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]ilili]iiiiii~iiiiiiii]ii]iiiilil]i ~
Help Wanted
The Short Stop is cur-
i:rently accepting appli-
: cations• Stop in at 2206
IW. Main Street. 13-fin
~Morning cashier, ap-
proximately 60 hrs
every 2 weeks. Apply
fin person at 4-Way
: Gas N Go, 35-tfn
Full time.caregiver for
toddler room M-F starts
the middle of May also
part time caregiver for
Infant room noon to 4
M-Th (some Fridays)•
Salary determined by
experience. Apply at
Little One's - 330 S.
Summit. 18-3tc
Openings for all hours,
full-time and part-time.
Please apply in person
or online at subway.
com 19-tfn
Plant Sale
i Sat. May 9, 8 a.m -
ilNoon. Heirloom and
Hybrid tomato seed-
lings and plants, sweet,
mild, hot and super hot
For Rent
Call (307) 941-0913.
1 bdrm, apartment
with fireplace, great lo-
cation, quiet neighbor-
hood. $400 per month
plus utilities, call (307)
746-3609. 19-tfn
Furnished apartment,
1500 sq. ft. new kitch-
en and bath, $1,200
per month. Call (307)
Morris's Knots
& Things
Open again May lsfi
Come out and see
what all we have that
is different! 20% off
everything. Open M-F
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call on
weekends 746-2390.
Out past Pizza Barn &
Black Hills Auto.
F oncrete
For concrete flat work
call (307) 941-1556.
Deadline Friday
b~ 5 p.m.
Mobile Home
For Sale
Very nice location in
Upton, on 2 city lots,
1996 16 x 70, 2 bdrm,
1 bath. 2x6 construc-
tion, $70,000, 1001
Sherman, call (307)
746-8980• 19-4tp
For Sale
2007 Winnebago,
sightseer motorhome.
34', 39,000 miles, 3
slides, excellent con-
dition, many extras,
one owner, asking
$65,000. Call (307)
746-2819. 17-3tp
For Sale
Motivated seller is look-
ing for offers on a 2007,
4 season, 32' Montana
Mountaineer. Like new
has 2 slides, 2 bed-
rooms, many extras•
Asking $17,000, call
(307) 949-000Z 17-3tp
Karen's Cars 2000 Mac Truck, sin-
& Covers gle axle, E7300 en-
May special, 10% off. gine, 300 horse.
4 wheelers, dirt bikes, 2014 Delta 32 ft. flat-
and jet skis. Same day bed trailer. 2012
service available. 3163 Dodge Diesel, Quad
W. Main, Newcastle Cab. 4 WD, Auto, flat-
(307) 941-0509. bed, 92K, like new con-
dition. Call (307) 746-
Odd Jobs Wanted 2120 or (307) 746-
Will do yard work, gut- 5869. 19-3tp
ter cleaning, tree trim-
ming, painting, light Yard Sale
carpentry, etc. Call May 9, 7 a.m - 2 p.m.
Leonard Lane (307) 4 miles north of New-
746-2999• 17-3tp castle on 85. 36 ta-
bles of goods, Tonkas
toys, tvs, tack, saddles,
chains, crafts, quilts,
canning jars, handicap
equipment, oxygen ma-
chine, bicycles, new rid-
ing lawn mower, chihon
books, crystal collect-
ables, radial arm saw
& much much more.
Yard Sale E quLpment &
May 9, 8 a•m. - 12 p.m. 1001 Mclion
3.5 m les eost of 4 Consignments
way stop. Girls clothes Smokey Mark's
12 mo. - 3 yrs. Wom- Auction Company is
ens clothes, antiques, taking consignments
tools, new Ashley fur- foran equipment
niture-office furniture andtoolauction to
set (beatuiful wood be heldon June 6
crafted), pink Barbie at the Weston County
car, toddlers bed and Fairgrounds. Deadline
much more• Inside if for consignments is
raining• May 25. Call Mark
Stenson at 307-746-
May 9 & 10, 7 a.m. - 4 2120 or 307-746-
p.m. 9 Painted Hills 5869 or contact Bob
South. Will continue Latham at 307-756-
every weekend with 2662.
new items each week-
end. 1977 Buick Sky- Self-Help
lark, reclining love- HELPING HANDS
seat, childrens clothes FOUNDATION OF
infant- 5years. Weath- WESTON COUNTY.
er permitting. Applications are
now available for
help. Please contact
Sienna at (307) 468-
2316 or Marion (307)
746-2928 .
Cliff's Tree Service
Corrective pruning,
crown cleaning, re-
moval, fertilizing.
Local references avail-
able, insured, ISA
member. Willing to bar-
ter. Money's tight why not
trade? 629-1813. Call
NOW for early spring
discounts. 10-tfn
(Help for family &
friends of alcoholics)
meets every Tuesday
night at 6:45 p.m.
Mondell Heights•
Veterans Outreach
& Advocacy Pro-
gram (Wyo.Dept. of
Health/BHD). OEF/
OIF veterans eligibility,
(307) 630-3230.
