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News Letter Journal
Newcastle, Wyoming
June 2, 1955     News Letter Journal
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June 2, 1955
Newspaper Archive of News Letter Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Independent Bin4ery x / t NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE COUNT I . Beck pleaded guilty to thecharge an i was fined $200.00 till 00 a m I INewcastle W omm and address / "~ I ] and cos'ts and was given a 15"daY'Ti]c/~[I r " i ,~ jail sentence. The charge arose[~,~l /o, a . ~ as a result of an accident which II.larK : peaK$aT ,- = occurred at approximately 2:001Pi ~-~ ~, o ~ - a.m May 2, 1955, six miles east I[=|ag L~eOlfaTlOn N 22 Newcasue, wesmn uoumy, wyoming, Tnursoay, June tvaa uoscripuon } .uu per xear of "Newcastle in which Harvey] Vande Konnel 21 was killed ] "The American flag is no fa- "-- ~ - " ~~ ""I --"= ~~~' ~ ' ' " ~b " " CONFERENCE TO ana. I LO(:AI MEN f TEN-!;TAT[ k 5 V Ikl kli:l^/t'ACT/i: I n resident PM 'D occurred ' inanity, glowing wit the LET, D V[ . [ dent of the Newcastle Lion's club astl was re resented at a ov . . ecstasies of love and dream. It on State Annual Conference. of the Methodmt at the weekly luncheon meeting' Newc e .P g ernors, meeting m Sum mer Prog ram ]s the song" --- the song of upward Vl be held at the Fzrst Methodist Church here June ^ . ,Denver Wednesday which had been called to dzscuss problems ,= L, *- --0 [t was fort one ears m 1914 that the W omm l.- . revolved m fmancm,bmldmg and mamtamm interstate h] h- rot IMewca$ l@ . , Y .Y .o Y o viana replaces Bob Thompsonl g g g rant wRh sacrifice. n:erence was hrst ofhcmlly organLzed here at New-I . ways. Governors of 10 Mmsoun River Basra states were pre- v -.i F,These were the words of Br~- dl!r Bishop Edwin I=Iolt~" 7 '.~",~::"~ ~':,~:." ~" z sent, including Governor Mil- -- ZouTn IS me qun /.n Clarle n h~ rl~|h,~A tha ':~ r],e present Bishop of[ -1-. ['u~,~=:.P'~::e J':: ~: l ward Simpson of Wyoming. The[~l . ~ . "~ J dressai" the"~,~::'~,~=':;" ~= . u~.e~ u ~;u u~ecteu were . . Newcastle's summer re rea "" "" .z Area ]s Bishop GlennlNtary Lee inomson IP oo,o o, .; ; ihzghway meeting was called bylt.nrl$ t.ummln qs . c ti n']new fla- an,~ f~ nu, o, +),~ )s who will preside in -- v-~.~,- Govs Victor E Anderson of Ne- I" ai program w~ll get into full W s on ~" - ~, v.---- Ice. Rev. Charles Now- ToAttend Meetma Fred Hall of Kansas, and[ClasS Beaunby g Y, t ]t ] M,~,-~ ', dent; Jeff Watson, second vzce " " swin Monda June 6th wi h e t County Memorial hospi- :, is the District Su- I v pres~aem; .J~m ~viot~at secretary ~ Joe F 'Foss of So-uth Dakota i . v . ~ activities for both boys and girls. ~ ~ " :'~" runnin~ through thelin the speech institute this sum-[meeting are J. E. Oliver, J. A./and su-ervise the desi~,n and con- I throughout the state of Wyoming cil in Recreation, was officially[ ' t V.F.W. Post " mer to be held at the Universit Lane, Glen Jackson, Frank Humes ." gathered on May 22 in Lander unleashed with h . zoio ~orming an nonor gtlara. At 7:30 p.m. tomght Y . structmn of an interstate h~gh- t e boys Jumor , ~1 Crum will welcome] f Wyoming in June. The speech[and J" E:oMullm. . Iwa-system~ ,where a 'Chr,s Cummings Class" American Legion baseball prac.I. The flag is a garden where theirI ~i~/:emm~h~v]~! s:~ia!