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News Letter Journal
Newcastle, Wyoming
June 2, 1955     News Letter Journal
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June 2, 1955
Newspaper Archive of News Letter Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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V $. it FOR SALE I FoR A Tu Can Live l In and With -- Drexel's New r Today's Living at DUSEK S n Rapid City. ltc I TI ucK FOR SALE: 1953 GMC Model No. W45@30V with tan- dem drive. Three compartment 2500 gallon tank and pumping unit ins, tailed on chassis. Puritan O11 Company, Inc Third & Main, Rapid City, South Dakota. ltc FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls. Good animals priced rea- sonable, yearling, two's and 1 3- year old. Come and see them. Ranch 11 mi. S.W. Upton, Wyoma and Gene Cranston, Upton, jl, 2tp AMERICA'S Most Distinguished Contemporary Furniture, New Today's Living by D r e x e 1 at DUSEK'S in Rapid City. ltc FoR SALE: blond baby bedroom suite, like new. Call SH 6-4240. jl, tfe FOR SALE: 1955 35 ft. Star trail- er, 4th trailer from end at For- est Park, can be seen after 6 p.m. jl, tfc KEPP, Rapid City, S. Dak. A shop for women, post office block next to Red Owl Grocery. Play clothes and camping clothes are JUst about as pretty as they can be -- very bright and colorful and lots of play clothes style to them. The assortments here you will find very abundant, Also l~nen and faille dusters that you ~vill want to see because they are xtra Xtra fine values. They can be had in navy and black pastel col- ors. $10.95 and $12.75. Special suit values too all over the store. ltc FOR SALE: 31 ft. modern trailer, good condition. See Ralph Es- linger at dark green trailer, 2nd from end, Mt. View Trailer Court. j2, 5tp FOR SALE: 1953 Chev. Power- glide, BelAir Four Door. Radio, Heater, 17,000 mi. $1,200.00. 1949 Cadillac, 2 dr. Radio, heater, 950,00, Dial SH 6-2669. John No- vak. jl, tfc FOR SALE: two bedroom house in Frontier addition. Slt 6-2072. ltc FOR SALE: 1948 4-door Chevro- let, priced right to sell. I)IAL SH 6-2212. m26, tfc THE NEW 1955 Constellation Freezer sold by the Midwest Furniture Company saves you up] to 4~7% -- yet gives you these Ex-I tra Features. (a) Gleaming Du-I Pont, easy to clean, enamel fin- ish (b) Fast freeze compartment for peak-of-flavor freezing (c) Ex-1 tra thick insulation 100% sweat- proof (d) ttolds approximately 780 lbs. of food. SEE US TODAY. Let us prove to you that a new CONSTELLATION FREEZER is your bes[ buy. * M IDWEST ~FURNITURE CO. Free Delivery Anywhere Hot Springs, S.D. Easy Terms m26, 2tc FOR SALE: 45 ft. trailer house, cheap. Call SH 6-4387. m26, 2tc SALE of New and Used Pianos, Electric Organs, Television. Best values anywhere. Terms, free de- livery. DUGAN PIANO CO. 912 Main Rapid City, S. D. m26, 6tc FOR SALE: '52 Continental 2 bed room modern 33 ~' trailer house -- will sacrifice equity. Call SH 6-2807. m26, 2tp FOR SALE: Cabin two miles be- low Cheyenne Crossing store in heart of Spearfish Canyon, S. D. Iias everything. See E. J. O'Con- nor at Ehnore or phone Lead 2623J 12. m26, 2tc MASLAND'S Saranette -- T h e exciting new 100% Saran Broad. loom Carpet now at Midwest. Its washable, longer wearing, Stain- proof, moth and mildew proof, puppy and baby proof Washes tJeautifully with just a damp cloth -- ink, food or drinks can't stain or harm it. This new miracle car- pet now only $10.95 sq. yd. at MIDWEST FURNITURE CO. MIDWEST FURNITURE CO. Free Delivery Anywhere ttot Springs, S.D. Easy,Terms ~26, 2tc ~)~R~.SALE: two bedroom house, FOR SALE I~I~ E. Woodstock, practically 1 Gas Range, good $20.00 new, 860 square feet floor space, 1 Chair and Settee Set ea. 5.00 oil heat, cost $80 to heat past win- ter. Clarence Addleman. I tc FOR SALE: 2 bedrom furnished house with bath. Located at 608 Birch, one block from school. If interested call 40W, Douglas, Wyo. 1 t p FOR SALE: 1948 Ford 2-door, ov- erdrive, heater, radio, underslung rear end, six tires, three nearly new, $250. See Tiny at the Flying V. j2, 2tc FOR SALE: lean to for trailer, 8' x 18' finished with sheet rock linoleum on floor. Priced reason- able. Dial SH 6.2406. j2, 2tc FOR SALE OR RENT: 1950 40' New Moon trailer house. Call SH 6,2057, j2, if.C] FOR SALE: I have my 4-H bull for sale. Age 2 years, well grown, but not fat. Price $400. Paula Sue Gaskill. Itc ].I ~,iilllll I I[ 1 Rocker . 