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Newcastle, Wyoming
June 18, 2015     News Letter Journal
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June 18, 2015
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I2 -- June 18, 2015 news letter journal FYI Weston County Commission Minutes ..................................................................................................................................... JUNE 2, 2015 The regular meeting of the Weston County Commissioners convened at 9:01 a.m., Chairman Bill Lambert presiding. Present were Commissioners: Bill Lambert, Tony Barton, Tracy Hunt, Marty Ertman, Randy Rossman, County Clerk Cheryl Kregel and Assistant Deputy Clerk Melanie Stevens. Good of the Order Commissioner Rossman gave the invocation and Commissioner Ertman led the delegation in the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Agenda Chairman Lambert requested additions be made to the Consent Agenda by adding the approval of the regular and executive session minutes from May 19, 2015 and adding the approval of vouchers. He noted that Ray Hunkins would not be joining the meeting at 1:15 p.m. and the Board would use that time to hold discussion regarding the mediation that took place on May 28, 2015 pertaining to the Weston County Event Center. He added Discussion Items at 4:00 p.m. today including issues pertaining to the Agenda layout, a letter from the Department of Workforce Services, and the possibility of the County pur- chasing additional office space. Commissioner Barton moved, Commissioner Rossman sec- onded, to approve the agenda as amended. Carried. North East Wyoming Economic Development Coalition Dell Atkinson, Executive Director, NEWEDC, introduced himself and gave updates on projects they are currently working with in Weston County, including Kitty Moats in Osage and the Logistics Center in Upton. He spoke on a variety of ser- vices they have available to the county, yearly fees for services, and touched base on grants they have available. The meeting recessed at 10:41 a.m. and reconvened at 11:00 a.m. All present. County Attorney Curley joined the meeting. Mallo Camp William Curley, County Attorney, Mallo Camp board members, Ted Ertman, Larry Cole, Gideon Dixon, and Greg Stumpff, along with Mark Pring, Executive Director, Local Government Liability Pool (LGLP), came before the Board to discuss matters pertaining to Mallo Camp. Attorney Curley asked that the commission move into executive session for further discus- sion. Commissioner Hunt moved, Commissioner Rossman seconded, to enter executive session under W.S. 16-4-405 (a)(iii) on matters concern- ing litigation to which the governing body is a party or proposed litigation to which the govern- ing body may be a party. Carried. The meeting entered into executive session at 11:02 a.m. and returned to open session at 11:49 a.m. with all present. Sheriff's Department Report Sheriff Bryan Colvard answered questions the Board members had regarding building repairs, updates to security, and the K-9 Unit. Sheriff Colvard informed the Board that he had no new information on the roof repairs project and that the asbestos assessment should be done soon. He discussed with the Board that he would be working with Northern Wyoming Mental Health in the upcoming future. Visitor Comments Chairman Lambert opened the floor to visitor comments. None at this time. The meeting recessed for lunch at 12:01 p.m. and reconvened at 1:01 p.m. All present. Approval of Consent Agenda Commissioner Ertman asked to pull the May 19th regular meeting minutes from the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Barton moved, Commissioner Ertman seconded, to approve Consent Agenda items including approving pay- roll signatures, Cancellation Taxes and Rental Agreement for Circuit Court, two catering permits for the West End, signing District Court monthly statement of $1,541.13, signing County Clerks monthly statement of $13,482.28, approving the May 19, 2015 executive session minutes, and approving vouchers. Carried, Commissioner Ertman asked the following corrections be made to the May 19, 2015 regu- lar session minutes. Under Salt Creek Road to strike the wording "Chairman Lambert sug- gested" changing to "The Board suggested", strike the wording "they contact" changing to "The Ackerman's would contact", strike the wording "all parties involved" changing to "Rick WilliamS, Road and Bridge Supervisor, and County Attorney Curley". The corrected minutes should read as follows "The Board suggested the Ackerman's