~ ~e~ i:~ !i ~]ei~tfri~Ey~i~21~ieL~ ~;t~:ii;l!!~u!i:T~! ~7~/~gh~c~a~vPee~2~ti~n~t~h~e~a~on~C~m~i~:~h~ I p . ICarlson Const. Co. ~way design }',g g oups, boys littlelf " . . . No 15 ~ ree men aweu i~ is ne battle - - l awarded on thew exceptmnal abfl-I I Should federal aid funds for,mague DaseDan, age ~ to iz, ann |fiel~ whereon -o :~-.::~.-:- :- lity and speech. [~u~w~-'~e~ ~.e~.& [construction of the interstate s,s~{ The late Chris Cummings of junior junior American Le~,ion| 0 n nor s~rlKe~ ItS . r-~vv u ~ m~,~.~ '~,#vm mmn~,~.m a ~ ~' blow for the c " i~~~ I Miss Thomson ha~.gwen a num-[ [stem be allocated to the individ-] Newcastle was t ast Grand Chan- league, age 12 - 15 have been'[ . ause of God, Clark [ber of dramatzc read~ngs.through[F;or Funeral Home lual states under existing formu-[cell r of the Grand Lodge of Wy- formed. Baseball director, Frank[Sa~: . : out the graaes ann nas Peon ac- las or should consideration be oming. Humes has organized the ro ~ ~iarz went on ~o say, ~o ~na !hve on debate teams m h~gh } The Carlson Construction Com-lgiven to the states' ability to I Seventy -nine Knights, their gram and assistant high school ~hi~ tgoreeatr.hflag, will not drag o1~. ~ [!~nhtd mwlporS~ee;u~i ~h!r!~:~e!:itilP~:Y:ftNet~aostleoWs~Sua~iardedlm~theni~|ch fu:dS~Jewcastle werel~ii~!~nwta.hihSmi~binq~r~hii~un~s C!~a~s b~a~i~!~J:m::chl.S ~m:lrYi I~it~tingp;toanLdaidnd~P~i~s~lst:!~ ~~~.:,~l l ' /the new McColley Funeral ttome/State Senator F. B. Thomas May-] ' ' S Y g ." duled with sur-] r. " . . ,=!. ~. , /represent Newcastle high school/on Tuesday evening this week [or Earl Z Crum state hi~,hwa, I noon. Mrs. Ribble, member of the rounding towns ] pole noiszs uJa GlOry to the ~~~[at the s.tate speech contest in Ap-[ Construction'began Wednesdaylc0mmissioner T.'B. Pleak~, an~ilLanderl dgc, entertained at her W eston County recreationl~k~:d;bO::teOUrrh~ads, may we rzI,nome aurzng the afternoon at a sw~mmm and sw~mmin lessons o ires to I~S pre- ~!.~::./ [ "- [and is scheduled for completion/Chamber of Commerce manager[ " " " " g " g ] . setvauon, ana o erie cause for ~~~ I While at the University of Wy-/within 90 days. The new building/Bob Steiling. [tea for the ladies, will get underway as soon as the ! ~'~ h "" " ' " ! ~~lloming the students will study I will be located on Railwav avenue l ] Attending from Newcastle were swimming pool is finished, withl c mose orave men lll/Flldebate questions for next year/between the Arlington ~Iotel and// ~'~ I Mr. and Mrs L. V. Burns, Mr. Byron James taking over the lt givethis the greatest heritage to us wno remain :nland take part in various plays.