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News Letter Journal
Newcastle, Wyoming
January 6, 1955     News Letter Journal
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January 6, 1955
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THE NEWS LETTER JOURNAL, NEWCASTLE, WYOMING Thursda 1955 STUDY STUNTED FISH FOR RESTOCKING --- The question fac- the Wyoming fish warden whether it did any good to a body of water with fish growth had been stunted high mountain streams. stunted fish taken from streams, were in- of further growth, obvi- they couldn't be used for :lng other waters. 1 answer the question, F'sh en A.F.C Greene initiated ly: One of Wyoming's three les management crews was bed to the job. "ler d Siserman, John Muei , ea Sowards and Louis Pech- all of Buffalo, went to two considered typical small, moUntain streams. They Doyle Creek and the Middle of Crazy Woman Creek in t county. "~ken stunted fish were t~ streams and fin-clip- for future identifi- ral carriers and postal clerks have STATE WILL IMPOSE AN ~DJTORJAL "- "- muntty Building. of December, A.D 1954. registered objections to the sys- tem. UNITED STATES AIR FORCE SEEKING QUALIFIED MEN FOR TRAINING The Air Force is' interested in obtaining qualified young men~ who desire sound technical train- ing in electronics, aircraft main- tenance, photography, meteorolo- gy and many other trained spe- cialties," according to M-Sgt. John M. Bellamy, head of the local Air Force recruiting Station located at Room 201, Post Office Build- ing, Casper, Wyo. "One of the biggest Air Force problems is that major industries and business establishments are continuously s, eeking Air Force trained experts in many of their modern technical fields, ' Sgt. Bel- lamy added. tie emphasized that this is a chance for young men who can :qualify to get what amounts to a' college education in some special- QUARANTINE AGAINST HAY IMPORTATIONS Cheyenne -- A quarantine a- gainst importation of hay, straw, and fodder into Wyoming without an ins'pection certifying it is free from noxious weed seeds has been imposed by the Wyoming Department of Agriculture. State Agriculture Commission- er W.L. Chapman said the quar- antil~e will go into effect Feb. 1, giving neighboring states time to set inspection machinery into op- eration. Chapman said the quarantine was imposed at the r uest of numerous grain and feed dealers and on recommendation of the State Pest and Weed Control Con- ference. It is the t'irs't time in 8 or 10 years that Wyoming has i:nposed a quarantine against hay to help control noxious weeds, Chapman said. The quarantine will also be in effect, against hay brought into Wyoming drought disaster areas, lio is a Jdb Now[ On Jan. 3, the annual March of Dimes will start its drive for polio-fighting funds. While the year just ending has witnessed giant strides against this crippling disease, victory is not yet won. The trial vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas E. Salk was Omer Rawhouser, Sec'y-Treas. (PUB: Jan 6, 1955) NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PLATTE VALLEY OIL AND GAS COMPANY given last spring to 440,000 children. Now an evaluation Puhlic notice, in accordance of its effectiveness in preventing polio paralysis is being wilh Section 44-1108, Wyoming "made at the University of Michigan. Health records ofCompiled Statutes' 1945, is here- 1, 30,?00 children in the first three grades of 14,000 schools by given that at a special meeting in line 217 trial areas are being studied, of the stockholders of Platte Val- But up to now we eatmot know whether the vac- ley Oil and Gas Company, a Wyo- clam protected against paralytic polio, and we will not ming corporation, duly and legal- hnow until spring. Meanwhile, the fight must go ly called and held at Torrington, s~.eadily on. Goshen County, Wyoming, on De. Even if the vaccine is effective, polio still will strike in cember 8, 1954, at which meeting the years just ahead. It takes time for a preventive to more than 75% of the issued and become wiciely used. We must expect tens of thousanos outstanding capital stock was re- o[ men, women and children to be stricken and to need presentedPresented' votedthe stockholderSunanimouslySO re-to LIarch of Dimes aid. lhat help must be available to them. dissolve Platte Valley Oil and The light against polio is being carried out on Gas Company, a Wyoming corpor- four fronts---polio prevention, patient aid, seientitic ation, it being then found that the research and professional education. This makes it Corporation had paid all its debt,~. a much bi~er lob now Great advances have l,~.n The President and Secretary were made in tlw~past few years but the four-front attack,authorized and directed to file in must continue till final victory, the Office of the Secretary of PLATTE VALLEY OIL AND GAS COMPANY By: W. R. Glllaspie, President. ATTEST: J. G. Webb, Secretary. (PUB: Jan. 6 thru Feb. 10, 1955) NOTICE OF INCORPORATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the UPDIKE BROTHERS, INC. filed its Articles of Incor- poration with the Secretary of State at Cheyenne, Wyoming, De- cember 31st, 1954; that the col', poration was formed for the pur- pose of carrying on the business of oil well servicing and drilling and generally to do everything that may be necessary for con- ducting such business. Amount of the corporate stock of the Com- pany is $200,000.00, consisting of 2,000 shares of the par value of $100.00 each. The term of exist- ence of the Company is 50 years, The number of Directors is three, and the names of tlte Directors av. 4, 1953, they were ized fields, he explained. in two reservoirs The air force expects to lose Noxious weed seeds listed in alUPle food and favorable en- thousands of its highly trained the order are horsenettle, white ent. Welty and Ramsbot-: technicians next year through vol- horsenettlc, Austrian field cress, .