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Newcastle, Wyoming
September 3, 2020     News Letter Journal
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September 3, 2020
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design@newslj.c0m news letter journal Passages September 3, 2020 — 5 A. “ _/ A PIECE OF HISTORY 25 Years Ago September 7, 1995 If sales tax and revenues are any indication (and they are), the local economy con- tinues to show steady gains. In Weston County, those gains appear to be primarily in retail trade with. gains also in the service industries and in gov- ernment agencies. Commander Richard Nance of the Carl Kuemmerle VFW Post reminds everyone to remember V-J Day, the day World War 11 “really” ended with the surrender of Japan. S A V E R $ .M A R T Consignment Center, located at the Subway Building on Summit Street, will be holding its grand opening the week of Sept. ‘10. Sally Lamb, manager of the store, notes that SAVERSMART is not your tra- ditional consignment store. On August 21, a rail car full of lumber pulled out of the Pope and Talbot Lumber Yard DAY/DATE Thurs Sept Fri Sept 4 Sat Sept 5 Tues Sept TIME 2PM 5:30PM 7PM 7-8:30PM 6PM 6:30-8:30AM 9-1 PM Thurs Sept 10 5-7PM 7PM Wed Sept 9 on the new rail spur, the first of many as Pope and Talbot begin to explore new market areas. In their first game of the 1995 season, the Newcastle Dogies lost to Moorcroft by a score of 20—0. However, according to coach Brett Weaver, “(The Dogies) played a lot better than the score indi- cated. We had three sustained drives of over 60 yards, but just couldn’t punch the ball in the endzone.” The Dogie girls took their best shots to Upton Tuesday and came away victorious. “Everybody stepped up at crucial points,” said coach Suzanne Burrough, “and we didn’t miss any serves.” Two Stingray swimmers represented the Newcastle team on Team Wyoming at the Western Zone Swimming Championships Aug. 15-19 in Federal Way, Wash. Enrollment reports given by Weston County School District #1 administrators at last week’s school board meeting indicate more students have moved into the district than have moved out. Numerous small fires were started as a result of Monday night’s lightning and severe thunderstorm which rolled over the Black Hills. 50 Years Ago September 3, 1970 The Newcastle Dogies will open their 1970 football season Friday evening when they travel to Lead, S.D., to play the Gold Diggers. Willis' Bruce, Weston County rancher, has been appointed county commis- sioner to fill the unexpired term of TR. Elliott. The Newcastle Country Club will hold its annual Grandpa Golf Tournament on Sunday. Grandfathers are urged to participate and line-up four- somes to play in the tourney. 2 Courtesy of Weston County Historical Society This Is the Old Osage Refinery remains In Osage In April of 1983. EVENT Carole Jones Retirement BINGO Madness on Main Newcastle City Council Chef Mark Anthony immune Secrets WC Humane Society Regular Mtg Wellness Wednesday GiGi’s Closet Newcastle Farmer's Market WCHS Q/_A Zoom Call In WHAT'S Ill’ Sept Weston County Meetings Events Calendar LOCATION hospital cafeteria VFW Hall City Council Chambers 7th Day Adventist Church Humane Society Shelter WCHS First United Methodist Church Pinnacle Bank/4-Way 746-3755 A “Play Day” rodeo and barbeque will be featured Monday, Labor Day, at Joey’s Arena west of Newcastle. The serving of the barbeque will start at 12 noon with rodeo events getting underway at 1:30 pm. A dally team roping will follow the rodeo. The WYO Drive In will. show its last outdoor movie on Tuesday, Sept. 8. The Dogie Theatre will open on Wednesday evening, Sept. 9. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mellor were in Newcastle on business Saturday..Mrs. Duane Canfield and Traci arrived home Sunday evening via bus after spending two weeks visiting relatives in Torrington. