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Newcastle, Wyoming
June 11, 2015     News Letter Journal
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June 11, 2015
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editor@newsO'.com June 11, 2015 -- 5 news letter journal PBSSBgO$ 100 years ago- June 10, 1915 ended Saturday, and M. L. Hay, chief Cartoon Fisher made a dash for of the local volunteer department, was Newcastle Saturday and in spite of the named first vice president for the ensuing gumbo returned in good season Sunday. year. The bearded lady departed for S.D. and Weston County's population has some of the boys around Hampshire have increased more than five and one-half per had rather gloomy faces ever since, cent in the last ten years. The county's The McKeons autoed into town the 1940 total is 4,941, and increase of 268 other day in their new Ford, and were over the figure for the 1930 census. accompanied home by Miss Marshall,The Newcastle Dogies broke into the who is to teach there this summer,win column Monday night by handing Saturday, while riding very swiftly on the CCC boys their second defeat of the bare-back, little Latal Fisher was thrown season. The Consumers and Toomey Mills violently go by having his horse fall. teams started off the season with wins in Aside from a severe shaking up the only games played during the past week in the injury is a badly bruised hand. city softball league. Mrs. Charles Andrews, Miss Edyth Gene Baldwin entertained at his Pitts and W. C. Gibbs were entertained home at the MW south of Newcastle last at dinner by Harry Kincaid Monday. No Thursday evening with 30 members and lady need apply for the position as house- guests of the Junior Music Club present. keeper there, as Harry is very proficient in A gathering was held at the grove near that line himself, the E. P. Johnson home on Beaver Creek Willie Feagins, who has been working on Sunday, honoring Mrs. Johnson's with Keeline Round-up evidently made sisters, Mrs. Herma Budroe and Mrs. a lucky drive and well satisfied with his Dorothy Blair and daughter from Calif. prize, decided to retire from the stren- About 45 old-timers and friends visited uous life. At any rate he side tracked at the Johnson home during the day and at Hampshire, Tuesday, in tow of Will enjoyed a picnic dinner at noon. Dixon's new teacher, Miss Jeanette Burr. Congratulations were in order is week Monday afternoon Mrs. Charlie when the marriage of Don Townsend of Andrews started out in search of her Osage to Miss Elmina Thoman of Rapid "better half', whom she knew was some- City was performed on Sunday morning where on Snyder. Failing to find him at the at the Presbyterian manse in Rapid City. place indicated by a sheep-herder, she rode Red Owl Ad: 10 lbs. sugar for 55 cents. in vain till ten o'clock, then overtaken by Osage Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Walter intense darkness and a terrific storm, she Updike Wednesday afternoon with the fol- tethered her horse, perched on her saddle lowing present: Mesdames P. J. Westfall, beneath a tree and bravely awaited the A. H. Chit-tim, Delong Satterlee, O. L. morning light, her thoughts accompanied Butcher, Jack Loth, H. D. Wiltse, D. R. only by the mournful murmur of drip- Dodd, Lee Hunter and M. S. Updike. ping leaves and punctuated occasionally by the weird howl of the coyote. When 50 years - June 10, 1965 day dawned she found the trail and after Boys, ages 8 through 12, may sign up eighteen miles more of weary traveling for the city recreation program Monday the wanderers were reunited, morning starting at 9. Jerry Simmons, instructor, will register the boys at the Gertrude Burns field T.:R.i Elliott; Weston County rancher and a county commissioner, was elected worshipful master of Newcastle Lodge ~ 75 years ago - June 13~:1940 .: : Newcastle was choserr the 1941 con- vention city of the state firemen's asso- ciation at a meeting held in Cody, which No. 13, A.F. & A. M at an election last week. Other officers elected are Douglas Holwell, senior warden; Wallace Haas, junior warden; Robert Harper, treasurer; and Floyd T. Sweet, secretary. The Newcastle Appreciation Days "free pancake feed" sponsored by the merchants committee of the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce will be held Saturday from 8:30 in the morning until 1 in the afternoon. The Board of Directors of the National Bank of Newcastle at its regular meeting announced that Flyd E. Harmon has been elected to the office of executive vice- president and cashier of the bank. A parade will be held in Newcastle Saturday in conjunction with the N. R. C. A. rodeo. The Newcastle Jaycees are sponsoring the parade and the theme will be "Wyoming's 75th Diamond Jubilee." Mr. and Mrs. Wallace F. Haas returned last week from Portland, Ore. where Mrs. Haas, State President of Wyo. Federation of Garden Clubs attended the 36th Annual Convention of the