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News Letter Journal
Saturday, May 2 Score Time
5 Davis 57.0 0.000
Breakaway Roping
9 Deveraux 0.0 2.620
45 Jones 0.0 100.000
Bull Riding
13 Colvard 0.0 0.000
Pole Bending
13 Deveraux 0.0 20.656
Saddle Bronc
7 Norton 0.0 0.000
Steer Wrestling
• 16 Ma~hant 0.0 5.330
1 Davis 0.0 100.000
Team Roping
14 Jones (2) 0.0 18.380
39 Deveraux (1) 0.0 100.000
13 Soderberg (1) 0.0 100.000
Tie Down
1 Marchant 0.0 12.520
8 Soderberg 0.0 17.070
Sunday, May 3
4 Davis 0.0 0.000
Breakaway Roping
13 Deveraux 0.0 4.500
37 Jones 0.0 100.000
Bull Riding
11 Colvard 0.0 0.000
Goat Tying
10 Deveraux 0.0 7.690
Pole Bending
9 Deveraux 0.0 20.116
Saddle Bronc
5 Norton 0.0 0.000
Steer Wrestling
5 Norton 0.0 0.000
14 Davis 0.0 100.000
Team Roping
42 Deveraux (1) 0.0 17.150
1 Soderberg (1) 0.0 100.000
39 Jones (2) 0.0 100.000
Tie Down
3 Marchant 0.0 10.650
4 Soderberg 0.0 100.000
Jessica Yarnes/NLJ
Dawson Norton flies out
of the chute in the Saddle
Bronc competition at the
Newcastle High School
Rodeo on Saturday and
5/8 VJ Torrington Trailblazers H 4PM • •
5/9 V J Douglas Bearcats A Noon 1 1
Sonja Karp from outside the penalty box over the keeper to get it into
Boys Soccer .....
IXlLJ Heporter the back of the net
5/8 VJTorrington Trailblazers A 4M
5/9 VJDouglas Bearcats H Noon "That was a great shot for us to get started, and I tried Sonja Karp
Track The trip to Rawlins is a long one and many a coach to quickly refocus the team, given the fact that we gave NLJ Reporter
5/8 Su,dog/Bobcat Invite (Upton) A 9AM ' feels trepidation wondering what team will crawl off the up a goal ten seconds following our first goal against
] bus after the early morning departure and five hour drive. Gillette," Hoffman noted. Last Friday was a busy day for a couple
-~_ ~:;~..7;,7~:. :. t:~~!so¢¢erhead coachBryce:~~s certainly ir~!7~~ ~Hi~ attgmpts~jp~ thole/~'of.AIIG Dogie tracksters, as well as for head
~!~by~ ~i~. :f~~t Saturday,'May 2 ~~ o u.t~ an~play t~u~h ~~?:7 C/_'@at HaYman, as it startfl_d out with the
r the Lady Outlaws. , :, 7 the::8 t peting at the Scott Hardy Memorial
i:In 1935, Babe Ruth hit his The last time these two met was the first game of the Seven minutes l~iter-N, ewcas It e ~/d'ddd'~to their: score Twilight Meet in Wright and finished with the
714th and final home run, Ameliaseason, when Rawlins made that long trip to Newcastle. on a through ball pass from Katie Spain to Katara Cade, Wyoming Track Classic in Casper.
Earhart flew solo over the Pacific
Ocean, Parker Brothers intro-
duced the game Monopoly, the
was com-
pleted, the
first tech-
Mouse film
Karpe D0 lie appeared,
ttie term
Crown" was coined, the first
canned beer went on sale, and
best of all, my dad was born.
These facts were pointed out
by my niece, Chancie (Smith)
Baenen this past Saturday, May
-- See Karp, Page 18
In that matchup, the Lady Dogies were all over their who connected on it and almost dribbled it all the way to The Wyoming Track Classic, formerly known
opponent, blowing them out 11-0, but Hoffman was the goal before she was able to finish, as the Meet of Champions, is an invitation only
anything but overconfident that the second ~ontest would Hoffman was pleased that Cade was able to score meet where the top eight athletes from all classes
go the way of the first, on a breakaway again, as she had in the game against from across the state come to compete in each
"I expected them to be much improved since the Scottsbluff a week earlier, event to see who will take top honors. Two Lad~
first time we saw them, given the numbers they've That was it for scoring for the remainder of the game, Dogies made the cut for a chance at the top
been putting up and how they've been doing in games," but Hoffman was actually more impressed with the way spot this year. Calbi Ausmann earned an invite
Hoffman admitted. "They now have eight people on the his team played in the second half-- when they went in all three of her events, and Laura Chord got
bench as opposed to only one the first time we played, scoreless-- than how they had played in the first, the news just last Wednesday that she had also
so I think they were missing some players in that initial "Even though we weren't able to finish at the goal, earned a spot in the 300 meter hurdles.
meeting," he added, we put ourselves in the position to make nine shots. We This was Ausmann's third go at a title in as
Fortunately, any doubts that Hoffman may have had just didn't place them well in order to score, and kept many years, and though she qualified for the
about his girls being ready to play after their long trip kicking it right to their keeper," Hoffman smiled. 800, 1600 and 3200 meter races, she could only
were laid quickly to rest. Seniors Kalyn Houser and Hannah Williams got after compete in one so she had to choose which one
"Though the Lady Outlaws did present more of a it defensively in the midfield to help the team maintain she wanted to run.
challenge to us this time, I felt that we were dominant the possession of the ball. Hoffman said that because of "For the last two years, I have run in the
whole game" Hoffman analyzed. "We controlled posses- the effort of these two, the back line was under a lot 1600 meter race and I came up second both
sion time, and we controlled the ball for the majority of less pressure than they have been in the last few games, times, so this year I think I'll change it up and
the game, we just didn't score a lot" However, the back field was there and ready when the try my chances in the 800 instead," Ausmanri
The Lady Dogies got on the board 16 minutes into the need arose, said with a grin.
contest when Grace Peterson dropped the ball to Alyssa
Umphlett, and she was able to shoot a very long shot --See Ladies, Page 12 --See Track, Page 12
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