[the Newcastle Was, hateria. [ arge roup aT land Mrs. Kenneth Thompson and swimming classes. Jim Berry,[ ~. " . . ~<(:~tAn interesting recreational pro-] According to Don McColley oth-[~/~ ~ ! [~mily, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Lan- Weston County Red Cross Water tha~nl~r~ co~ciuaea his speee, , l~k/!i~lgram is also being planned forJer bids were submitted as fol-/ ~|~moTl~l ~lq@TVl~ I am, Clifford Schulze, ttarold El- Safety Chairman, is in charge of " g t e Sisters of the DI- - :-:: [the group. [lows: E & W Construction Co. of[ "n " "h I kins and Waldron Townsend. the swimming program which is lvine Redeemer for their fine" ~:~1 /Rapid City $45,198.00; V. C.I at~n~ oz ]~emio?g~s~::ow:,Se/:I promoted by the Mayor's Advi-[w rk at the hospital and point, uu Thompson $37,095 46" Nelson Con-,:~ u~ - " sory Council in cooperation with lng out the asset of the long-a- [5.79 Moisture [o ;, ~', ,~"cr, o.;n~. ~ lance at the Greenwood c m tery[Raymond Rich, 8 the Red Cross waiting flag pole to the hospital. ;H-oP PHILLIPS I Rec rde. v. H-re= l,:'~ 1900.00 and Fulton Construction [ on~a='.toy t ~v~t~nesst~e" in~'~re"s~'s~ve[p Under-,oes= Sur,er,In addition to. the above aetivi-n . [ . [Co. of Douglas, $35,800.00. I ceremony The parade and cere I ~ ~ tles softball, tennis and archery lLaura M|~chell rill give the responsel5 Month Pernod / was under the direction of[ Raymond, the eight-year-old will be conducted for both girls [ m lU -- lergy and E. K. Brown, I [g~,wt.A~, ~m~,-*~,l~4b ]the local American Le~ion am:llson of Mrs. Edna Rich of New- and boys. Byron James will bel~taares$~$ ~|vil| /~1111~1 It;~IIMI~'III e~ a ] ' i for the. Laymen: The [ Newcastle received nearly .six [ --o . [Veterans of Foreign Wars posts [castle, underwent surgery at Na- ab. y'~.ed by Ben Tryon and I r~ &A .~.--- r Wfll~er" tnesm, aireeciOng tw o numbers Lt/e ' [firs~ "inenes~t h'v Ze preeipitaUOnmonth s o f t h e Uringye ar,mea c-TI [~=-.~ .q=~ ~ ~t"~M~'i,r~ [ tionsl and a ~artiei-atednUmber of other organiza- ]lmtr naca speU UmYr I ast lwemormlwednesdayHOSpitalmorn. Martm~vnss ,l~nza~etnw~ll. be, eharge~rS'ofLe nthe[. [ a,~i~ I! 3~q$ I |q$~P[I IFI~ Thomas is the organist, i cording to a report this week[ Charles Newt"n A i Bryan Clark, who had earlier in I ing. archery program. [ Weston County Director ot Wel. Idress of the evenmg,~ from the local weather bureau. [.Ph ~ n a~ I the day snoke at the dedication I Raymond was severely burned [fa]c for Civil Defense, Mrs. Laura Bases of World Order ]May was high for the flve-monthln ~# ~. ~a ~, +~.~ ~ h o ~ ~ of the fla~ and fla~ hole at the I on the right foot four years ago I ~l,~,~o,~ d~,& #=% [M~tchell, addressed the quarterly el" ~ ~ o ~v v,- o ~" "- 1 Se em --uu~up~muuv ~,~,llU~l. bO. mcetin of th i wered by Dr. Walter lperiod with a total of 3.08 inehes/,~ t ~, ~. ~. iWeston County Memorial Hosni-t ast . pt bet and has under. I g e Adv ~ory eomml~ Kirk, New York City, Jof moisture. ~o~ . "~' " "~ ~.