2.00 1 dining room table, extra leaf, good 15.00 3 children chairs, sturdy ea. 2.00 2 childrens' rockers, sturdy ea 3.00 See l,eRoy Giffin, between 9 and 4 day time. at Federal Oil Camp, ~/z-mile north, at end of oil road west of Osage. m26, 2tc FOR SALE: 100O rick of wood at $1 a rick at Berman's mill. C. M. liayes or "Slim the Wood M,~ n." m26, 2tc DON'T BE without the things you need in your home -- visit our complete used Annex where y ,u will find hundreds of guaran- teed washers, refrigerators, rang- es and furnishings for every room in your home at a fraction of their original cost. MIDWEST FURNITURE CO. Free l)elivery Anywhere llot Springs, S.D. Easy Terms m26, 2te II I I I LUCIEN I:ELONG saves you cool. the usual price of ! because the ]ragrance lasts longer than liquid cologne ! because it packs in purse or suitcase, without spilling! because it's the ideal gift/or your week.end hostess! LUCIEN LELONG SOLID , Drug & o THE NEWS L ETTER NEWCASTLE, WYOMING ;i i FOR SALE: one sales counter and several display counters and tables. Ward Lumber Co. ml2,tfc FOR SALE: new 3 room home full basement, sidewalks and surfaced street, top soil, 6th ave. Terms. Phone SH 6-2728 for ap- pointment, m26, tfc RAPID CITY Mattress factory. Old mattresses made like new[ Manufacturers of new mattresses and box springs. Ph. SH 6-2306 after 5 p.m. m26, 5tc AVON Cosmetics', Jean Somers, ll0 East Winthrop. Dial SIt 6- 2691. m19, 3tp TO THE JUNE BRIDE! Midwest has for you a Budget Buying Plan to help you get started on your wa yto happy living. Stop in and let us show you the newest in funishings and design for your home. MIDWEST FURNITURE CO. Free Delivery Anywhere Hot Springs, S. D, Easy Terms m26, 2tc FOR SALE: 1952 trailer, 40 ft. Pontiac trailer, I room porta- ble, house with shower, toiler, lavatory, and new hot water heat- er, nice shade trees, fenced. Pric- ed right. Phone Homer Ellis, SH 6-4562. or SH 6-2254. m26, 3tc FOR SALE: City maps at the City Clerk's office, 25c. a29, tfc FOR SALE: Lot (i0 x 130 ft. -- quiet neighborhood -- small house with full basement -- lotv of built in cupboards. Bath, gas range, refrigerator, heating stove and bedroom furniture. Basement equipped for automatic washer. For information pimne SH 6-2369. m19, tfc ! FOR SALE: Lariet Cafe in Buf- falo, Wyo. Good business locat- ed on two highways, 5-room house and garage included. Price ~$12,500, terms. Lariet Cafe, Buf- falo. mlg, 3tc 3USINESS OPPORTUNITY: very active service station, doing busines, s. Excellent location in best business city. Must sell ac- count of health. Price reasonable. tlill & Reed, Realtors Belle Fourche, South Dakota m19, 3tc FOR SALE: 1951 Cl~rysler Imper- ial. first class shape. Reasonably priced. P. Y. Mangus, 173 Wood- stock. Ph. SH 6-2~38. m12, tfc NEW BOOKS--"Wyoming Peace Officer" an autobiography by Joe LeFors for sale at the News Letter. tf NEW BOOKS -- "The Saga of Tom Horn" by Dean Krakel for sale at the News Letter. tf FOR SA1,E: 1953 Buick Riviera, Dynaflo, $1445,00. First State i Bank. a21, tfc FOR SALE: 1953 Chevrolet 4-dr. Good condition. $945.00. First State Bank. a21, tfc DRY BUILDING LOGS. Squared or round planed. Rough or planed lumber. Pierson Wood Products Co Box 201, Buffalo, Wyoming. j27, tfc FOR SALE: two slightly used check protectors. News Letter Journal. ~" nll, tfc FOR SALE or trade for good coupe, 1949 Buick Station Wa- gon. $500. 