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In Loving
In loving memory of
our father, grandfa-
ther, William L. Mor-
rissey, who passed
away on March 14,
Sadly missed,
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E.
Johnson and family
Help Wanted
The Pines Motel is cur-
rently seeking full time/
part time house keep-
er, $9- $12 per hour to
work mornings. Apply
in person from 4-6
p.m. No phone calls
please. 09-tfn
Morning cashier, ap-
proximately 60 hrs
every 2 weeks. Apply
in person at 4-Way
Gas N Go. 35-tfn
Openings for all hours,
full-time and part-time.
Please apply in person
or online at subway.
com. 19-tfn
County True Value, stop
in to pick up an appli-
cation. 326 W. Main
Street, Newcastle.
Help Wanted
Part-Time Employees to
help assist our clients
to live independently.
Must have Valid Driv-
ers License, Your Own
Reliable Vehicle. Must
be Trustworthy, Hon-
est, and Self-Motivat-
ed. Flexibility a Must!
Call Mary at 307-746-
5113 for more infor-
mation. 09-3tc
For Rent
3 bdrm, 2 bath mobile
home, nice shape With
lots of storage. $650
per month. Call (605)
673-1600 or (605)
673-3048 08-tfn
ment space for rent.
Call (307) 941-0229
Horse Tack
Horse tack, horse
blankets, snowmo-
bile cover repaired.
Remember, if it's
flexible, we proba-
bly fix it. Black Hills
Boot Repair, 600
W. Main, Newcas-
tle, (307) 746-2999.
For Sale
New Apple iMac com-
puter, 21.5-inch wi-
descreen with 8GB
onboard memory,
500GB hard drive,
FaceTime HD cam-
era, two Thunderbolt
ports, SDXC card slot
and four USB 3 ports.
Built-in stereo speak-
ers, dual microphones,
headphone port. New
in box, with Apple
wireless keyboard
and aS X, Pages,
Numbers, Keynote,
iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD
and GarageBand
pre-installed. Never
out of box. Retails for
$1,200, selling for
$1,000. Call or text
Amy, (605) 786-2057.
Ranch eggs for sale,
call 746-5557. 10-3tp
3 hitches for sale:
1 - 5th wheel 2008
3/4 ton Chevy long
box. 1 - Bumber hitch
for 2008 3/4 ton
Chevy long box. 1
- 5th wheel hitch for
2000 3/4 ton Chevy
short box. Call (307)
465-2431 leave mes-
sage. 09-3tp
C.N.A. (Full Time/Part Time/PRN)
WCHS is searching for dedicated, caring individuals to join our team of
highly qualified C.N.A.'s in AcLRe.Gare,. Home Health, and Manor. Shifts
may vary as needed. Mus{ I'ia9e " ClN.Ai license or r' have application
already in process. May .i.gde shift differentias where applicable.
$12.21 DOQ
Nutrition Support Aide (PRN)
Assist nursing home residents at meal times. Must complete an in-house
8 hour class on feeding. Weekends/holidays as needed. Flexible hours!
$9.99 DOQ
Nurse Aide Training Program
(Full Time Temporary)
WCHS is seeking to fill up to four (4) full time Nurse Aide training
positions. You will receive on the job training in a mentoring program
with existing Certified Nursing Assistants. Successful candidates may
have all education expenses paid through WCHS to become a C.N.A.
Please contact us to learn more! $9.99 DOQ
Director of Long Term Care
(Full Time)
WCHS is searching for a Director to oversee our Long Term Care
Department. Director is responsible for overall management of the
Long Term Care program including the Activities Department. Evaluates
care/services provided and the resident's response/needs, ensures
comprehensive care/services are provided, creates departmental budget,
responsible for Department QNPI and safety, prepares and works directly
with social services, surveyors and program auditors. Must maintain
high level of knowledge regarding legislation, reimbursement design,
and changes in the long term care environment. Prior long term care
and management experience preferred. Wyoming RN license required.
Physical Therapist (Full Time)
WCHS is searching for a Licensed PT with broad experience to include
outpatient, acute care, long term care and home health services. Use all
your skills and work with an outstanding team!