~,~ " ~'-'] tal addressed t~he lar~,e ~,ather~in,ig ne treatment ~'ince that time l~.|4.~e D kl-' ~-- Itee on Women's Activities for Clv- . . .'~ggers, a zormer ~.=w,=a~.= -~.~'1,~ ~, " "UIWII~O IVWIJII " . the Executive Director [ During January .73 meh was re- ident was "h- e b--ther -'~ at the cemetery t Recently zt was deemed necessary ~. IO Defense at their meeting Frtda~, [ [ +, t u ~uest ro Ol . j v~smn of Chmstmn Life corded Februar 48 March 8~ to amputate the foot and m sur n Upton ; Y" ; "' ; the late Mrs C J Fendrick of W.G. Morgan called the roll "O en House Sun. k, Department of Inter- April .64 and May 3.08 for a total " ' ' " and members of the Newcastle lgery last week his leg was ampu- P [ She reported on the state raeet- ~Aft~ir~"hf:fctheNact'~na~i f251a7e9v~naCthl~:r was recorded for '#~uneral services wereto be Girl Scout troop placed sprayslta~dsbe[l :hthe.knee." Libemo Construction Company/~ing h~lr.d ~centlyoinCa~per, quot- o h e c sale yesterday mat of Newcas le I g ~xme ann omers, ~ne ~ held Wednesday afternoon in[ n t e graves of d.parted com- . . " . ] t "s inviting the pub- . " . ' ~a. He is also remem-I the past week as follows" I ~rades George E'-e, Cha-'lain of Kaymono was recovering niceiy l lic to o,~en house at :. /outl,ned a program for the com- " WnermopollS Nlr Aggerszs sur- ". ss v,- * ~ ,~ u~ .~u." , r his former network hi lo pep I " - " -- " - ~ [ fered the "ra',er and thecere from the operation I ncwl, constructed h [zmttee to proceed with to encottr- "R l' " "n h N s"t " vzvea oy two daughters ann zour v ~ - a ,v~,t.v t -" el~gmn' t~e ew. lMay25 52 43 .08[sons, in addition to one brother, lmony was closed with WinstonI ~-'-~--" [ Duff Gray Addition. [age aft awareness throughout the ~s Known . tlafougnout[ May zo ~,~~'/ Ilobart Ag~,ers of Miles" City Slider and Bobby Witzel blowing ~-'~m |~m|i ~i Onen hous ;, ~, ~ n ~ Ic unty of tne eomrtouuon eden u ~tates ann abroad zor May 27 . ~ 48 38 40 ' Mon*ana f taps / hi II I 11~,1 I 1 "" - L. ""." ~'~ Y~'" ,ju latlult must take in the civil de- ' - " " t . to ~ p.m. ~unaay, June o, at , ags and lectures m the[May 28 58 35 I At the close of the nro,ram at ~-'~- D d~ ~ ] Ifense effort m be pre- u I zwt 'z~uxs axnu L.~ zatnur utlll-/,r. ~ . II t,~11 I~,~lHIdlt~[dl IJ~l~rl ~.~u~ ~Jlay t~oumvara W/lien IS lo- " . ~uternationm anmrs, r~elMay zv ot ou t ~the cemeter, members' ~ [ npared for emergencies ea tne ~amoria water Well in a catuu east on ~. b. rllgnway ltl, Re orts from mere speak Fmday and Satur May 30 83 53 [ of the N a v Mothers Club Entr la t z ~ P be on the ," ~ . 1900 which supplied Cambria and Y " . [ ~ y b nks for Miss Western ur ling north on the first street committee of Women's ~tlvlfle~ peaKcrs~P;m" anu- mauers ut[Ivlay ~I "#~ a~ .i~i Newcastle with water until the' gathered at the Weston Coun~yiGateway Rodeo appear elsewhere east of the Buckaroo Motel " taia,~ ,~ -,~*~ ;n,h,aL.l~ ~ --, I mines were abandoned in 1928. ,'War Memorial for a brief service.