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'. October 22, 2015 .... 15
news letter journal
LO Precip
Utility Notice .................... Public Notice ....................
Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative
Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service In accordance with the provisions of para-
Commission's (Commission) Rules, notice is graph 16-6-116, Title 16, Chapter 6, Wyoming
hereby given of the Joint Application of Cheyenne Statutes, 1982 Republished Edition, Notice is
Light, Fuel and Power Company (CLFP), Black hereby given that J.W. Services, LLC, 519 State
Hills Northwest Wyoming Gas Utility Company Highway 116, Sundance, Wyoming, 82729, as
LLC d/bin Black Hills Energy (BHE), and Black Contractor, has completed the Weston County
Hills Power, Inc. (BHP)(collectively the Joint Commission's Valid Camp Water System
Applicants or the Companies), for approval of a Improvements project in accordance with all
Cost of Service Gas Agreement and other relief, plans and specifications.
CLFP provides electric and natural gas ser- In accordance with the provisions of para-
vice to customers in Cheyenne and is a wholly- graph 15-1-113(h) all persons having claims for
owned subsidiary of Black Hills Corporation labor and materials furnished the contractor shall
(BHC). BHE provides natural gas service to present them to the Weston County Commission
customers in and around the cities of Cody, prior to the date specified for final payment.
Meeteetse and Ralston, Wyoming and is a Final inspection and acceptance thereof hav-
wholly-owned subsidiary of CLFP. BHP provides ing been made, final payment is now due the
electric service to customers in and around the Contractor in accordance with the terms of the
cities of Newcastle and Upton, Wyoming and is contract.
a wholly-owned subsidiary of BHC. Black Hills Said final payment will be made on November
Utility Holdings, Inc. (BHUH) is a wholly-owned 25th, 2015, said date being the 41st day after the
subsidiary of BHC and provides services and first publication of the notice.
support to CLFP, BHE and BHP. CLFP, BHE and
BHP are public utilities as defined in W.S. § 37-1- The Weston County Commission
101(a)(vi)(C) and (D), subject to the Commission's By: Bill Lambert, Chairman
jurisdiction pursuant to W.S. § 37-2-112.
On September 30, 2015, the Joint Applicants (Publish October 15, 22 and 29, 2015)
filed a Joint Application requesting approval of
a Cost of Service Gas Agreement and other
relief. Specifically, the Companies request the
Commission issue an order: [i] authorizing the
Applicants to enter into a Cost of Service Gas Bid Nolice .......................
Hedge Agreement (the COSG Agreement) with
BHUH; [ii] approving revised tariff sheets and WESION COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS
authorizing the recovery of amounts incurred LEGAL NOTICE
under the COSG Agreement from customers INVITATION TO BID
through the Applicants' proposed revised tariffs;
[iii] approving a 50% hedge-participating level The Weston Courlt Fairgrounds will receive
based on the Applicants' forecast annual firm sealed bids m ti~e 'vVe.qton County Fairgrounds
gas demand or, in the alternative, a revised per- office. 24 Fairqvounds Road, Newcastle Wyoming
centage that the Commission may determine; 82701 Attn. Randee Davies Until 6:30pro
and [iv] to the extent necessary, granting any November 10, 2015. At which time they will be
waivers (including from affiliate rules or regula- publicly opened and read for Remodel of the
tions or ring-fencing commitments), conditions, Youth Exhibit Building.
approvals, or such other and further relief as the Bids will be received for the scope of a
Commission deems necessary or applicable, remodel not limited to Misc. Rough Carpentry
If approved, the requested COSG Agreement and sheathing, Selective demolition, Overhead
will cause the Joint Applicants' utility customers doors, HVAC, Electrical, and food service equip-
to participate in and pay for certain purchase ment.
and production costs for gas reserves acquired The project is a Wyoming public works proj-
through a wholly-owned, to-be-established sub- ect, and is subject to applicable resident pref-
sidiary, under acquisition criteria established by erence and other laws of Wyoming Including
the Commission. The COSG Agreement is meant Chapter 6, Title 16 Wyoming statues. Preference
to protect customers against forecasted long- will be given to Wyoming resident bidder and
term increases in the price of gas through the preference is hereby given to material, supplies,
purchase of gas reserves, equipment machinery and provisions produced,
This is not a complete description of the manufactured in Wyoming, or supplied by a resi-
Joint Application. The Joint Application is on file dent of Wyoming, quality being equal to articles
with the Commission at its offices in Cheyenne, offered by the competitors out side of Wyoming.