would contact Rick Williams, Road and Bridge Supervisor, and County Attorney Curley concerning issues discussed and present the Commissioners in writing with all requests". Commissioner Ertman also asked the following correction be made to the Discussion Items. Strike the wording "Chairman Lambert discussed" changing to "The Board discussed". The corrected minutes should read as follows "The Board discussed a letter regarding court- house security, a response letter from BLM, a letter from the Wyoming State Public Defender and one from the Black Hills Regional Multiple Use Coalition". Commissioner Barton moved, Commissioner Rossman seconded, to approve the regular session minutes as amended. Carried. Weston County Event Center The Board discussed that on May 28, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the Wyoming State Bar Offices X Get: z eee mediation was held regarding the Weston County Event Center. Commissioner Barton, Commissioner Hunt, Chairman Lambert, and Commissioner Ertman all attended the mediation. A response deadline was set for June 12, 2015. County Attorney County Attorney Curley, requested that all Title 25 applications be filed with the County Attorney's office before being filed with the Clerk's office for payment under W.S. 25-10-112 (d). Discussion Ensued; The Board agreed to this request. County Attorney will draft a revised State Public Defenders Contract for the upcoming year. Wyoming Business Council Dave Spencer, WBC, updated the Commissioners on projects that they were work- ing with in Weston County. He informed the Board that the Kitty Moats renovations should be done mid-June and urged the Board members to stop by to see it. He offered assistance with grant writing and agreed to pass on any informa- tion on upcoming workshops. Old Business The Board discussed John and Sharron Ackerman's proposal letter regarding their por- tion of Salt Creek Road. Discussion ensued; The Board asked County Attorney Curley to look fur- ther into this and report back to the Commission at the June 16, 2015 meeting. Cheryl Kregel, County Clerk, will get together with Jerry Hunt, Contract Engineer, to determine the dates on the HVAC bid packets. The bid packets will be advertised as soon as the dates have been decided. Timberline Services returned their contract and it will be reviewed by Jerry Hunt as soon as he is available. New Business The Board discussed the proposal from Kone Inc., for the needed repairs to the county court- house elevator. Discussion ensued; the Board decided to get additional estimates and make a decision after more information is available. The meeting recessed at 2:16 p.m. and recon- vened at 3:00 p.m. All present. Central Weston County Solid Waste District - Osage Joe Woods and Cynthia Crabtree, CWCSWD, previously requested at the May 19, 2015 regular session Commissioners meeting, the Commissioners support a request for funding $87,500.00 for the 25% match needed for State Grant funding to begin building a transfer sta- tion. Joe Woods was present at today's meeting along with Cynthia Crabtree joining by phone, they answered additional questions pertaining to the amount of funds the CWCSWD currently has available. Commissioners Barton and Hunt both discussed conversations they had with Craig Mcomie, WY DEQ, on options involved in regards to funding the transfer station. They both stated that Craig Mcomie supported the fund- ing for the CWCSWD transfer station. Lengthy discussion ensued; Commissioner Hunt moved, Commissioner Rossman seconded, to allocate $40,000.00 to CWCSWD to be used for part of the 25% match of the grant for building the landfill transfer station. That money will come out of the Consensus Account 355.50.54.0183000.0000 contingent upon the approval of the resolution for the consensus funding. If it fails the $40,000.00 will be paid out of the Administrative account Any monies given to CWCSWD pursuant to this resolution will be returned to the county if CWCSWD does not receive the state grant. Carried. Commissioner Ertman moved, Commissioner Rossman seconded, to approve the signatures of all Board of County Commissioners to allocate $40,000.00 out of the County Wide Consensus funding to the CWCSWD to pay a portion of the 25% match to receive their grant. Carried. The board of Commissioners discussed creat- ing a county wide landfill district while leaving the CWCSWD as their own district. Commissioner Barton presented a resolution to the Board to create a county wide landfill district exclusive of the boundaries of the current CWCSWD. Commissioner