[in this issue of the News Letter[ A full na-e advertisemen' ;. |~ a~ca~a mat ~nere are orga~- So~]~?~oa;Yoi ~dfdli~uane Portwood, I ~ ~- ~ tJ urnal. Several.ind!vidualshavelthis issue of the News Lett;'rJ~e?ht~a~tSnWan~ZnNeX~:cu~l~l~'ta~r~ ' expressea a oes]re to enter ~e Journal ex lares in ~r. Charles Parkin, Board[ II IAI r' k~ ~ [ Blds Asked For I~0 Expected to [lection of the rodeo "ueen wi'll be[ - --P "- ! ! detail the [forming active clothing and trans- )as; Dr. Thomas A. Car-] v, ~v. ru~lllllallt ] [ m~ ]made the week -rior~ to th [ nomes m tins aaaitmn, [portation teams, Finance and ard of Evangelis~n Dr I A J J ~- L . I i-Ilre Ot Vehicle [rarrlclpare In /tern Gatewa R~,deo ane'l ~,[food team~ are yet to be formed ston, Dean of the p y ii!!!!ilt!:!esi ; ae ild i ii I e n F r in both cities ~ a;e n p:u m bto th~ t ir~:~iteRS~dmae'r! !!i~!~~e yn~rt:!!~n s,le Host aw ds for achieve-J Commerce /rst Ne,'a~ sonality and photogenic qualities. westminster couege; n " . arivers on an nour[y Dasis zor use ",~" cross, the raaio and ham o ra /me ts m many areas of umvers~-t /tle Jaycee Invitational Baton Different judges will be used for[ . ~ pe . ~;sl~, l~.Tr~rres[i oz. ~e /ty activities during the annual[l,? c 'e ct):ng- e vermg'.an a ,re'/Twirling Contest to be held in each section. Contestant must bet. State .~upermtendent.of PublicitOrs wnlcn nave .oeen organized raying man, anu ,or speclat uenv- |mstrucuon velma Linford has[~tna are paruclpaung actzvez m 'h honors assembly held Thursday . Newcastle June 25th in conjunc- single, wear western dress and be Y ,Nebraska Wesleyan / tery serwce during the hscal year / ~ o announced that the vocational ed- phases of civil defense wRh|n the . ,u--,-, ,u ~uut-a~ ~rt~ auu,-, ',~ldent of W om]n and Mrs. Leshe Kreps, [torium lending June 30, 1956. ]uon me western ateway ,yommg. ucation division, under the dlree, ounty at the present tlrae; nes to Japan. Bishop ] " I Each proposal must be enelos~l "'~ ~": WESTON COUNTY MUS'~ |tion of Sam ttiteheoek, director, [ Mrs. Gordon Hay,Rood, vlee- Wil i i n Duane rortwooo ot ~ewcasue, . ~:ontestarlts from several DJaCK~ a . 1 give a Med tat o [ ed m a sealed envelope, with the [ I tBSORB 7 000 l~E~ |w~ll conduct a state-wide fireman IChairman of the group, eandueted rnin-of the conference/a tresnman at me university, was notation on the envelo"e "Pro II-llllS communities Will join wy-~- h~; ; L . I' ~ moatlna in Vet ~he Sundav morninz [awarded an Alpha Zeta trophy [ n,/.~al f.r V,hiP1, .q~rvio~1~ t~; -.~l oming entries in the event Over: IF DENVER IS BOMBED /~,~*:,~ ~ ~r.u~,), ,/,e n rs~ to oe [th= ;~.-~ .~ the ab~eae@ of -~ ,~ i i ~ ~ ~- - ~;~ u-i,~ ^ : " . : /uu-uucteu m the state ~or manyl~nx~. uuu x~anKm, r-lz~eell CIIIDS tl ~Ox ttt~ L~l~te~t scuu~asdc average ou part~C~pnnLS are expected , -- : " " [i, '~'" ~-'~o~" ~-,- ~'- "--- ---' J ~ ' Y ' g . . c How many evacuees could you[years, beginning June 1 [we e represented. ~e' ,~ ,~,-,-, ~,~s,= ,=u,-,ed to the "ostmaster If bids -re ~x~ juuglng rums Will De used ,^~ ; ~.