings Clinic claims were not included. "Remind them that is done in good faith," declared Board Chairman Jill Sellers after the motion was made and approved to provide payment through the end of the last fiscal year to Billings Clinic. Cadwell confirmed that the amount of roughly $48,000 was just that, and expressed the belief that the additional $40,000 owed on the bill would continue to provide leverage for the local hospital. Cadwell also noted that all of the monies that are owed have been set aside in the accounts payable ledgers, so payment of those items will not create any issues with the WCHS budget. an; aO:epOt;d°b~lsl5oatthhefiWt p~:sC:f?ht~e HSilvtitS:::CSSeB;2di2e:~l~hge'i' ~h~b?~r i i i CEO Maureen CadweI1 announced that the project could begin as early as Novembe~ 2; but that the date for the start of the project depended directly on approvals that are required fr0m a number of different agencies. , Weston County Health Services Chief Financial Officer Lynn Moiler reported to WCHS board that numbeN ate looking good for the facility overall, He specifically mentioned that this year WCHS 21 percent over the budgeted revenue, and despite being negative for the month of September: ~he t;a~ifi~ is sfiil p~iti~ fo~ the year, • Moil: r ad 6d t6 the WCHS that it diSc6 er d that s0me of the retail pha acy costs were not eounted as expenSeg for that part of the op rationl He had rep0 ed pre}iouS meetings pharmacy was experiencing significan fin cial success; but finding makes the retaitpharmacy s position took less favorablel from page 1 ..................... ....L....: ........... :. ....... : ..................................... 2~ ................. .....:' ' ' "~ ' ~ !lJ d; we had to put the whole thing on hold because we did not want to sell property that the government might condemn," professed Hartley. He reported that after two years, when the testing was complete, the economy had slowed down and the money the city had originally expected to use on the project was des- ignated for other projects and the development of Washington Park was put on hold. Hartley explained that the city has now decided it is time to move forward with the devel- opment of the area, and has divided the area into lots that will be developed prior to sale, noting that the council made the decision to set the money gained from the sale of the properties over time to develop the next set of lots. "That was the main thing they were concerned about. They did not want any money to come out of the general fund to develop the land. It is going to be paying for itself," declared Hartley. The money received when properties are purchased will go to installing curbs, gutters, pavement, electric, sewer, water, phone, and any other necessities. Hartley noted that originally Washington Park was plotted in the 1940s or 1950s, and this plan is being completely rewritten, with the City of Newcastle abandoning the roads and alleys that were originally identified to plot larger areas for homes. "They will be bigger lots. The first ones will be about a half an acre and some of the others will be bigger lots at almost a full acre," proclaimed Hartley, who indicated that prior to the decision to resize the lots, the city contacted local real- tors to determine what people were looking for. Those realtors expressed the need for larger lots. Hartley expressed that it will be some time before the lots are ready to be sold because the city is still in the process of finalizing the project, but he projected that the first two lots will be up for sale in the next couple of months, with the others not being ready for sale until next year. The lots will be zoned as R2, which is classified for single and two family dwellings, but allows purchasers to put a manufactured home on the lot as long as they are built to fit zoning requirements. Hartley said that the decision over how the lots will be sold will be up to the City Attorney and the City Council. City Beats • City Engineer Bob Hartlev confirmed Munger announced that this is the first time in that the City of Newcastle has been approved his 20 years in Newcastle that the roster has for roughly $250,000 from the Department been full at the department, but said volunteers of Transportation to continue the bike path are hard to find and other departments are through the CountD' Club. He noted that this having issues filling their rosters. Munger was roughly half of what the city originally professed that he appreciates the increase in 13 million Americans identity theft. 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Chief Donny Mtmger by the Newcastle Police Department. It was was present to answer any questions that the a mounced that the intention is to sell these board may have had, but it was determined items by sealed bid that will have to be that all previous questions had been answered, dro~ped off at the city office. The first half of the 2015 property taxes are due and payable anytime before November 10, 2015. If the first half of the property taxes are not paid on or before November 10, 2015, interest will be charged. The total amount of taxes may be paid on or before December 31, 2015 and no interest will be charged. Susan Overman, Weston County Treasurer