222 ttighland Ave. In- quire after 6:00 p.m. a28, fie V6-fi- PowT i Chevrolet 4-dr. Excellent condi- tion. $875.00 First State Bank. ml0, tfc RECREATION hall -- TV rent $11.50 up. School 1 block. Cheap electricity, P a t i o s. Riverside Trailer Court, Casper, Wyo. j 15,tfc WESTON COUNTY MAPS -- The most complete map of Wes~ ton county just received, show- ing all roads, highways, creeks, railroad and ranches indicated by ranchers name. For sale at News Letter for $2.00 each. jl0, tf RECONDITIONED LIGHT PLANTS 2,500 to 15,000 Watts Gasoline, Diesel and LP Gas Several Witte Diesels Guaranteed Write Tetherow Implement Co. Valentine. Nebraska Phone 227 roll tfc FOR RENT I FOR RENT: three room basement apartment, with bath, close in. Call SH 6-2229, 459 Walden Ave. ltc FOR RENT: new house, two bed- rooms. SH 6-4374. ltc FOR RENT: 3 room modern fur- nished apartment. Call SH 6-2209 after 5 p.m. j2, 4tp FOR RENT: 4 room furnished "house, fenced yard, lots of shade, close in, 416 S. Pine. Helen Dexter, SH 6-2906. j2, 2tc FOR RENT: 4 room house, parti. ally furnished, with bath, $55 32. j2, tfc FOR RENT: 3 room modern apt. Call SH 6-2144. Mrs. Thelma McCulough. ltc FOR RENT: 3 room modern house partially furnished, $65 a mo SH 6-9804. ltp FOR RENT: 4 room furnished a- partment -- adults only. Call SH 6-2615 after 5 p.m. 102 N. Sumner Avenue. m26, 3tc FOR RENT: A rustic cabin in Spearfish canyon, two miles from Savoy. Rent by month or season. Write 488, Lead, S. D. m26, 2,tc FOR RENT: trailer parking, 920 Wood. Stt 6-2205. m26, 3tc FOR RENT: modern furnished 4 room house near school. Mrs. Ratcliff. SH 6-2578. m26, tfc FOR RENT: modern furnished 2- room house and trailer park- ing. Stt 6-2205. 920 Wood St. m19, 3tc :FOR RENT: 3 room furnished a- partment. Ph. StI 6-4234. mlg, tfc FOR RENT: Men's sleeping MAKE HOME IN rooms. Private rooms, entrance, ~ LOST Mr. and Mrs. James and bath. Call Mrs. Guild, LOST, STRAY--~ or STOLEN and family and Mr. SH 6-4673 at 111 Highland. along Morrisey Road, one 7:00 Bonner and family left j.29, tfc x 17 Chevrolet 1-ton truck tire for Sidney, Nebr where FOR RENT: trailer space', 50 ~. and wheel. $10 reward if returned make their home. Both lots, wash house and drying room to Bob Wright at M-Ranch. ltp sons. and Mr. Bonner are free. Near grade and high school. ~ cos of Petroleum Kiddie swing, picnic table, plenty l LOST: would person who found and were transferred to of trees and space for children hand bag containing two pipe to play. Clo~e in. $20 per month, wrenches, set of end wrenches, VISITS DAUGHTER, etc in city dump, please return Call Paul Newell, ph. StI 6-2464. . Mrs. Cora Gillum No Saturday calls, d23, tfc same to Don s Electric, 611 So. from Bethalto, lll Summit and claim reward, ltc week. She had been FOR RENT: Sleeping room for men in new home. Pz~vate en- "k MISCELLANEOUS few days vi~'iting her and husband, Mr. and MI'~ trance and bath. C4all 421-M. FOR HOUSE MOVING -- Build- Gregones. ings of all kinds see Bud Ship- . ley, ph. SH 6-2891 for appoint- VISITS DAUGHTER FOR RENT: rooms in new home, private entrance. $7.00 a week Call SIt 6-2515. 028, tfc. FOR RENT: for men, single beds, private entrance and bath Mrs. Jay Simmons, Ph. SH 6-2974 FOR RENT: trailer parking, mo. dern trailers, 27.50 per roD. Un. modern trailers 24.00 per mo. All utilities furnished. Washing fa cilities. B & L Trailer Court. So of Toomey's Mills. n25, tfc IF YOU WORK in Clareton Oil .