-.- :~ 1 " | niaiKjer ot ~ewcasue, le-e of a-ric" lture [ p . ,t I an.~ ,ro h: ~ S.-. 1- .~ ~ ~a~ ~u yuur .ume ~z ~Jenvur/ Lt. ~'ranc]s ~usn of Che enne ~ a te Sunday anernoonl . s u . .Imailed, they must have properlte e " ersons /fire department will instrUCt inlcarN's vr ' rm crl m " ~ra h t ortwooa 1s tne son oi Mr ann osta e ~. v , torical Contest whic ]a~:~ ~.~ o ~ -, ~ "r,~. Ip g " . l contaet Bat,n Twirling, Cnn~,~t I 'Every available location for]fire prevention and fire fi~htin~ IBY THOEMING Bi~OTli~aqF~ ares young speakers from I hers ann:" win''" compmte~" ~" ~' "'ms zresn'-'~:" I aneTyPe ozmvemCm, l trUCKar I Box 527, N-ewcastl'e-Wvo, I evacuees w!ll have to be listed*if iat training centers to be set up,The Cap N' Bottle llqttor store rate. ] -~p 1; cu "c eap ' y !,-c ry-] ~ " ] we are to take care of the 7,000|in seven Wyoming towns, with 46 in Ne .hlg the Thursday eve-Iman year n June u" [4ng space back.of drivers seat, In, ~ ]people Weston County is to re-|nearby town~ invited to attend. Ito,~h, wcast~e~w asP~t~'~cha~s~ z~' there will be arecep.I ~~ /lau; esumatea hours ot .servic.e/~flrs" K, ~fl, ~ut~rle" ]ce,ve,' according to Mrs. Laura[ On June 10 and 11' ~T.tvo~th-,[~'==~,-,~ ~"::'r~a'~ ~::~.~ the Church Fellowship[ ~1~ enle r . !-t |per nay: weekdays apprommateiy] . . Mitcnell, Emergency Welfare Di-/will~ .u~t ~ne ~rammgY" - eenter"~7~" 2"tor Iowneal'"n"7 ana" operated" " - the 8tore James A Lane zs chmr . ns A olntea to rector. Gillette M r " IRec,p,ent of / B~nkwSignbWhichit~submit pr l PP IPlans for the nationwide c*V"/dance and (~ age?ft' Upton, .:e iatgWaS opened here several lets, open to the public[~ m m mo /p s . " e . s ed on app]i-[l ommll'Tee ~eao ldefense alert to be held June 15,[ . ". ]: ' . . ~i:~ii~:~::~i:~ I ~~i~~!~:iiui* ~!i 1~~ I~i~::in i:ii:~d!*)i~m:p~:~i]~~iiili~ii~!~i~il~!:!~=~::~:~'~::~' ~,~ndthe Historical SO-[hi~,h school ro,'orns wh- ,~m ~t / ~. . . ]Nations 10th Anniversa commit-] tion re aredness "[plained to the state fireman's con-]BUY COLORADO M0'I~L ',~r ivlonaa evening ~, ~ . . . ry p p . . . . Y " [t,~na th,~ h,~ ;o. n; ;,Approximately 90 cars will beltee. The observance is scheduled[ In order t uot,[ventlon last year and upon their1 " -- ' ~Pointments of the Min-/ ." " ;"': "~j;;~ ".~ L",~, """Ioffered for sale by theCraig]to take "lace the latter "ar* "'flh""~'"-" ~ :,~ o ~ ~,; o.~ V,/approva1 plans were laid and ar ~v~r. and Mrs. ~'red Runge, f~ar, t stun ot me wyoming ~onege oI ~- ~ ~. U UU~II~ laClllLle~ IOF evacuees, " , !he!rehurches for the[Agriculture this' fall with $150tChevr let Company of Newcast!e]June. leach resident of th s community |rangements were completed ast mer NcwcasUe residents, have wm De read at me cms- n o .^^ /wnen tney stage a gigantic sam, Mrs Guthrie will coordinate I h*~ h,~ +,~a ~' ^ I week r purcnasea me urm~ot ~otel In 'e ~iCllUltll-~lllp zrom tne o~m~-xwu- - .