Wyoming, at CLFP's offices in Cheyenne, Successful bidders will be announced within
Wyoming, BHP's offices in Newcastle, Wyoming, 30 days following each bid opening, and written
and BHE's offices in Cody, Wyoming and may be contracts shall be executed within 10 days there-
inspected by any interested person during regular after.
business hours. Bids will be awarded to lowest responsible
Anyone desiring to file a statement, interven- bidder after application of Wyoming's resident
tion, protest, or a request for a public hearing preference laws. The County Commission shall
in this matter must so file, in writing, with the determine bidder responsibility. The County
Commission on or before November 12, 2015. Commission reserves the right to reject any and
The petition shall set forth the grounds of the all bids or parts thereof, and to waive any infor-
proposed intervention or request for hearing, and mality or irregularity in a bid.
the position and interest of the petitioner in this A mandatory pre bid Meeting will be held at
proceeding. 1 p.m. on October 28, 2015 at the Fairgrounds
If you wish to intervene in this matter or office, located at 24 Fairgrounds Road Newcastle
request a public hearing which you will attend, Wyoming.
and you require reasonable accommodation for
a disability, please contact the Wyoming Public (Publish October 22 and 29, 2015)
Service Commission at (307) 777-7427, or write
to the Commission at 2515 Warren Avenue,
Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make
arrangements. Communications impaired
persons may also contact the Commission by Election Notice..................
accessing Wyoming Relay by dialing 711. Please
mention the Docket Nos. 20002-98-EA-15, OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT
20003-145-EA-15, 30005-208-GA-15 or 30011- FOR SWEETWATER IMPROVEMENT AND
92-GA-15 in your communications and contact us SERVICE DISTRICT
as soon as possible. HELD IN WESTON COUNTY, WYOMING
NOVEMBER 3, 2015
Dated: October 12, 2015.
(Publish October 15 and 22, 2015)
Public Notice ....................
It is the intent and goal of every school in
the district to employ highly qualified teachers
and staff to provide the best education possible
for your child. A highly qualified teacher is an
employee that has completed required training
and certification, and demonstrates the skills nec-
essary to help every child attain high academic
and behavioral standards.
It is your right to request information regarding
the qualifications of your child's teacher. If you
wish to request such information, please contact
Superintendent Brad LaCroix at the
Administration Building at116 Casper Avenue, or
phone the Administration Building at 307-746-
1. To vote you must blacken the circle (O)
completely next to the name of the candidate for
whom you wish to vote.
2. If you spoil your ballot, ask for a new ballot.
3. Use only a black or blue ink pen.
4. To write in a name, you must blacken the
circle (O) to the left of the line provided, and write
the complete name on the space provided for that
O Tina Conklin
NOVEMBER 3, 2015
(Publish October 22, 2015)
(Publish October 15, 2015)
1. Black snake
6. NY Giants HOF outfielder
9. For capturing attention
13. Relating to axis
14. National Institute of Health
15. Aussie bear
16. Rekindled
17. Compass reading
18. Sign of bad news
19. *Hans Anderson's Emperor
lacked these
21. *Reflecting truth-teller
23. 1/60th of min
24. What aides do
.25. *"Beauty and .... Beast"
28. "The Sun Rises"
30. Chinese tea
35. Lemongrass, e.g.
37. Wrong
39. Golfer's accessory
40. Arm part
41. Shipping weights
43. Beige
44. Sprays
46. River in Egypt
47. Innocent
48. Lowest part
50. Use a cat o' nine tails
52. Brit. fliers
53. Not straight
55. Dot-corn's address
57. "1001 what?
60. *Genie's master
64. Pope's court
65. Philosophical system
67. Famous bandmaster
68. Make fit
69. Wow!
70. What a bridge does
71. Affleck and Stiller
72. Indian bread
73. WWll conference site
61. Like Jekyll and Hyde's
62. Antonym of "is"
63. Rover launcher
64. Uber alternative
66. *Little Mermaid's domain
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ADD ;.: ;::i.;
1. Painter .... Chagall
2. Michelle Kwan's jump
3. Venus de
4. Entices
5. Tennis great Gibson
6. Singles
7. *Steadfast Soldier's sub-
8. Unifying idea
9. For, in French
10. Kind of palm
11. Hurtful remark
12. Toni Morrison's "
15. Kasparov's famous oppo-
20. "Bravo! Bravo!", e.g.
22. International Labor
24. Tell a scary story?
25. *Tom's size equivalent
26. Sunny prefix
27. Famous German artist Max
29. *Ugly Duckling, at end
31. Bank holding
32. Grouchy Muppet
33. Waterwheel
34. *"Three Goats "
36. Quilt stuffing
38. Raise the roof
42. 1988 Olympics site
45. " " by Pink
49. Yoga class accessory
51. The infamous knoll
54. "Peace" with fingers
56. Parkinson's disease drug
57. Artist's model?
58. Formerly Persia
59. Deprive of by deceit
60. So be it
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