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Newcastle, Wyoming
June 9, 1955     News Letter Journal
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June 9, 1955
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THE NEWS LETTER OI, UB NEWS I COUNTY 4-HEI~ SY WEEK i:Past week has been a busy Weston County 4-H mem- leaders and the Coun- Tuesday, May 24th, junior leaders, and old- members attended a lead- :+~l~alning meeting at the V.F W. IE:i'la Upton. Perry Clay, Wes- ~:County Agricultural Agent to the group on 4-H Agri- ~l Project Record Books; ~,~plOtte Phillips, Home Dem- .~+ tion Agent gave the !esson ~Ome Economics, Records and Advice on keep and using Memory Book was also and Geneva Gaskilis Mem- - Fri. - Sat. June 9- 10.11 !!iA UNIVfl:~.MT[R~T~ PIC~R( E MATINEE cry Books were on display. Fol-] lowing the instruction period,| ATTEND YOUR CHURCH Shirley Hutt of the Happy Ranch- er's 4-I4 Club gave a clever and most interesting demonstration on Dental Health. This demon- stration has to be seen to be ap- preciated. Saturday, May 28th was ,he first of a series uf Home Econ- omics Judging days. This meeting was a practice session; ins.truc- tion was given iil judging and on giving reasons. A very good tuzn- out was reported. Next Judging Day is June 18th. Perry Clay was to have takcn a group of older members to a Livestock Judging Contest in Sheridan, Saturday, May 28th, but due to muddy roads and stormy weather the trip be can- celled. Wednesday evening, June 1st a county-wide 4-H party was held at the V.F.W. hall in Osage. Jun- ior leaders were in charge of re- creation. In spite of the storm quite a good crowd turned out. The Public Speaking Contest held in conjunction with the party was won by Janita Pzinski who gave a talk on "Somewhere In Old Wyoming". Anthony Marchant placed second, his talk was ell- June 7 through 11. Anthony is not quite old enough to attend Junior Leader Camp. Listen to "Chapel Time" at 1O:0O a.m. on KASL, each day Monday through Friday, presented by the Newcastle Ministerial Association. It is not important which church yeu attend. The important thing is that you attend church. Most of us refer to one church or another as "my church". To make e church really your own you must support it not only linen. clally, but in spirit and by your presence. Your regular attendance at the services, your hearty cooperation in its program together with your financial assistance help to make it your church and a successful one. The Churches of the Newcastle Ministerial Association invite ~.~u to attend services. titled "Let's Bargain on Shrink The success of the community depends on the churches, the as Well as Price. Janita will su~ess of the churches depends on you you have a big responsi- give her talk at Junior Leader'sI bllRy. Camp in Douglas. Camp will be l Member Churches: Trinity Lutheran; Assembly of God; First Metl~odtst; Seventh Day Adventist; Christ Church Episcopal; First Baptist; Church of the Nazarene and Southern Baptist. 1-2.3-4-H Club News TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Four members and one guest 220 West Road Miss Phillip~ were present at the Rev. R. Hackler, Pastor 1-2-3-4-H Club meeting May 26, Phone SH 6-2347 .at the home of Geneva Gaskill. 7:00 a.m.--Early Worship Sets, Roll Call was answered by tell- . ice. ing an exciting event in 4-H. 8:45 a.m.--Sunday School Miss Phillips came and talked~ 10:00 a.m.--Late Worship Service to us about Junior Leadership OSAGE: Camp. The next meeting will beI ls.t and 3rd Sundays of month held at the home of Caron Melh: at 7:30 p.m. in the Community berg, June 23, at 2:30 o'clock. Building. Roll call will be answered by A Cordial Welcome to All giving a Skit for Camp. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess Geneva Gaskill. Paula Pillen, reporter. IIERE FROM FT. BRAGG Pfc. and Mrs. Lawrence Price returned to Fort Bragg, N. C. re- ASSEMBLY OF GOD 224 S. Seneca Street Phone SH 6-2249 Pastor: W. Nell McDaniel SERVICES: Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Fletcher Cross, Superinten- dent. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m Pastor will speak. Worship hour, 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Wed 7:30 p. m. CHRIST CHURCH--EPISCOPAL The Rev. Alan B. Cheales Vicar Sunday, June 12, 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m. Church School and Family Worship. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Monday, June 13 through June 17 --- Vacation Church School, 9 to 12 a.m. cently after spending two weeks Evangelistic Service, 7:45 p.m. in Newcastle visiting their par Sunday. fonts and other relatives. Price is a C.A. (Youth) Service, 7:45 p.m. Ln--7 2to4 paratrooper with the 82nd Air-Wednesday. June] 1 born Divis'ion at Fort Bragg.Prayer and Bible Study, 7:45 p.m. Thursday. ATTEND UW GRADUATION Radio Programs Comics Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parrish "Heart to Heart Talks" 6:45 a. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE !~: spent Sunday and Monday in Lar-i m. Men. thru Friday. Levi Louderbaek, Pastor Seri a l amie where they attended gradua. "The Gospel Rocket" (especial- Temporarily located In the tion services at the University of lY prepared children's program) 7th Day Adventist Church Wyoming on Monday. James Par- 7:45 a.m. Saturday. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Shorts rish graduated in the class of "Revivaltime" (Assemblies of Morning worship, 10:55 a.m. 1955. God National Broadcast) is heardNYPS at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday 9:00 a.m. ]re - DOROTHY HORTON tlOME "Welcome to the church where CHURCH OF CHRIST I "Khvber Patrol" Mrs. Peter Smith motored to you are never a stranger". 103 E. Woodstock Laramie last week and was ac- --'------ I Sunday" !, with -gan nRST METHODIST CHURCH Mornin worshi- n 0o am companied home Friday by her Kenneth H. Rice, Minister Commngion Se~'~ces: 11 ~ am. Richard E daughter, Dorothy Horton, who Levi Louderback, Associate ' ~ " "i C) W has been a student at the Jane,~ -lole ~mtly, bunaay, - :uu p.m. Ivinson Memorial Hall prep lCnurcn ~cnooi -- u:,m a.m and a n Ad ms school for the past term. W r hi",~. : .+'. ~''i" '~ *" "-" "-~^^''"l"em " 1" "~ Firesideana wea.esaaYmeeting --":bXJS'301J'""pm. Iit: K,dd,e Mahnee " J~oara lvleetmg -- ",:OU p.m. " " All Genius: Cant understand whyJBible School June 7to 17th for --- ~ --------- Evening Worship --- 8:00 p.m. NEW~E L' s have met the yOU failed in bus'iness. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH ( Friend: Too much advertising. Pastor: Jim High = Genius. What do you mean -- Dproval of P TA and l S.S. Supt GUy Greenway I too much aaverusing ou never Sunday School --. 9:00 a.m. ion of Decency, Ispent a cent in your life on adver- Morning Worship--10:0@ a.m. rising. Training Union -- 7:00 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Chester Brock, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service, 11 B. Y 7:00 p.m. Evening Service, 8:00 p.m. Monday: Men's Work Night, 7:30 p.m. Refreshments. Wed Choir Practice, 7 p.m. Hour of Power, 8 p.m. Sun Mon. - Tues. June 12- 13- 14 01.t$1Btt ~ mmmna MAUlIEEN * ,Ic . JOHN FORD'S INE+ Color by TECHNICOLOR m+.rm, Robert FRANCIS" Donald CRISP Ward BOND. Betsy PALMER" Phil CAREY } Im.m PI~ ~ EDW, dt~ It0P~ h~l u~q '~t. ml Up tim em~". I$11W,OIremd W JO~N runu Cartoon Friend: That's true, but my competitors did. II I II Ir Wed Thurs. June 15- 16 GEORGE PAL. BYRON HASKIN'JAM~S O'HANLON ~. PHILIP YOROAN, 8AR~ LYNDON-, GEORGE WORTHINGTON YATES ~, ~. CH[SL[Y BONESIELL ~ WILLY LEY k PA~MOUNI PICTUR[ and Broderick Cr.awford & Ruth Roman in "Down Three Dark Streets" A Lot of Entertain- ment in Air Condi- tioned comfort. 