~ ~,-,-, ---~,~,-- ~, ~ uu~ .le " - . , Monday evening. [ I begmning today and lastmg l activities in observance of ~.o ~.~. ~ .i| .- i Colorado Springs, Colo. Daring oueK foundation A eommlt~ee ~.~ ,~ t ~ ao~uc at~u } [chose them from a field of 12] through.Sunday . ]event throughout the state, in as-[ return it to one of the suggested [BEAV~-R CReeK LOCAL /the,r residence in.Newcastle the ~rL~ ~*:uu~*: ]applicants [ Aeeoraing,to,a tuu page aaver-[sisting mayors of cities and]offices not later than June 10 [MEETING IS FRIDAY [~un, ges owned ana managed the ~iE LICENSES ! ' ~usement wmcn appears e~se- ~ towns to "lan fi*'i "--- ~ " / ~,nuer s rtotet. her " ' . . l" ~ ztl~ ~utv~uuS. It, IS only sensll~le tO oe pre- Ot winners are Miss Cara- where m th~s issue of the News Gov Sim-son said h- h I The Beaver Creek Farm Bur-~ aples were granted mar-[vene Armstrong, Meeteetse; Miss [Letter Journal, a wide selection [ formeci James S Mc~)eonnae~ ~o~[ P~rllu ~or emergency, fflrs~ ~v~ |eau local will hold the regular [ ~Jl| DI~i~'~ID~ ~s~es by County Clerk[~niriey eed, Cheyenne, and Miss [of used cars, pickups and trucks[ Washington, national chairman of l bombe~'"rhe l'east~, ~'~,'"~. ~|monthly meeting Friday, June 31 vuu-, un'p-m VI~ | ~tlssell during the past]Jeanne tsrmton oz yman.]will be disposed of at wholesale] the United Nations committee of[ to be ready to receive the'hom /at the Roundhouse. Mr. and Mrs./ R che - - ~rge Richard Locke and/ The foundation awards the[prices in order to make room forl the a""ointmen* ^~ ~ [ "[Tom Mitich will be hosts for the/ o ije-(iu~ t3ov't. .No. ]L vv ~ o~ ~ ~. ~u~ -~u. m~s. ~ne cooperauon oz au wes.[evening ' r ' SEI/4 Sec, I-4~%60, TD 10,71~ feet, Llnt~ey, both of Upton,[scholarships each year to four[new or late models. [ Iron County people is earne~,ffy " ~; John R. Whitford of]Wyoming high school graduates[ The sale is being widely adver-[WE~.w~.~ ~ I . i ~ Testing. . S. D. and Irene May [seriously interested in home econ. l tised in surrounding areas and[ Mrs-'Je"nn'le-~VIae D e son[~t'''c'~u" ~ |EDGEMONT GUESTS HEgE Ham m No 1 tantonC. CurrY, L onLl ~ of Newcastle, May 26; |omzcs as a profession. Other qual- [ everyone is invited to call at the and dau~ht~r~ ~,~ Amo o ~o [ ~,~t-v~.~z~,r~ i [ w ~ ~ ~ec. $48.66, Sur~a~ rre ~- ,~ ~, v-~,a~z~ ~r. ana Mrs willlaln ~cnoon- i' e set a . y and Anita Louise Jzf]cations include need and high [ garage and register for a prize [ braska s,~en* +~ i i : I |,P P M y 3, TD 6727. Moving ~. ~ ; ~A= ~.~w- ~.-. anu ~urs. ~u. ~. ~ann ox ma~er ox ~agemont spent the on cable tools ,~Y 31, Dean Ray and[school performance in studies, lwhich will be awarded Sunday,[castle visitln~, relatives ana "-' [ t ,t e, u ~.xt-i t tzuyeunu were weeKl~Ilo, llests era rl I Da on June 1 |leadership and activities I June 5 I ~nd~ g [ ~ 0 .a y weezen~ In ~ew- [ - ~ [ a~ me r~. ~ ~eagw~ez nome, l ensue vlsmng old friends. '