TOPS Meeting every
Thurs. morning at the
Weston County Senior
Center. Contact Ellen
Butts, 746-4251.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Meeting on
Tues. at 4 p.m. at
First United Method-
ist Church upstairs.
Contact Joyce Brown
Safe Ride
SAFE RIDE, Thursdays, Fri-
days and Saturdays only
from 4 p.m.-2:30 a.m.
Donations accepted.
There is an account at
Pinnacle Bank for do-
nations as well. Call
Email your
classified ads to
(The Wyoming Press does not
endorse and/)as not verified
the legitimacy of these od-
#Adoption #Love #Sta-
bility #Happiness #
LOL -- We promise a
beautiful life for your
baby. Private adoption.
Kerri and Mike, 1-888-
247-5775, kerriand-
out for yourself! Review
public notices printed in
all of Wyoming's news-
papers! Visit www.wy- or
OVER 380,550 WY-
read your classified
ad if you place it in
WYCAN. Sell, buy, an-
nounce. $135 for 25
words. Contact this
newspaper for details.
Emergency Assistance funds.
Right H re
50¢ each
14 W. Main • Newcsde
has 1, 2. and 3 bedroom
apartments for rent. HUD
subsudized. Section 8.
Rental based on ir~come.
2115 Delaware. Newcastle, WY
(307) 746-9330
TDD 1-800-877-9975
This instih~tion &
is an equa~
opportunity provider
is currently seeking
qualified applicants for:
Customer Service
Must be highly organized, have exceptional interpersonal,
communication, phone etiquette & computer skills. Position
works closely w/sales team. Business Office exp a plus. Starting
wage $11 hr
Box Truck Ddver
Class C license required, Class B CDL w/Hazmat preferred.
Home most nights & weekends. Hrly wage depends on license
type & endorsements. 2 yrs exp desired.
Plant Hand
Monday - Friday, Must be able tO work afternoon & night shifts
valid driver's license & good driving record required Starting
wage $11 hr
Benefit package includes: Medical, dental, vision, short & long-
term disability, life insurance, 401(k), vacation, sick leave & 11
paid holidays.
RGO has an excellent work environment where you're valued
Honor Conservation Camp - Newcastle
Begin a new career or start a second career with the
Wyoming Department of Corrections!
Seeking applicants for the following positions in
Security and Food Service:
Excellent State Benefit Package includes: Accrued Vacation
and Sick Leave, Paid Holidays, You pay only 15% on
Medical, Dental and Life Insurance, Longevity Pay, Deferred
Compensation Plan.
Security positions receive pay to attend the free 9-week
Academy to become a POST Certified Correctional Officer.
Uniforms are provided. State vehicles are provided for travel.
Join the WDOC Northeastern
Wyoming Team. Please contact
Marcia Romano, HR Coordinator at
307-746-4436 x 237 or Apply online
at browser setting wyoming state
"o bab
WHCC is a tobacco and drug free
workplace and performs post-offer,
pre-employment drug screens.
EEO/ADA/E-Verify Employer.
Wyoming Pipeline Company has an opening for a Pipeline
Operator Trainee at their pipeline station south of Newcastle,
Wyoming. The Pipeline Operator Trainee position is a starting
operational position and will be responsible for pipeline
operations on some weekends and to cover vacations, crude
oil tank level management, SCADA system operations and
crude sampling. There will also be maintenance work required.
Applications are available at:
Wyoming Pipeline Co. Wyoming Refining CO~
936 Hwy 450 10 Stampede Street
Newcastle, WY 82701 Newcastle, WY 82701
Or email:
:>" " .,.~ Wyoming
(.~.~;.a.'.. Wyoming Pipeline Company is an
~ Company
Equal Opportunity Fmployer.
Weston County Health Services has the
following positions open.
Please see our website at for more details.
Position Status
C. N.A ...................................... FT/PT/P R N
Nutrition Support Aide ........................ PRN
C.N.A. Training Program ........... FT (temp)
Dietary Aide ...................................... PRN
Activities Aide ...................................... PT
Radiology Tech ................................. PRN
Physical Therapist ............................... FT
Director of Long Term Care ................. FT
Occupational Therapist or COTA ......... FT
Medical Tech nologist-Generalist .......... FT
Employment Applications can be found on our website
or picked up at the hospital front office.Fax completed
applications/resume packets to 307-746-3726, or email WCHS performs post offer,
pre-employment drug screening. EOE.
• Masters in Education Educational Administration
• Masters in Education School Counseling
• Masters in Education Curriculum and Instruction
• Master of Arts in Education
• Master of Business Administration
• Master of Science in Organizational Management
............................................. For more information contact Admissions at
308-432-6263 or Main StreetI Chadron, NE
Grill like a
Ch mn!
st Pdld Grilh
I Rivert0n, 50 East Sunset, 307^856-6993
ICasper: 3861 Denis Drive, 307-234-7727