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cummings and Scott of Gillette were Wednesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cummings. Kelvin Kennedy was a Friday and Saturday guest of Melvin Materi in honor of the birthday of Melvin. Mr. and Mrs. Mick Dowdy and family visited with Mrs. Ruth Whitney and Bill Jim at their Buckhom home Sunday afternoon. Miss Fonda Fulton became the bride of Dr. Peter V. Vorpahl in a double ring cer- emony performed by the Rev. Raymond Tibbs, pastor of the Douglas Baptist Church, at the First United Methodist Church in Newcastle at two o’clock in the afternoon on August 22. The TWentieth Century Club will hold their first fall meeting Thursday, Sept. 3, at the ranch home of Mrs. Mary Ellen Martens at 2 pm. 100 Years Ago September 2, 1920 Friday night’s regular meeting of the Commercial club was varied wit’ a supper at the Park cafe at which 45 members were present and the meeting fulfilled its object in a'great degree by raising the‘ "spirit cf, sociability among these present. The Newcastle public school opened Monday with a record number of stu- dents in attendance. A full corps of teachers had reported last night. With approximately 15,000 acres planted to wheat, which it is estimated will produce an average 20 bushels to the acre, Weston County this year faces one of its biggest harvests. The crop is far above the average for the past two years and is said to be one of the largest ever raised in the county. George Ehuot made a business trip to Newcastle Saturday last. W. Becton and little daughter returned to South Dakota after a few days’ visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. Sam Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hekkilla returned from a two weeks’ trip to Hot Springs last Thursday, where they spent a pleasant trip. Robert and Mrs. Hulbert and little Jessie, their grand- daughter, and Miss Irene Goodwin, their grand- daughter; passed thru Cambria to Newcastle Monday. Mrs. George DeVall of the North Timber country, was a Cambria shopper Monday. Hazel and Robert Stoker were selling a fine lot of vegetables Monday raised on their Plum creek farm. Miss Eloise Horton of Newcastle is a guest of her cousin, Miss Ruth Schoonmaker. Mr. and New weeken hours! Now open at a.m. on Saturday and Sunday for your convenience! The Short Stop 2206 W. Main Newcastle, WY 82701 Open 4am—9pm Monday—Friday 5am—9pm Saturday Sunday We».me . \WRWV 130 S Seneca - (307) 746-4600 Ma leiwg Newcasttc’s smitcs . brighter for over 45‘ gears .f f i Erickson Famin Dental Center Tucstri I(I.-\:Vl~6l".\l. Sal lil;'\i\"l~2l’.\'l 2l2 W. Main Street. Newcastle 301740-2955 Up in Arms, LLC - Com-Pie)»: . . , Gillette, WY I 4635 Reta Drive September 4, 5, and 6 Friday 3-7pm I Saturday 9-5pm I Sunday 9—3pni HERITAGE .22 PISTOL GIVEAWAY! ’ Drawing on Sunday, Sept. 6, 2 pm Must be present to win Buy I Sell I Trade Contact Lisa at 208-420-2295 for table information Flea Market I Free to Public FARMERS INSURANCE For all of your insurance needs Michael Freeman 128 W. Main St, Ste. Cell: (307) 281-6310, Office: (307) 746-2700 CUSTOMIZE COVERAGE YOU CAN TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. .4 Request a Quote Today! Follow us on FaceboOk! News Letter Journal your LOCAL newspaper when living beside you works for you. ,. Luff....-..c..-........w--J P’F’f?ffF-‘?fffr.‘tf’9*99933"If'???5’?r!‘! [V‘P’ft'IT'P’II’ Birthdays &Anniversaries Mrs. Charles Westover and family autoed to Syhan Lake Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Harrison returned from the country Wednesday, after a few days’ visit there with her brother Will Lucas. The families of Zamboni and Rizzi were in attendance at the christening of the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Zucal in Newcastle last Sunday. Sept. 4 Rey Tortoledo & Kristen Scharf Sept. 9 Becky Burieson Jeremy Merdink Scott Parrish Charla Kelly Reyes-Kachei-' hoffer Q Kiah Wineteer Sept. 7 Sam & Meg George Shane Pauley Sept. 5 Chariotte McCoiIey Billy Price Sept. 8 Lucas Brust Georgia Fisher Richard Barb Gould 43 “Just say when. . . whence vet you in: ready E FARM BUREAU FINANCIAL SERVICES Ciyde Bayne, Agent ‘ 307-746-4471 360 West Main - Box 896 Newcastle, WY 82701 Sept John Butts Sept 10 Lorraine Davis is“; if S?“ :31“ at Sfiflfiefli‘biififi Mifikdflwileuawwwvauu “any; a whim! fifiifibafisprfifififia. in or a use ‘07 areas He ’ ulk repairs anti-fined