National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc. A meeting of the Golden Age Club will be held at the hospitality room of the National Bank Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Each member is asked to bring a sack lunch. Clyde lee was a caller at the Jay Mayberry home in the Prairie area Monday afternoon. Ella Rawhouser and Marilyn Arnold and children visited Hallie Rawhouser Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Carr and Donna attended the Wool Carnival in Edgemont on Saturday where Orin took several blue ribbons on his wool. Glenn Hutt got his branding done on Friday with Bob and Jerry Carr, Clyde Bayne, Kenneth Whitney and Gary Bayne helping. Fillingers did their branding on Saturday with the help of the Donald Gregory's, Kenton Hunter, and the Kropatch family. Rick Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Johnson is representing Grace Lutheran Church of Newcastle at the Leadership Training School being held at Outlaw Ranch Bible Camp in Custer, S. D. Approximately 75 young people from the S.D. District will be spending the week in concentrated training for becoming the church leaders of tomorrow. Scott: :Marriner of ,station KASL in Newcastle has been named'Secretary of the Wyoming Associated Press Broadcasters association for 1965. Weston County Meetings & Events Calendar DATE TIME EVENT LOCATION Thurs Fd Sat Sun Mon "rues Wed Thurs Fd Jun 11 Jun 12 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun 19 Sat Jun 20 Sun Jun 21 5:00 a.m. " Art in the Canyon Spearfish Canyon Lodge 5:30 p.m. City Planning Commission City Hall 6:00 p.m. Sumner Performance & Lecture Crazy Horse Memorial 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting Senior Center, Family Room 7:30 p.m. Bingo VFW Hall 7:00 p.m. Sprint Car Races WC Fairgrounds Shriner's Golf Tournament Newcastle Country Club 7:00 p.m. City Council City Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. WC County Commissioners Courthouse 12:00 p.m. WC Cowbelles Fountain Inn 6:45 p.m. ALANON Meeting (746-9791) Mondell Heights 7:00 p.m. Helping Hands Foundation Senior Center 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting WC Health Services, Downstairs 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting Senior Center, Family Room 9:00 a.m. WC Senior Service Senior Center 12:00 p.m. Newcastle Lions Club Senior Center 1:30 p.m. WC Weed & Pest Weed & Pest Office 6:00 p.m. WC Humane Society Shelter 5:00 p.m. WC Health Services Board Room 6:00 p.m. Sumner Performance & Lecture Crazy Horse Memorial 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting Senior Center, Family Room 7:30 p.m. Masons Newcastle Lodge #13 Stampede Rodeo & Gift from Mother Earth Crazy Horse Memorial 7:30 p.m. Bingo VFW Hall Stampede Rodeo & Gift from Mother Earth Crazy Horse Memorial 8:00 a.m. American Legion Poker Run - 9:00 a.m. West Blvd. Summer Festival Wilson Park, Rapid City Stampede Rodeo & Gift from Mother Earth Crazy Horse Memorial Father's Day Spearfish Canyon Lodge Peace Officers Fishing DerbyLAK 8:00 a.m. Run or Dye NHS Track 9:00 a.m. West Blvd. Summer Festival Wilson Park, Rapid City 1:00 p.m. Father's Day Open House Glenn & Phyllis Hanson Ranch Birthdays & Anniversaries June 11 Mr. & Mrs Rob Akers Mr. & Mrs Herb French June 12 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Arp Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Gardner June 13 Mr. & Mrs. Jason Kline Mr. & Mrs. Paul Holland Troy Chdstensen June 17 Camron Blake Cheryl Kregel Mathew Drake June 14 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Cox June 16 Mr. & Mrs. David Blake Cobb Kachelhoffer June 19 Leonard Singer Adam Cobb June 21 Nancy Zerbst CA PG OUN > I ~,~i~i::iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiili!i!ililili!i!i!i!~!~,~ Rent by the day, week or month. The Short Stop 2206 W. Main Street 746-9775 Open 5am-9pm Monday-Saturday 6am-9pm Sunday You're a grand old flag. You're a high flying flag And forever in peace may you wave. You're the emblem of The land I love The home of the free and the brave. Ev'ry heart beats true <~'neaththeRed, WhiteandBlue, ~~~> Where there's never a boast or brag. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, Keep your eye on the grand old flag. 2951 W. Main 746-4055 Open 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. 7 days a week Critical Rare Earth Project 2209 E. Cleveland Ave P.O. Box 40, Sundance, WY 82729 Sundance: 307"Z83"3500 upton: 307"Z81-0517 For updates and current information, please qo to: Faz ilo Dmtal Crater 307-746-4600 laO South Seneca 4syears x?er e e Newcastle, WY Dr. Erickson On Call 24/7 746-8963 We are taking donations for the families of the Lusk Community. o -.- -, - --,-,----,-- Dinosaur Discovery and Research onthe Glenn and Phyllis Hanson Ranch Southwest of Newcastle iOPEN HOUSE 1:00-4:00 P.M. 'FATHER'S DAY dUNE CompUme ry Refreshments Served! Call 307-7/ fi:3M5 (Vern & Carolyn Johnson) for more info,