~er~'oirs in Johnson coun-untary discharges, and it,needs camelthorn field bindweed, Cana- 'men to fill thos, e positions, ida thistle, leafy spurge, perennial f|lsh were recaptured thel Sgt. Bellamy has full informa-sow thistle, quaek-gress, St. John- ~rzviay 5 and Sept, 29. Re-ltion regarding the opportunities swort, white top, ox-eye daisy, ~e startling. I for young men and women in the white-leaved franseria, perennial ~'arden r - , . Green sald all the i A~r Force. He maintains offwe I nutg~ess, ye, ow nutgrass and weci an increase in growth! hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Men- [ Russian knapweed. ~ht. The average increase i day through Friday, and from 8 was 3~ inches and in la.m. to 12 noon Saturdays. Phone M BAR SERVICE CO Photo ~r%at~tces 12-0755. ~227-R1 tor Burner Fue~ tft atest length increase! The March of Dimes needs our whole-hearted sup~oort State of the State of Wyoming who shall manage the affairs of right now to do a bigger job for all of us. Dig deep during and in the Office of the County the company for the first year are ti~is January drive, it"s Y'0Ut{ flgl~t. Clerk in every county in which WALLACE R. UPDIKE, N. S. the articles of incorporation of UPDIKE and WALTER E. UPo Platte Valley Oil and Gas Corn- DIKE. The name of the town and BACK TO TIIEIR STUDIES LEGAL NOTICES pany were filed, copies of tbis No- county in which the operations John Rogers and Richard "~CE~- A-A-~~ tice of Dissolution, and said offi- of the Company shall be carried Hayne left Sunday for Lincoln, MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS cers authorized and directed to on and the principal place of bus- Nebraska after spending the holt- cause a copy of this Notice to be iness of the Company in this State days in Newcastle visiting their The annual meeting of the published in a legal weekly news- is Newcastle, Weston County. The parents. John is a student at Nc- stockholders of the Beaver Creek paper printed in each of said name of the agent in charge is N, counties once a week foqta period S. Updike, Newcastle, Wyoming. braska Wesleyan and Richard at Telephone Company will be held of six consecutiv~e week~ UPDIKE BROTHERS, INC. tends the University of Nebras- Monday, January 10, 1955 at 7:00 ka. p.m. at the Beaver Creek Com-t Witness. our hands this 30th day (PUB: Jan. 6, 13, 20, 1955) inches and the smallest The largest weight in-I 12 ounces, ~the least said the results were' because the fish were in ents only 7Vz and some of the growth attended during winter Warden said the young- the quicker they grow. length increase for fish was chalked up tie grew more inches during the 7V2 average of an inch. ~h averaged an in- 2.8 inches. of the study, Greene clear. "Apparently fish can be used for re- water." DISTRICTS SEEK FUND FOR "- School districts in ~ashakie and Ethete ar- River Indian reserva- nearlq $750,000 to build addition- 14 is seeking $438,000 a large consolidated the Mill creek area and has asked for slightly for construc-I in the Ft. Wash- is being sought Special federal fund for School facilities in areas }cial defense installa- of education of In- federal to local levels, caused marked increas- enrollments. of Indian affairs it will discontinue government and pare- on the reservation, government day Washakie, St. Mich- at Ethete and St. near Arapahoe. districts are seeking to dde for the load increase of years. have been sent dapartment of educa- and will be for- department of and welfare in YES-- Even'further markdowns to clear this winter merchandise--Savings were never greater-- Buy Now! Regular 4.98 & 5.98 values: Marlboro and Ensena- da. REDUCED TO CLEAR! MEN'S ALL WOOL JACKET STYLE SUITS Famous H Bar C. Gambler Stripes -- Black or Brown. An Exceptional Buy Now! WILL BE ~t~TURE D.C.-- simply to or "patron" will mail boxes after MEN'SHEAVY WINTER JACKETS Size to 54. Warm Quilted Lining. General Arthur E. Thurs- of so-called cities and villages d beginning was started as an ago to save that advertise for postal work- 3 Large Assortments to Choose From $3.97 - - said the results up to expecta. possible solu. in postage consists of only. s action followed complaints and irate house- to having stuffed with ad- A closeout -- all sizes --- Large Assortment of Patterns. $22.97- - $ Men's & Western Ranc From 5.97 to $15.97 H Bar C, Gross Tailors and Prior. A huge stock of Rayon Suitings and ali wool. Tony Lama Men's -- Women's Childrens II nce -- NO EXCUSES -- We're just loaded with all kinds of Quality Merchan- dise We have to cut down our inventory. Here is your chance to buy at a Great Saviog. It's a store-wide reduction of prices for your benefit Buy Now and SAVE! Prank Carlson (R. poster flee strong sup. system. complaints have Postoffice de- :four months, [ mail, unions "The Home of Stetson Hats" carriers, ru.