Housekeeping Aide (PRN)
Duties include but are not limited to: operating & caring for equipment;
basic understanding of chemicals/cleaning detergents & their use; able
to twist, bend, lift, and walk for long periods of time. This position will
cross train as a Laundry Aide as needed. Applicant must be able to
work holidays and weekends. Shifts are primarily days and into early
evenings. $10.77 DOQ
Activities Aide (Full Time/Part Time)
Assist and/or lead group and one-to-one activity programs in nursing
home that meet the interests, spiritual, physical, and psycho-social
needs of the residents and swing bed patients. Must be able to work day
and evening shifts, weekends and holidays. $11.66 DOQ
Occupational Therapist or COTA
(Full Time)
WCHS is searching for a Licensed Occupational Therapist or Certified
Occupational Therapy Assistant with broad experience to include
outpatient, acute Care, long term care, home health services, and
fulfillment of contracted services.
Employment Applications can be found on our website, '" or picked up at the hospital front office.
Fax completed applications/resume packets to 307-746-3726,
or email to WCHS performs post offer,
pre-employment drug screening. EOE.
Full time benefits package includes: retirement plan with employer
match (vesting plan), paid personal leave, extended illness accrual
bank, bereavement leave, health insurance, H.S.A., dental insurance,
life insurance, AFLAC availability, Section 125 flexible benefits, shift/
weekend differentials (where applicable), call pay (where applicable),
fitness center, Kozisek Aquatic Center, Verizon discounts.
clas sift eds @ n ewslj, co m
Jam Star Predator 150
special edition motor
scooter, good condition.
Call 746-9440 between
7 am and 7 pm. 11-3tp
1961 Car
Anyone that has a
1961 vehicle, I would
love to borrow it for
the All School Reunion
parade, July 3, 2015.
Call (307) 746-4898
Odd Jobs Wanted
Will do yard work, snow
shoveling, gutter clean-
ing, tree trimming, paint -
ing, light carpentry, etc.
Call Leonard Lang (307)
Month of
March Sale
Stop by the City Elec-
tric/Lenox building to
see the numerous items
for sale. Including a
small organ, 1957 Ca-
dillac, nice computer
desk, black file cabi-
nets and a pulling tote
bag. Call (307) 746-
8412 or (307) 941-
1115. 10-10tp
Copy Paper
Need a case of copy
paper? We have them!!
And we will deliver them
to your office at no ad-
ditional charge. 746-
2777. 14 W. Main in
Cliff's Tree Service Self-Help
Corrective pruning, WESTON COUNTY
crown cleaning, remov- HELPING HANDS
al, fertilizing. Local ref- FOUNDATION.
erences available, in- Applications are
sured, ISA member. Will- now available for
in 9 1o barter. Money's tight help. Please contact
why n0ttr0de? 629-1813. Rita Conklin at (307)
Call NOW for early 629-0627.
spring discounts. 10-tfn
Services Offered (Help for family &
Public Fax, Copier and friends of alcohol-
Notary Services at the ics) meets every Tues-
News Letter Journal, 14 day night at 6:45 p.m.
West Main. Mondell Heights.
Class A Drivers
Red Giant Oil is looking for professional, qualified company
drivers who. possess a clear Class A CDL with tanker
endorsements. Competitive wages. Full benefit package
includes: Medical, d.ertal, vision, short-term disability, long
term disability, lifrisuce. 01 (] paid vaeat,,:sick leave
& holidays Annu|l safety bdhu pr¢am, !y
_tonSil,_ We believe in living at home, not in a truck.
For more information contact Shirley at
307-746-3688 or pick up an application at
Red Giant Oil, 10 Big Red Rd,
Newcastle, WY 82701.
Check out our CSA safety rating at whatiscsa'c°m/carrier-perf°rmance"
& Advocacy Pro-
gram (Wyo.Dept. of
Heahh/BHD). OEF/
elF veterans eligibility,
(307) 630-3230.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) Meeting on
Tues. at 4 p.m. at
First United Method-
ist Church upstairs.
Contact Joyce Brown
TOPS Meeting every
Thurs. morning at the
Weston County Senior
Center. Contact Ellen
Butts, 746-4251.
Weston County
Sportsmans Club.
Lady's Firearm Safety
and Self Defense Class.
FREE, held Wednes-
days, 7-9 p.m. Contact
Kraig Stuart at (307)
Safe Ride
SAFE RIDE, Thursdays, Fri-
days and Saturdays only
from 4 p.m.-2:30 a.m. Do-
nations accepted. There
is an account at Pinna-
cle Bank for donations
as well. Call 629-1682.