Ertman moved, Commissioner Barton seconded, to table the approval of the resolution until the regular meeting scheduled on June 16, 2015 to give the Board and County Attorney the opportunity to review. Carried. Discussion The Board held discussion regarding the Agenda layout and rules pertaining to scheduling County meetings. The Board discussed a let- ter received from the Department of Workforce Services regarding Workers Compensation for elected officials and agreed to table the discus- sion until June 16, 2015. Commissioner Hunt moved, Commissioner Rossman seconded, to enter executive Session under W.S. 16-4-405 (a) (vii) to consider the selection of a site or the pur- chase of real estate when the publicity regarding the consideration would cause a likelihood of an increase in price. Carried. The meeting entered into executive session at 4:24 p.m. and returned to open session at 4:38 p.m. with all present. Approve Vouchers Commissioner Barton moved, Commissioner Ertman seconded, under the motion to approve the Consent Agenda, the approval of vouchers. Carried, They are as follows: 066 NCPERS, payroll ded, $256.00, AFLAC, payroll ded, $2,053.87, Blue Cross Blue Shield, financial admin, $56,480.66, Office of Child Support, payroll ded, $175.00, Orchard Trust, payroll ded, $1,662.00, WEBT, financial admin, $189.80, Weston County Clerk, financial admin, $44,447.85, WC Treasurer, financial admin, $20.00, WY Child Support, payroll ded, $1,175.00, WY Dept of Workforce Services, financial admin, $2,503.67, WY Retirement System, financial admin, $28,334.38, WY Retirement System, financial admin, $1,290.14, Hermes Consolidated Inc, oil/gas, $36,436.91, Bearlodge Engineering & Surveying, mallo water tank, $8,080.00, Ad Pro, supp, $2,620.58, Advanced Communications, comm, $50.00, Allstate Peterbilt, repair/maint, $85.89, Alpha Communications, veh maint/fuel/tower rent, $1,555.00, American Welding & Gas, repair/ maint, $20.00, AT&T Mobility, comm, $1,179.73, Barb Munger, elctn exp, $10.88, Barbara J. LebsaCk, elctn exp, $134.88, Becky Hadlock, misc, $5.00, Bill Lambert, mile/trvl, $434.00, BH Auto Salvage, financial admin, $405.35, BH Chemical & Janitorial, brd of prisoners, $102.97, BH Plumbing, repair/maint, $2,497.02, BH Power, util, $2,950.81, Bob Barker Co, brd of prisoners, $164.43, Bullseye Promotions, misc, $570.00, Byrand Streeter, contract wages, $1,158.75, C&J Newcastle Hardware, brd of prisoners, $74.83, Cambria Supply, repair/maint, $386.63, Casey Thorson, janitor supp, $570.00, Catherine Beck, elctn exp, $131.25, City of Newcastle, util/dis- patch/circuit crt/pub def/p-hlth exp, $7,326.27, Connie James-RN, wic, $47.33, Connie Tooman, elctn exp, $116.75, CSl Forensic Supply, invst- gtns, $124.52, Culligan Water Conditioning, misc, $15.00, Cynthia Crabtree, coroner exp, $61.10, Dan Bush, veh maint/fuel, $85.00, Debbi Piper, elctn exp, $144.50, Decker's Market, janitor supp/ ext exp, $391.34, Diebold Inc, misc, $473.00, Dixon Bros, oil/gas, $509.25, Double D Obsolete Parts, repair/maint, $922.28, Dwande E. Lemay, attny exp, $29.25, Eddie's Truck Center, repair/ maint, $231.80, Ellen Butts, elctn exp, $98.63, Fastenal Company, repair/maint, $63.77, Fisher Sand & Gravel, grvl/rd mtrl, $1,679.57, Frontier Home Ranch & Hardware, repair/maint, $99.66, Gary Lebsack, elctn exp, $134.88, Gateway Auto Supply, repair/maint, $572.04, Glock Professional, school exp, $500.00, Gloria Riehemann, elctn exp, $191.25, Godfrey's Brake Service, repair/maint, $1,265.35, Golden West Technologies, comp software, $1,010.30, Grant Writing USA, school exp, $1,090.00, Great Western Tire, repair/maint, $239.95, Grimm's Pump & Industrial Supply, repair/maint, $180.20, Harris Govern Ft Collins User Group, repair/ maint, $150.00, Hillyard/Sioux Falls, janitor supp, $114.50, Hopkins Medical Products, p-hlth exp, $222.60, James Tooman, elctn exp, $136.75, Jodi Brooks, wic, $337.31, Karen Carter, elctn exp, $113.13, KASL, p-hlth exp, $882.00, Laura Beck, elctn exp, $159.25, Leslie Townsend, elctn exp, $153.50, Linda Engle, elctn exp, $10.88, Lori Bickford, p-hlth exp, $135.85, Lyle Signs, Imbr/clvrts/brdg, $502.66, Lynda R. Black, attny exp, $165.00, Marlene Dixon, elctn exp, $116.38, MasterCard, school/supp, $925.27, Max Masters, gis land records, $1,900.00, Mining Electrical Service, supp, $419.64, Moore Medical LLC, _:5i , , Bid Notice ............................ CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Newcastle, Wyoming will receive sealed bids for one (1) new PUMPER FIRE TRUCK ("Bid Property"). Specifications, bid-forms (if any) and related bid requirements for interested bidders are available at Newcastle City Administration Office located at 10 West Warwick, Newcastle, Wyoming, telephone no. (307) 746-3535. Each bid must be delivered to the Newcastle City Clerk at the Newcastle City Administration Office located at 10 West Warwick, Newcastle, Wyoming on or before 5:00 p.m. local time on the 6th day of July, 2015, to be considered. All bids will be opened on the 6th day of July, 2015, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. local time by the Governing Body of the City in the City Council Chambers located on the second floor of the City Administration Office at 10 West Warwick, Newcastle, Wyoming. The successful bid- der, if any, shall be announced by the City at such time as the Governing Body of the City may determine appropriate, but no later than thirty (30) days from the date of bid open- ing. The City reserves the right to waive any informality or minor irregularity in any bid. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted if it is determined that none of them would serve the public interest. If a contract is awarded, it will be awarded to the bidder whose equipment meets or exceeds the minimum specifications of this bid and is, in the sole dis- cretion of the Governing Body of the City, the best equipment for use by the City at the lowest bid price, such factors as options, warranties, maintenance and repair statistics, and product and design function, in addition to bid price, shall be considered by the City in awarding this bid. Each bid must be submitted in compli- ance with Wyoming Statute Section 15-1-113 to be considered. Each bid submitted must be accompanied by a bid bond, or if the bid is $150,000.00 or less by a certified check, money order or cashier's check, in an amount not less than the 5% of the total amount of bid, with suf- ficient surety and payable to the City. The bid bond, certified check, money order or cashier's check of the successful bidder shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the suc- cessful bidder fails to enter into the contract with the City within 30 days following presenta- tion of the contract, or fails to make delivery of the Bid Property within the time specified for delivery, and/or fails to fully comply with any other contractual agreements with the City relat- ing to this bid. Each bid must be delivered in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Bid For Pumper Fire Truck". Each bid must state a date upon which delivery will be made if the bid is accepted. In accordance with Wyoming Statute Section 16-6-101 through 16-6-107, preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, agricultural prod- ucts, equipment, machinery and provisions pro- duced, manufactured or grown in Wyoming, or supplied by a resident of the state, quality being equal to articles offered by the competitors out- side of the state. DATED this 4th day of June, 2015. City of Newcastle By: Charita Brunner, City Clerk/Treasurer (Publish June 11 and 18, 2015) p-hlth exp, $146.33, Newcastle Ambulance Service, ambulance, $1,458.33, Newcastle High School, misc, $400.00, Newcastle Motors, veh maint/fuel, $747.59, News Letter Journal, print/ publ/supp, $5,231.45, Office Ally, p-hlth exp, $19.95, Osage Improvement & Service Dist, coroner exp, $300.00, Phil's Tire, hmlnd sec exp, $928.16, Phyllis Sundstrom, elctn exp, $10.88, Plainsman, new equip, $1,205.58, Powder River Energy Corp, util, $973.88, Productivity Plus Account, repair/maint, $237.00, R&S Northeast LLC, p-hlth exp, $50.98, Randy Rossman, mile/ trvl, $48.00, RC Emergency Services, financial admin, $378.00, Regional Health, autopsies, $406.00, Reserve Acct-Pitney Bowes, post/ freight, $1,511.00, Ringer Law PC, special attny, $366.00, Roadrunner Disposal Service, util, $60.00, RT Communications, comm, $2,494.32, Safety Kleen, misc, $361.11, Servall Uniform/ Linen Co, janitor supp, $274.38, ShopKo, janitor supp, $469.24, SmileMakers, p-hlth exp, $267.88, Sofia Baeza, janitor, $2,300.00, Source Gas, util, $535.23, Stacy Buchholz, ext exp, $326.60, Stine Electronics, coroner exp, $1,420.00, Tammy Cleverdon, elctn exp, $10.88, Team Lab Chemical Corp, oil/gas, $193.00, Timberline Services, grvl/rd mtrl, $26,837.17, Tony Barton, mile/trvl, $90.00, Top Office Products, brd of prison- ers/misc, $1,872.51, Tyler Technologies, comp software, $19,884.22, Ultra Max, school exp, $389.00, Unemployment Tax Division, unemploy- ment, $567.00, Upton Ambulance, ambulance, $4,375.00, Urbin Law Office