'children from 4 to 12 yrs of age. Time 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.r~. e'ach day except Sunday. S V NTH k-f- VWN ST L. L. S~Jth, Pastor Saturday: Sabbath school 9:45 a.m Mr. Frances Chase, Supt. Classes for all ages. Evening Worship -- 8:0@ All services held in the Mason- Ic Hall. Prayer Services 8:00 Wednes- Inlroduoloty 8peoill Su ZIP.CUP aWIVIIL TOP All thor's modern In ONE and you trove ~ 4t0 Super power- -JZO~ mort euctlon with new ~ watt full ~ HP motor ctean.r DmmMlo beautp-exclUng colors Low price eaves you $20 to T~O ~ho,iUts ee "live" demonstrotlon st our store It once. or Newcastle, Wyoming Dial SH 64 Sl day Eve at the home of Mrs. J. H. Vincent. Cooperating in world.wide Mls- sions with the SOUTHERN BAP- TIST CONVENTION. OSAGE COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY Rev: Marvin Green Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. for all ages. Special features. Morning worship, 11:00. Cornel Worship with us. EvangeRstie Service, 7:45 p.m. Wednesday Evening, 7:45. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Friday afternoon--3:45 "At The Parsonage": Funl Excitmentl B1- ble Quizzes, and Handcraftl All children welcome. CHURCH OF GOD H. E. Shultz, Pastor Phone 349J ~ Box 42 441 Pine S~reet Sunday school, 9:45 -- Classe~- Morning Worship at 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship, 6:45 p.m. Evening Service at 7:45 p.m. Missionary Prayer Band at Par- sonage, Monday at 9:00 a.m. Ladies Missionary Society with Sister Dewing, Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Choir Practice Wed 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and BPble Study Weqnesday, at 8:00 p.m. Friendways Club at the Church Friday, at 4 o'clock. THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH OF CHRIST Evangelist Keith Marshall Hiway 16 between 4th and 5th st. Services: Sunday Morning: Bible Study 10 a.m. Sunday Evening: Bible Study, 6 p.m. Worship 6:50 p.m. Wednesday Night: Bible Study, 7 p.m. Come Worship With Us. No creed except the Bible. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of Latter.Day.Salnt~ (Mormon) Masonic Hall Every Sunday Sunday School--ll:15 e.m. Fireside Meeting, 5:30 p.m. CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC CHURCH Pastor: Terence A. McGovern Asst. Bartho Svete Sunday Masses -- 7 and 9 a.m. Weekday Mass. 7. Inquiry Class Monday - Wednesday, 7:30. Upton, 2nd and 4th Sundays, 9 a.m. Four Corners -- 1st Sunday, 9 a.m. Sundance -- 3rd Sunday, 9 a.m. Confession on Saturday, 4 - 5, 7:30 - 8:30. KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 1003 Wood St Newcastle Sun 8 p.m. -- "Watchtower" StUdy. Wed 8 p.m. -- Congregation Book Study. Fri 8:30 p.m. -- Theocratic Ministry School. CHURCH OF CHRIST (CbrisUlm) W. E. Hoff, Minister Cambria Street Sunday: Bible School 10 a.m. Morning worship and com- munion at 11 a.m. Evening Worship at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Bible study and prayer 7:30 p.m. The Re-Organized Church of .Jesus Cl~dst Of Latter Day SMnts Forrest Julius, Pastor +Church every Sunday at I0:80 a.m. at the Oil City School Hereto, 4 miles west of Ouge. ATTEND WEDDING HERE Mrs. Vern McCoy, Mrs. Mack Greene and Harley E111ott, all of Lead, S. D and Mrs. Harold Boy- er of Trojan, S. D were In New- castle last Wednesday where they attended the wedding of Bill Cat- tles and Miss Shirley Schwarge. Sioux, a Colorado Corporation will hold its next Annual Stockholders Meeting in Denver on June 14, 955. Notices were mailed to 3318 Stockholders in all parts of the United States, ttawaii, Cuba and Canada. Outstanding Common Stock, May 31, 1955 --2,932,051 shares. Newcastle's Largest Industry III AA~&AA &&AAAA&AIAAAA&A && &AIA& &A A&& && &&& ~ ~ &&A ~ . VVVVTVVVVVVVVVVVVV~VVVVWVVVVVVVVV~VVVVV~VVVVVV~ Your pharmacist knows pre- scriptions. His years of pro- fessional education and long experience have made him a skilled expert in compounding prescriptions with precision. We double-check to make sure you get "just what the doctor ordered" 112 W. Main THE REXALL STORE Newcastle, Wyo. Dial SH 6-2274 VVVVVVV~vVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVl~VVVV II I I II beach sand tones to deep sun tans Camel calf all o v e r with white trim also in Wedgwood b 1 u e with white. C a m e l ca]/and Ba' hama calf combination 24/8 heel. I III IIIIII I III I II IIIII I I I II I III I + ,14.95