Job Printing
Need forms custom
printed just for your
business? We can do
it!! Whether you need
one copy or a thou-
sand copies we can
do that too! Stop in at
the News Letter Jour-
nal for details today!!
(The Wyoming Press does
not endorse and has nat
verified the legitimacy of
these advertisers)
SON. Selling to buildi
ers and retail clients.
in Eastern Wyoming
and Western Nebras-
ka. Experience in build
ing materials, millworl/,
and an understanding
of door and window
installation is a musk
Base salary plus sale.i
commission. Send re
sume to: Century Lum
bet Center, 1418 East K II
Professional Education
CIES: Principal at El-
ementary (K-2) level,
also openings for
Slbeech Language Pa-
thologist, Special Ed
Case Manager and
Elementary Teachers.
Fremont Co. School
Dist. #25, located in
Riverton, WY. See our
website at fremont25.
k12, for link to
submitting applica-
tion, or for more in-
formation please call
Karen at 807-856-
Deadline Friday
by p.m.
Street, Torrington, WYII
" 82240.
out for yourself! Review
public notices printed in
all of Wyoming's news- i
papers! Visit www.wy-; or
www.publicnoticeadsL I
OVER 380,550 WY-:
read your classified
ad if you place it in:
WYCAN. Sell, buy, an:i
nounce. $135 for 25
words. Contact this
newspaper for details.
: :,.. :, :... ,
Decker's Market is noW taking
applications for all positions
in Bakery/Deli.
Please see complete details at website
or visit Newcastle Workforce or Decker's Market Office.
Northern Wyoming Daily News
The Northern Wyoming Daily News, a 5-day per week, family-owned
newspaper located in Worland, WY near the Bighorn mountains, in the
Rocky Mountain West is seeking a community-focused reporter who is
unafraid to dig into the local news scene, qqae ideal candidate 11 be creative,
motivated and committed to excellent writing and accurate reporting. We
are looking for someone who cares about community journalism.
This job encompasses a variety of responsibilities - generating story
ideas, writing, meeting deadlines, and multitasking. For this potentially
management-track position, you must have excellent communication skills
and work well with a variety of personality types, both in the newsroom and
in the local communities.
Minimum requirements: Bachdor's degree or equivalent experience;
strong grasp of AP Style; digital photography experience.
q-he ideal candidate will also appreciate living in the West. Located in the
county seat of Washakie County, Worland is located within the Big Horn
Basin and along the Big Horn River in beautiful Northwestern Wyoming.
We are fortunate to have easy access to the Bighorn Mountains to the west
and the Wind River Mountains to the south including the Wind River
Canyon. A community hub for the 5,487 people who reside in the citylimits,
Worland has a proud heritage of initiative, innovation and just plain grit
with outdoor opportunities abound - hiking, fishing, downhill and cross
country skiing, biking, snowshoeing, kayaking, ice climbing and more.
Salary plus generous benefit package including health insurance,
retirement and paid vacation. Please submit a cover letter, your resume
and two examples of your best work to Mr. Patrick Murphy at publisher@ You may apply in person at our Wetland office at 201 N. 8th St.,
Worland, WY 82401.
Newcastle Apartments
has 1, 2 an( 3 bedroom apartments for rent.
HUD subsidized, Section 8. Rentat based on income.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider, A
2115 Delaware, Newcastle, WY
307,746-g330 • TDD 1-800-877-9975 ....
Weston County School District #1 is accepting
applications for an elementary lead custodian
to join our team. Starting wage is $15.63/hr.
Applications are available on the school website
at or at the Administration
Office, 116 Casper Avenue, Newcastle, WY.,
during normal office hours (7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.).
Positions will be open until filled. EOE
Box Truck Driver
Driver needed in Newcastle area for Box Truck. Class C
License required, Class B CDL preferred. Home most nights
& weekends. Two years' experience preferred. Full benefit
package includes: Medical, dental, vision, short and long
term disability, life insurance, 401(k), paid
vacation, sick leave & holidays.
Apply in person at Red Giant Oil, 10 Big Red
Rd, Newcastle, WY 82701 or contact Shirley
Parks at 307-746-3688 for more information.
Locally owned businesses recirculate 70% more money back into our community.
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14 West Main Street - 746-2777