- . I rooms, t~rennan Rooms, 18 Area stop at Wooas TrailerI Wi~Rhrop. d2, Wc Court. We are just plain folks~ like our old.folks used to be. #k WANTED Good water, clean facilities, join our family of trailers and enjoy living while you work. Just a- cross creek from Wild Cat Cafe. Look for signs. IN 3-2242. m12, tfc FOR RENT: modern cabins and trailer spaces. J & J Court, one block from high school. Phone SII 6-2401. m12, tfc FOR RENT: shady trailer spaces on sewer. Mrs. Ratcliff, SH 6- 2578. mS, tfc ROOMS FOR RENT: clean quiet WANTED to leas~ or purchase a home in Newcastle. Call Dent N. Hand at Stt6-4445 or SIt6-2533. j2, ltc ALTERING after 5:30 p.m. Ava IIaston. Phone SH 6-4103. m26, 2tc I WANT TO TALK TO A RELIABLE MAN Will set you up in a sound year- round business without capital investinent ~'upplying rural fam- ilies in nearby districts with NA- TIONALLY ADVERTISED house- hold and farm necessities. In- come of $5600 and more possible first year. Experience not neces- sary. Car or light truck needed to service customers. Operate from your own home. Write: L. K. FULLEN, 2401 Larimer Str Den- ver 5, Colo Dept. KHF. m26,2tp M BAR SERVICE CO Phone ING 5-2241. tfc TRA1LER SPACES $20 per mo. modern close to school. Also 1 and 2 bedroom modern trailers for rent phone SIt 6-4393. ml0, tfc FOR RENT: apts. and sleeping rooms, with private baths. Also cabins -- new low rentals -- Ph. StI 6-4557. Forrest Park Cab- ms. m24, tfc FOR RENT: sleeping rooms for men. Private entrance and shower. Phone 609W. j6, tfc mcnt or write Osage, Box 224. Mr. and Mrs. Marten ml0, tfc Charles of Miami, Okla SPUR SHOE and Saddle Shop, tug the Marten's Upton, Wyo. Everything in lea- son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, ther. Expert Shoe and saddle re- Mullin. pair. jl, 3tp CARD OF I wish to extend my IN MEMORY OF OUR BELOV- the many visits, El) WIFE AND MOTIIER: and other kind Remembrance is a golden chain, I have been hos Death tries to break but all in Veterans Hospital in vain; c O.J. StevenS To have, to love, and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never -- The memory of those happy days When we were all together. E. P. Johns, on e Bernard Lappe and family Norval Johnson and family Vernon R. Thomas and fa- mily p CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the doctors, sisters, nurses, and nurses aides for their excellent care, also thank my relatives and friends for their flowers, cards, and visits while I was' in the hospital. c Glen McCoy CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the doctors and Sisters for the fine care given me while in the hospital. Also my many friends for the flowers, cards and visits. c Dick Luhlnan Sell It With Classified Ads. 000 RED OWL INSURED '1 "k U.S. GOV'T. GRADED CHOICE Armours Star Delite Cello Wrapped DAI "-' .u '" "'" DELICIOUS, SMALL MEATY SPARE RIBS SMOKED (APPROXIMATELY 2-LB. EA.) BOLOGNA CHUB S HORMEL DAIRY, THICK (COMPLETELY RINDLESS) SLICED BACON LB. LB. '~.:~ :: : :-,~::' #ale)'/ TENOER| CHECK THESE JUNE STOCK UP NOW WITH THESE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES! HARVEST QUEEN--NOURISHING, RICH RED 46-OZ. CANS ' il OSCAR MAYER 16-0Z. CANS FINE FLAVORED LB. IDEAL FOR LUNCHES Fairmont 49c Cottage Cheese L. Fairmont Ct, eamert Butter L. pLAIN CHIVE OR PIMENTO CREAM CHEESE |ph" ox. 16 Philade la '*" FARMDAL[--VANILLA' STRAW CHOC. OR BUTTER BRICKLE (WITH FREE r -r ,-, SULATED 2 " 45 lie,-- BAo, wIZDOM'- ENDER 16-OZ. ,CANS RED OWt'i B-LI. CAN JUST CHILL--IT'S READY TO SERVE Empress Brand 12-OZ. CAPIS 46-OZ. CAN CHUNK 7-OZ. STYLE CANS j ' Red Owl -- 14-oz. Cans "ORE-IDA" FRENCH FRIED Milk 3 For 39c S.RiM, A.O*--.EADED pKG. VAN CAMP'S PORK & 21"OZ. CANS 37' ASSORTED FLAVORS MINUTE MAID--FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6P*GS 25'Fresh Country KELLOGG'S CORH FLAKES oz PK 2& Doz. I -LB. BAG S-OZ. CAN FAMOUS CALIF. wNnll Im~ OUICKIES l-LB. 23 U.S. fl TREAT yOUR PKG. SiZE A LBS. FAMILY ToNIGt~ toDUCTORY OFFERI ' FREE CAN W"EN &' '"OZ" 49< CELERY O ELI~IOUSLY CR|$P JUMBO17c yOU BUY SIX ~ CANS CALIF. PASCAL BUNCH so MA, 59c FMUT BRITT?E Medium Size -. 37 .27 LB. 39 ,0 s, ,omEARS 35c 0 ,I,o CORN ON vw: SOUT"E'" OARDENE 4 CAN MONIZ FLOOR WAX " s-oz. ECARL. GLOBES BAGS 9C Lemons Doz. CORP. 6-4 I