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Newcastle, Wyoming
May 7, 2015     News Letter Journal
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May 7, 2015
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18--May 7, 2015 ............... news letter journal ii!iiiiiil,iiii?iiii' ....... Paper Size 8.5x 11 8.5x 14 11 x 17 One Side Both Sides .50¢ .95¢ Same day .75¢ $1.35 $1.00 $1.80 OR lllOSt Join us for a Basket Drawing and Refreshments! WESTON COUNTY (307)746-2425 727-A Washington Blvd. • Newcastle, WY 82701 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM ° Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM acy Sonja Karp suited only 16 players, down. NLJ Reporter but on Saturday they Playing down a had nearly doubledplayer for the majority It's a long haul that number, with 27 of the game was to Rawlins, and as men ready to get in the wearing on the Dogies, the Dogies headed game. This gave them so heading into the out early Saturday a much different look, second half with a large morning, they left with having different starters deficit while facing the knowledge that they and different players, an opponent with would be playing short- not to mention many fresh legs was a little handed again in their subs. daunting for the team. second matchup with The Outlaws drew Rawlins didn't show the Outlaws. first blood and went on . any mercy either, and Absent from the to go up 3-0 in the early continued to score in 12-man roster was moments of the game the second half, racking Cooper Karp, who until Zach Schuessler up seven more goals. was unable to make was able to put some "Our lack of the trip due to family heavy pressure on the numbers really took its obligations, and while goal and get the ball in toll in the second half," it is daunting enough the back of the net to Clarke acknowledged. to know that you are put the Dogies on the "It wasn't just a 10 on heading out to play board. 11 game, it was a 10 80 minutes of soccer "Our goal was toon 27 situation given with no subs, the news come out fast, but it Rawlins' ability to became even more was Rawlins who sub," he stated. bleak because senior ended up doing that, so The Dogies didn't Zac Rasmussen, who we found ourselves in roll over, however. suffered an ankle sprain the hole pretty quickly," In the remaining 40 on Friday, was iffy for admitted assistant minutes they were able the day as well. coach Matt find the goal twice. Though Rasmussen The team hoped to The first opportunity gave it a go, he ended rally on Schuessler's arose when Colin up having to exit the goal, but couldn't over- Heaton made a long game early, and the come their slow start, pass to Uzi Holguin up team found themselves "After Zach scored, the left side. in a l0 on 11 situation we felt like we had put Holguin brought the for most of the contest, ourselves into a position ball back to the middle There was some to turn things around, and drew a foul in the hope for the Dogies but wejustcouldn'tget penalty box to give in the fact they played it to swing our way," him the opportunity at their first game of the Clarke sighed, a penalty kick that he season against Rawlins The Outlaws simplycapitalized on. in the same short- weren't willing toThat gave Newcastle handed manner, and let the Dogies back its second point of only dropped the game into the game after the contest, and the by one goal. However, Schuessler scored, and final goal came about the Outlaws were not continued to attack to because of another the same team this time go up two more goals Outlaw foul perpetrated around, by half time, extending against Heaton near the In that initial their lead to 5-1 as the midfield. The free kick matchup, Rawlins first 40 minutes wound that resulted from that foul was a long one that Heaton nicely placed over the keeper's head into the back of the net. "Having 12 goals scored on us is not something that we are happy about, but there is a positive that we can take from not only this game but also our last game," Clarke began. "In these last two contests we scored six goals, and Coach (Josh) Peterson told me that he thinks that is more goals than the team scored as a whole last season," he added. The team should be back up to 12 men when they travel to Torrington to take on the Blazers on Friday, May 8, and they will host the Bearcats of Douglas on Saturday, May 9 with a 2:00 p.m. kick off time. The contest with Douglas on Saturday is the annual Pink game to raise money and awareness for breast cancer research, and it is also the Senior Night recognition for Rasmussen, Alex Henkle, and Chandler Burd, who are each playing their final season for Newcastle. Dogies @ Rawlins May 2, 2015:3-12 Uzi Holguin 1 goal PK Zach Schuessler 1 goal Cotin Heaton 1 goal FK C. J. Mace 7 saves from page 11 ...................................................................................................................................................... 2, Kentucky Derby day, as we midst of the Depression, the had the extreme honor of gath- second of five kids, he didn't ering with family and friends have it easy financially as he to celebrate the 80th birthday was growing up, but while his of a wonderful man. We got family may have struggled a decked out in our Derby bit-- like the majority of the finest - big, floppy hats and country did back then-- they dresses - enjoyed some mint certainly were blessed with an juleps, and had a fabulous time abundance of love and with a playing yard games, talking and strong faith in God. laughing and just enjoying this The lessons that Dad learned special day. in his youth he took to heart May 2, 1935 was indeed aas he grew into a fine young special day in the Olivier family man who knew the value of a as it was the day that Dad came hard day's work, understood into the world. Born during the the importance of honesty and forthrightness, knew how to love and be loved, and kept God close and present in his life. He met and married the most wonderful woman ever born, my Mom, and that union has pro- duced five kids, 16 grandkids and 16 great-grandkids so far. He and my mom have created a legacy that we all continue to pass on to our ehildren: While many families tend to drift apart as their numbers grow, our family is not counted among those who took that path. We gather regularly for holidays and other occasions regardless of distance. Granted, we can't always all make it, but we sure try our best to do so. We were raised to hug and. to tell each other we love each " other whenever we can. We are loud and we laugh and we enjo~ each other. The thought of what Dad has experienced so far in his ' life blows my mind. Born in the Depression, he was six when World War II began. He served" in the military during the Korean Conflict, he witnessed the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam Conflict and the Cold War in its entirety. Technology has gone crazy in his lifetime. Though the automobile was long invented by the time he was born, it was still common to use a horse for transportation in rural Iowa and South Dakota where he grew up. Having a radio was great entertainment and a having tele- vision was totally amazing. He saw the advent of atomic and nuclear power, the first com- puter was invented and we put a man on the moon. The radio, the TV, the com- puter and the phone improved from the rudimentary to the advanced. We now carry com- puters in our pockets in the guise of cell phones, we are just a few keystrokes away from any information we desire through the internet, we can now have our loved ones in the room with us even if they are on the other side of the world through Skype or FaceTime and our TVs are smart...the possibilities seem endless. The world is very different than it was when Dad was born, but some things have remained the same. The lessons he taug~i me, the love he gives me, the ~. life he built for his family are a constant in a world that con- tinues to change. I am often cognizant of how lucky I am to have been born into my amazing family, but it's weekends like this past one that make me revel in my good fortune.