LLC, special attny, $749.09, Verizon Wireless, p-hlth exp, $181.47, Vicki Hayman, ext exp, $81.00, Vilas Pharmacy, jail medical, $24.95, VISA, hmlnd sec exp, $186.47, West End Water District, util, $60.00, Western States Sheriff Assoc, pub rel, $100.00, WC Childrens Center, chld ctr, $3,750.00, WC Health Services, misc, $85.00, WC Peace Off Assoc, supp, $300.00, WC Road & Bridge, veh maint/fuel, $2,591.39, WC Sr Services, brd of prisoners, $3,064.00, WC Weed & Pest, supp, $83.66, Weston Engineering, engineer srvs, $1,000.00, Woody's Food Center, brd of prisoners, $288.18, Worden Funeral Directors, invol commit, $1,000.00, WY Automotive Co, repair/maint, $231.26, WY Co Commissioners Assoc, mile/trvl, $300.00, WY Co Assessors Assoc, school exp, $215.00, WY Dept of Health, p-hlth exp, $318.00, WY Division of Criminal Investigation, mile/trvl, $25.00, WY Network, financial admin, $200.00, WY Sheriffs Assoc, pub rel/youth services, $587.00. Net Payroll, $143,478.50. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Bill Lambert, Chairman Attest: Cheryl Kregel, County Clerk (Publish June 18, 2015) Environmental Notice ...... ,. _i 'i :.pUBLICNOTICE: : . : In accordance with the provisionsofthe : Wyoming Environmental Quality Act and Chapter 1,Section 3(a) of the Solid Waste Rules and Regulations, the Red Giant Oil Company has submitted an application for a major permit amendment for the Red Giant Oil Company of Newcastle. This facility currently provides for the transfer, treatment, and storage of new oil, used oil, used oil mixtures, used anti-freeze used transformer oil, grease, oily rags, oil filters, slop diesel, low and high temperature grease, and petroleum contaminated soil which have been gener- ated within the states of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Nebraska, Northern Colorado, Eastern Nevada, Utah, and Western South Dakota. The 10 acre facility is located on 10 Big Red Road in Newcastle, WY. More specifically, this facility is located in the SE 1/4 of Section 2, and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 1, Township 44N, Range 61 W, Weston County, Wyoming. The facility collects approximately 5.5 million gallons of used oil, 16,000 gallons of used anti-freeze and 10,000 pounds of used grease annually, which is marketed to used oil burning facilities. The site life of the facility is indefinite. The purpose of the permit amendment appli- cation is to allow the operator of this facility to install four new oil tanks which will increase the total volumetric capacity by more than five per- cent. The Department of Environmental Quality, Solid and Hazardous Waste Division (DEQ) has determined that the major amendment appli- cation is generally complete and technically adequate. DEQ's solid waste rules, in Chapter 1, Section 2 (b)(ii), require that the applicant must provide public notice that a proposed permit has been issued, and inform the public that there is an opportunity to comment on the proposed per- mit before it is issued in its final form. The notice is also required to indicate that the public may file formal written objections to issuance of final permit. This publication provides notice of those opportunities. Copies of the major amendment application, the DEQ's review of the application, and the pro- posed permit can be viewed at DEQ's Cheyenne office (122 West 25th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82002), at the Weston County Public Library (23 West Main St., Newcastle, WY 82701), and the Weston County Clerk's Office (1 West Main, Newcastle, WY 82701). Any interested person has the right to either: provide comments on the proposed permit, which DEQ will consider prior to taking final action on the permit application, or file formal written objections to the proposed permit. The period for providing comments, or filing formal written objections to the proposed permit, shall begin on 6/11/2015 and end on 7/10/2015. Any comments or formal written objec- tions must be received by 5:00 PM on the last day of the notice period. Comments or formal objections must be submitted in writing to the Department of Environmental Quality, Todd Parfitt, Director, 122 West 25th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82002. Formal written objections. must be accompanied by a statement of the facts upon which the objection is based. If sub- stantial written objections are filed, a contested case hearing will be held by the Environmental Quality Council. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities. (Publish June 11 and 18, 2015)