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News Letter Journal
Newcastle, Wyoming
October 22, 2015     News Letter Journal
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October 22, 2015
Newspaper Archive of News Letter Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Terms Of Use | Privacy Policy | Request Content Removal | About / FAQ | Get Acrobat Reader news letter j0urnal. October 22, 2015 -- 3 Head Start recently celebrated it's 50th year and Governor Matt Mead proclaimed October 16, 2015 as Head Start Awareness Day. In order to recognize this day, and involve families of those involved in Head Start, Chrissy Shaw, who works with Head Start in our region, hosted a cupcake decorating activity for Head Start students and their families at the Weston County Children's Center. According to literature provided by the organiza- tion, Head Start has been helping children prepare for school, and families prepare for the future, since 1965. The organization claimed in a press release that it has been the premier model for providing the most vulnerable children with an opportunity for success in school and life. Shaw admitted that getting families involved is often difficult, which means that filling the spots that are available to help young children throughout Weston County has also proven challenging. She said those families interested in accessing the program are encouraged to contact the Weston County Children's Center to learn more about what is available for children in Weston County. Information about the program can also be accessed at Pictured is Kaiden Fogle. (Alexis Shultz/NLJ) Council approves budget adjustments Alexis Shultz additionalmeasures were Brunner professed, noting NLJReporter required, that the accounts that ran "We did not have to over budget included the City ClerkCharitaBrunner advertise, and we will not parks budget and the salary informed the Newcastle City need a budget amendment," budget-- explaining the Council on September 19 announced Brunner, who overrun in the salary budget at their regularly scheduled explained that these stepswas directly linked to the city meeting that prior to leaving weren't necessary because hiring a full-time building for vacation, she had turned in the 2014-2015 fiscal year budget to the auditor. She also reported to the council that the city had some violations in the budget because monies were moved around within the budget in order to cover accounts that had spent more than origi- nally planned. She explained that approval to move these monies was needed in the form of a motion, but no of the way the monies were shifted throughout the budget, noting that she was able to move the money in the budget within simple line items. She explained that this did not increase the budget in any inspector. She reasoned that there had been a need for the position, and its creation is generating an income that might have been missed without a full-time employee for the position. way, and the process was done The council approved the ',~+i ,15" -"~ ~ ;!+'i',, ,", " '', i ,'; tb bX, e etibugti fflnd to 'mb tfieht the $2,9,000 accounts that w fe overspent, throughout the b iget unani- from general accp nts that mously afrer . Councilman had excess money. Roger Hespe made a motion "We were basically that was seconded by smoothing the budget," Councilwoman Linda Hunt. City Beats • The Newcastle City Council accepted City Attomey Jim Peck needed to review the the only bid submitted for a 2016 Dodge contract with Graybar, the company that would Charger for the Newcastle Police Department. be providing the new system. After the council The bid was submitted by Fremont Motors approved the purchase of the system in full, as out of Lander Wyoming and totaled $25,823. well as paying for a full year of maintenance in Councilman Roger Hespe moved to accept the advance, Peck went to work picking through bid and Councilwoman Linda Hunt seconded, and fixing the contract until a document was with the remainder of.the council approving agreed upon that suited the City of Newcastle. the motion. "(Police Chief) Jim (Owens) and I spent at • At the :request of the Newcastle Volunteer least four and a half hours in my office going Fire Department, a resolution is to be drafted over the contract," declared Peck. He noted that would increase the number of members that prior to the negotiations taking place, the that the department is allowed to have from 40 to 50. The council also requested that a number of statistics and figures be provided at the same time as the resolution so they can better company had a number of contractual docu- ments, but by the end the group had agreed on one contract that was thinned down by a number of pages. "They worked with us on maintenance and with the contract," professed Peck, noting that he explained that there are a number of reasons believes Graybar should provide good service, the department needs an increase, including the Peck also explained a number of advantages possibility that a fire emergency could arise in and upgrades that come with the new system, town while the department is aiding another including the replacement of any equipment area. He also said that the department has a that happens to break, as well as no potential number of people on the waiting list to join, and price increase until 202 t. He explained that this the council acknowledged how amazing it was increase will only cover cost of living increase to have that many citizens want to volunteer, for maintenance. He Nso announced that with a particularly considering other areas are having 60-day notice, the Newcastle Police Department issues filling their departments, can get out of the contract at any time. Home Sweet "1 did my homework on our home equity loan. And, it paid off. My bank has great rates, flexible payment plans, and they know me and my family. So rather than waiting around for some out of town approval, I get an answer right here at home. That's why I call it Home Sweet Home Equity Loan." Member First State Bank O F N E W C A S "1" I, E • 307-746-4411 A better way to bank. L II N Ol(ll (,; i 1Ji F" ,@~%~,~ :~ ~... ::: ~ :.:::@ :ii# .. '~; ::~' I' ~ ~*'" ~': ~'12:: v-:,..*~"..i ..... Good C'" ........... "" ++"' ":" .... +:" ...................,. ,,o.:++.Os @@:@D What does it take to be a good citizen? A good citizen is someone who always does the right thing even when no one is watching. They work hard, follow the rules, they are kind, and they reach out to others. This month's third grade good citizen exemplifies all of these qualities. This student has gone above and beyond regular classroom expectations. He is always kind, caring, helpful, and a hard worker. Congratulations to this month's good citizen, Dayne Evenson. You earned it! ,~.~t ~~ -~+ !:"; ZlOt:~ ~,.Z:/t ~ Z I Wouldn't Have Known If I hadn't had you as my student, I wouldn't have known of your work ethic; working to your full potential facing adversity as a challenge, persevenng until all is resolved. I wouldn't know that Failure Is An Opportunity To Grow I wouldn't have known of your positive attitude; breaking the ice in tense situations, flitting around like the Tooth Fairy, inspiring and motivating your school family. I would know that Attitude Is A Choice I wouldn't have known of your commitment to others; • As previously reported, the Newcastle "I think it will be very good. They were pretty treating all with dignity and respect, Police :Department had made a decision on good to work with," acknowledged Peck, who caring for those who need someone to lean on; believing everyone deserves to be heard. which E-911 system the dep~ent would like joked that the company asked him if he would (1:21 I to purchase to replace the current system, but be willing to review other contracts they, had. II "~:~,;.+.,,~ ~ .,' I wouldn't know to ............ , .................... ~,~.,,~ ~ Never Doubt Your Ability to touch Someone's Life I .- =- + ~ ~ . .-. . + : .-. + .-.~ ~ -- ..- .- Ii~..~:~.~ i~3Q:,~::I:,'~: ,¢:;;~1~:~,%,~+~ C;:::